
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing

author:Single-minded kitten yl
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing
Grandma named her grandson Zhou Ping, and the nurse wrote one less stroke, and grandma was overjoyed! Which one is missing

On the busy city streets, Hao Chuan is always the one with a smile and full of curiosity. On this day, he stumbled upon an interesting story about a grandmother who named her grandson, and he couldn't help but want to find out.

The protagonist of the story is a spirited grandmother named Granny Li. Granny Li has a precious grandson, and she pondered for a loud and meaningful name for him long before he was born. After careful consideration, she decided to name her grandson "Zhou Ping", which means that she hopes that her grandson will be as stable as the earth, have a smooth life, and have a cheerful and peaceful personality.

Granny Li was full of joy waiting for the birth of her grandson, and finally on a sunny morning, she ushered in the long-awaited little life. In the hospital, the nurse was busy filling out the information of the newborn, while Granny Li was waiting nervously and excitedly.

"Grandma, what's your grandson's name?" Miss Nurse asked softly.

"Zhou Ping, which means stable and cheerful." Granny Li replied, a happy smile on her face.

The nurse nodded and began to fill out the information in earnest. However, just then, the unexpected happened. Due to the momentary negligence of the nurse, when she wrote the name "Zhou Ping", she wrote one less horizontal stroke in the word "Ping". In this way, "Zhou Ping" became "Zhou Yan".

When the nurse handed the completed information to Granny Li, she noticed the mistake at a glance. However, unexpectedly, Granny Li was not angry, but overjoyed. She scrutinized the name, a brighter smile on her face.

"The word 冖 is good, this word is like a roof, which means shelter and protection." Granny Li smiled and said to Miss Nurse, "It seems that my grandson is destined to have a warm home and have relatives to protect him to grow up." If the name is not changed, it will be called Zhou Yin! ”

The nurse couldn't help but laugh when she heard Granny Li's words. She didn't expect that her small mistake would make Granny Li find a more beautiful meaning.

This interesting story quickly spread in the streets and alleys, and Hao Chuan also heard the news. He found the story not only interesting, but also full of wisdom and positive energy. He decided to visit Granny Li to hear what she had to say about the story.

When he came to Granny Li's house, Hao Chuan saw an old man who was in good spirits and amiable. He told Granny Li the story he had heard and expressed his feelings.

Granny Li laughed when she heard this, and she told Hao Chuan: "Actually, a name is just a symbol, what matters is how we look at it and how we give it meaning." When I saw the name 'Zhou Yin', I thought of a roof, which means shelter and protection. I think this is a revelation from God to me, telling me to cherish and care for my family more. ”

Hao Chuan listened to Granny Li's words and was deeply inspired. He realized that a name was not just a simple salutation, it also carried the expectations and blessings of his family. We should cherish our name and give it a better meaning, and at the same time, we should cherish the people around us and give them more love and support.

When he left Granny Li's house, Hao Chuan's heart was full of emotion and positive energy. He believes that as long as we feel life with our hearts and give things a better meaning, our lives will become better and happier.

This story spread in the streets and alleys, and became a topic of conversation after dinner. It not only brings laughter and joy to people, but also conveys a positive energy and wisdom of life. It tells us to cherish the people in front of us, cherish the things around us, and feel the beauty and true meaning of life with our hearts. In this hustle and bustle of the world, let's feel every beauty and happiness of life with our hearts!