
"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

author:Fei Ge said entertainment

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There is a new news about "Sister Lang 5", which can be said to have caused a lot of waves. It is said that in the show, Chen Lijun shouted shady scenes on the spot after losing, and this excited remark was silenced. This incident instantly sparked countless speculations and discussions.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

And in this turmoil, Yang Ma spoke out in support, which made this incident more and more confusing. What kind of situation made Chen Lijun so out of shape? What is the truth behind the silence? What are the considerations for Yang Ma's support? This series of questions lingers in everyone's mind. In this entertainment industry incident full of topics and controversies, we might as well look at and think with a more rational and objective attitude?

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

When the countdown to the live broadcast began, the entire online world seemed to be immersed in an atmosphere of antiquity and excitement. Countless fans stayed in front of the screen early, their hearts beating with the countdown numbers, and their eyes flashing with anticipation. The feeling of tension and excitement is like a mysterious and gorgeous treasure about to be revealed.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

Everyone was hotly discussing on social media, speculating about what kind of surprises the sisters would bring, and every comment and every like was full of anticipation for the show. At this moment, "Sister Lang 5" is not just a show, but more like a grand party with the participation of the whole people.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

With the lighting of the stage, the curtain of the live broadcast was officially opened, and the atmosphere was instantly ignited to a climax. The wonderful performances of the sisters are like brilliant fireworks blooming in the night sky, which is dizzying. They use their singing to convey emotions and dance to show their charm, and every movement and every note seems to have magic power, firmly grasping the hearts of the audience. The audience cheered in front of the screen, cheering on their favorite sister, and the atmosphere was so hot that it seemed to set the whole world on fire.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

Among them, Chen Lijun's performance, she put the traditional art of Yue Opera on the stage of "Sister Lang 5", with her unique singing voice and elegant posture, making the audience feel as if they had traveled through time and space and appreciated the charm of ancient art. Her performance won thunderous applause and cheers from the audience, and at that moment, she became the center of attention on the stage, and also gave new life to the ancient art of Yue Opera on the stage of modern entertainment.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

The moment the voting results were announced, the unexpected happened. Chen Lijun, who was originally pinned on by the audience, did not get the expected ranking. This result instantly caused an uproar among the audience, and doubts poured in like a tide. Some people suspected that there was a shady voting process, some accused the program team of manipulating the results, and social media was instantly filled with angry and disappointed voices.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

Not only that, Chen Lijun also encountered silence during the performance. This situation has greatly reduced the already wonderful performance, and further escalated the dissatisfaction of the audience. They all complained about Chen Lijun, believing that this was unfair treatment to her and disrespectful to art.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

At the same time, technical problems that arose during the voting process added fuel to the fire. Viewers found that the voting system was malfunctioning, resulting in some votes not being counted properly, which made them seriously question the fairness of the show. They began to doubt the fairness of the whole competition, questioning whether the program team was manipulating everything behind the scenes.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

Faced with such a situation, the attitude of the audience is also different. A part of the audience is still firmly supportive of their favorite players, believing that the hard work and talent of the players cannot be ignored and that they should be recognized and encouraged regardless of the outcome. They believe that true artistic value is not denied by the outcome of a competition.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

But another part of the audience expressed strong dissatisfaction with the program team. They asked the program team to disclose the details of the vote, explain the reasons for the accident, and create a fair and just environment. They believe that only on a level playing field can the hard work and talent of the players be truly respected and rewarded.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

In this hustle and bustle, we can't help but think, what kind of existence should the entertainment industry be? Is it a stage full of shady scenes and manipulation, or a sunny place where artists can show their talents and the audience can appreciate art? What the audience longs to see is a clean and bright stage, a stage where every artist can have a fair chance to show their talents. What they want to see is that true art is respected, and that hard work and talent are duly rewarded.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

In reality, the entertainment industry is often chilling. All kinds of shady, manipulative, and unfair phenomena are not uncommon. This not only hurts the enthusiasm and hard work of the artists, but also hurts the feelings and trust of the audience. We can't help but ask, is there a future for such an entertainment industry?

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

Perhaps, we should call on practitioners in the entertainment industry to stick to their professional ethics and conscience and create a truly fair stage for the audience. Let every artist be able to succeed with their own strength and talent, and let every audience be able to see the real art and beauty on this stage.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

Brushing off the clothes and going away, hiding deep with the name. Perhaps for Chen Lijun, the result this time is no longer important, she has completed the task of promoting Yue Opera and returned to Yue Opera after success.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

But for the entire entertainment industry, this incident is by no means just an example of "Sister Lang 5", but should trigger a deep and comprehensive reflection. The entertainment industry should be a field full of dreams and hopes, a place where talents can be displayed and efforts can be recognized.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

Nowadays, similar unfairness and shady phenomena frequently occur, which is undoubtedly a blasphemy of art, a trampling on the hard work of countless artists, and a disappointment to the enthusiasm and trust of the audience.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

We must no longer turn a blind eye to such phenomena and allow these injustices and shady phenomena to continue to exist unchecked. The entertainment industry we yearn for should be a sunny pure land, with no dark box operations, no behind-the-scenes masters, only pure art and fair competition.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

In such an entertainment industry, every artist can get the opportunities they deserve with their own strength and unremitting efforts, every talent can be fully displayed and respected, and every effort can be exchanged for a fair return.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

Whether it is a fledgling newcomer or a battle-hardened senior, they can shine their own unique light on this stage. It will not be buried because of background, power, or other improper factors, nor will it be missed because someone is secretly manipulating.

"Sister Lang 5" new news: Chen Lijun lost the scene and shouted that the shady scene was silenced! Yang Ma spoke out in support

Dear readers, what do you think of the annual live broadcast of "Sister Lang 5"? Do you support the show, or do you express dissatisfaction with it? Do you think that the entertainment industry needs to be reformed, or do you think it is just an isolated phenomenon? Everyone is welcome to share their thoughts, let's work together to promote justice and positive energy in the entertainment industry, and create a better future for our favorite entertainment programs!

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