
Summer is coming! The heat is at the end, and the old cow dies in heat; Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

author:The food of the living home


In traditional Chinese culture, solar terms are the product of agricultural civilization, which not only guides the cultivation and life of ancient farmers, but also contains profound cultural significance. The arrival of the summer solstice and the small summer heat, as two important nodes in the 24 solar terms, marks the transition of the different seasons of the year.

The summer solstice, which falls on June 21 this year, is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. On this day, the sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, marking the official start of summer. After the summer solstice, the daylight hours gradually shorten as the sun moves south, but the temperature continues to climb until the summer heat ushers.

Summer is coming! The heat is at the end, and the old cow dies in heat; Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

Xiaoxiao, as the 11th of the 24 solar terms, falls on July 6 this year, and its arrival means the beginning of the summer season. Although Xiaoxiao has "summer" in its name, it is not as hot as the big summer that follows, it is more like a transitional period, indicating that a hotter summer is coming.

The word "summer" means hot in Chinese, and although Xiaoxia is not as hot as Da Xia, its arrival undoubtedly brings a signal that people are about to fall into ambush. Dog days, the hottest period of the year, usually start on the first Geng day after the summer and last for about 40 days. During this period, the high temperature and humid weather brought great challenges to people's lives and the growth of crops.

Summer is coming! The heat is at the end, and the old cow dies in heat; Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

The lunar time of the festival has a significant impact on the climate. In the traditional Chinese concept, if the festival falls at the end of the lunar calendar, the so-called "Xiaoxiao at the end", it indicates that the following weather will be very hot, and there is even a risk of overheating. On the other hand, if the festival falls at the beginning of the lunar calendar, that is, "the summer is at the beginning", it means that the climate will be relatively mild, with moderate heat and cold.

The little heat is at the end, and the old cow is hot to death, what does it mean? Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

Summer is coming! The heat is at the end, and the old cow dies in heat; Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

In fact, the complete saying goes, "The little heat is at the end, and the old cow dies of heat; The heat is at the head, and the heat and cold are moderate; Xiaoxia is at the end, and the three dogs wear the jacket", but the number of words on the title is limited, and it is impossible to write them all.

This old saying is a vivid description of the impact of the summer festival on the climate. "The heat is at the end, and the heat kills the old cow" means that if the heat is at the end of the lunar month, then the next high temperature may be very extreme, and even the heat-resistant old cow can hardly bear it. And "a little heat is at the beginning, and the heat and cold are moderate" indicates that the climate will be more pleasant, not too hot and not too cold. As for the phrase "the summer is at the end, the dog days are wearing jackets" is an exaggerated expression of the extreme climate, which is intended to emphasize that if the summer heat comes late, then the dog days can be unusually cold and you need to wear heavy clothing.

Summer is coming! The heat is at the end, and the old cow dies in heat; Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

If the summer festival falls in late May, according to traditional belief, this usually heralds a hot summer. In this case, people need to be prepared to prevent heat stroke and cool down, and farmers need to strengthen irrigation and protection of crops to reduce losses caused by drought and high temperatures.

Comparatively speaking, if the summer festival falls in early June, then the climate is likely to be milder. This climatic condition is favorable for the growth of crops, and farmers can use this period to strengthen field management and promote the healthy growth of crops.

Summer is coming! The heat is at the end, and the old cow dies in heat; Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

For the specific lunar time of this year's Xiaoxiao, we need to determine it according to the actual operation of the lunar calendar and the sun. Once the lunar time of Xiaoxia is determined, we can use the above agricultural proverbs to make climate predictions and prepare for agricultural activities and daily life.

If the summer festival falls in mid-June, this usually means that there will be some uncertainty about the climate. In this case, people need to pay more attention to weather changes and be ready to deal with possible extreme weather.

Summer is coming! The heat is at the end, and the old cow dies in heat; Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

The weather conditions on the day of the summer also have a predictive effect on the subsequent climate. For example, if the weather is hot on the day of the summer heat, then the next heat may be even hotter; If there is thunder on the day of the summer heat, this may indicate that the rainy season will last longer.

From the point of view of time, this year's Xiaoxia falls on the first day of the sixth lunar month, which is the saying that Xiaoxia is at the head. According to the common saying, this year's summer heat is a moderate hot and cold weather, which is quite a good thing for us.

In ancient times, people observed natural phenomena in great detail, and they found that the weather conditions on the day of the summer heat could often predict the trend of the climate in the future. For example, if the weather is unusually hot on the day of the summer heat, there will be a saying in the agricultural proverb that "the heat is too hot, and there is nowhere to hide from the heat heat", which means that the heat during the summer will be very unbearable. And if there is a thunderstorm on the day of the summer season, there is a saying among the people that "the summer thunder and turn it upside down to make yellow plums", suggesting that the rainy season may be extended.

Summer is coming! The heat is at the end, and the old cow dies in heat; Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

The high temperature during the summer months not only affects the climate in the summer, but may also have a certain impact on the climate in the autumn. It is often said in the agricultural proverb that "the summer is hot, the beginning of autumn is cool", which means that if the temperature is too high during the summer season, then by the beginning of autumn, the temperature may be relatively low, bringing a cool autumn.

The duration of the rainy season is crucial for the growth of crops. If there is a thunderstorm on the day of the summer season, according to the agricultural proverb "a small summer thunder, the rainy season is long", this may indicate that the rainy season will be extended, and farmers need to prepare accordingly for possible flooding.

Summer is coming! The heat is at the end, and the old cow dies in heat; Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

Agricultural proverbs are the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient farmers, and they reflect the laws of nature and climate change to a certain extent. However, in modern climates, due to factors such as global warming, some agricultural proverbs may no longer be fully applicable. We need to combine the knowledge of modern meteorology to scientifically interpret and apply these traditional wisdoms.

Despite this, the spirit of observing nature and conforming to nature contained in the agricultural proverb is still worth learning. In modern agricultural production, we can use modern scientific and technological means, combined with the laws in agricultural proverbs, to carry out more accurate climate prediction and agricultural arrangements.

Summer is coming! The heat is at the end, and the old cow dies in heat; Is this year's summer summer at the beginning or the end? What's the saying?

China is a vast country, and the climatic conditions vary significantly from region to region. For example, the rainy season in the south contrasts sharply with the arid climate in the north. Therefore, when applying agricultural proverbs, we need to take into account regional differences and carry out agricultural activities according to local conditions. The climate in various places may no longer be explained by agricultural proverbs, but it is still an important way for old farmers to judge the future climate.

As an important solar term in summer, Xiaoxiao not only occupies an important position in the ancient farming culture, but also the climatic law and agricultural proverb wisdom behind it still have a certain reference value today. Through an in-depth understanding of the solar terms of the summer season, we can better understand nature, conform to nature, and achieve harmonious coexistence with nature.