
@2024届新员工|Embark on the "Xinyun" bullet train and open a new chapter in your life!

author:CREC China Railway Zhang Xin
@2024届新员工|Embark on the "Xinyun" bullet train and open a new chapter in your life!
@2024届新员工|Embark on the "Xinyun" bullet train and open a new chapter in your life!


Check-in time and place

@2024届新员工|Embark on the "Xinyun" bullet train and open a new chapter in your life!


Check-in time and place:

Registration time: 14:30-17:30, July 8, 2024

Registration location: China Railway Second Bureau Group Xinyun Engineering Co., Ltd

Registration address: No. 1, Changfu Street, Jinniu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province

Contact: Mr. Fang (18349693215)

Ms. Zhang (15883382272)


Check-in location positioning:

China Railway Second Bureau Group Xinyun Engineering Company

No. 1 Changfu Street, Jinniu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province (380 meters walk from Exit A of Xinghe Metro Station)

【Tips】Please plan your personal itinerary in advance and report on time according to the specified time. If you are unable to register on time due to special circumstances, please contact the Human Resources Department of Xinyun Company at least five days in advance.

In order to ensure that the onboarding work of employees is carried out in an orderly manner, please do not report in advance.



@2024届新员工|Embark on the "Xinyun" bullet train and open a new chapter in your life!

Hotel: Qingju Hotel, Jinniu District, Chengdu

Address: No. 48, Jinfangyuan Heng Street, Jinniu District, Chengdu (280 meters walk from Exit C of Huazhaobi Metro Station)

Qingju Hotel (Southwest Jiaotong University Yipin Tianxia Branch)

No. 48, Jinfangyuan Heng Street, Jinniu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province (near Exit A1 of Huazhaobi of Metro Line 7)


Check in and bring your materials

@2024届新员工|Embark on the "Xinyun" bullet train and open a new chapter in your life!

Educational materials

1. Valid ID card: original resident ID card and 2 copies

2. Academic qualifications: original graduation certificate, degree certificate, and 1 copy of each copy, and 1 academic degree and degree inquiry report of the academic information network

3. 3 personal 2-inch bareheaded photos (blue or white background)

Party member materials

4. Party organization relationship: letter of introduction to the organizational relationship between party members and probationary party members

Archival materials

5. The personal file must be transferred to China Railway Second Bureau Group Co., Ltd. (address: Human Resources Department, China Railway Second Bureau, No. 16, Tongjin Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Contact: Mr. Wang 028-86443039), which was transferred from the group company to its subsidiaries (branches). No personal submissions will be accepted.

Other materials

6. Proof of Hukou Migration (if required)


Check-in related procedures

01. Hotel check-in

On the day of registration on July 8, please check in at the hotel and put your luggage.

02. The company centralized registration

At half past two in the afternoon, I went to the company to go through the registration procedures and collect the materials.


03. The company has a centralized meal

Dinner at 6 p.m.




01. Unified normative requirements

In order to facilitate management, college graduates are divided into 5 groups, each group has a team leader and a deputy team leader, who is mainly responsible for the organization and coordination of the team members during the induction training.

02. Training schedule

@2024届新员工|Embark on the "Xinyun" bullet train and open a new chapter in your life!

03. Work and rest schedule

During the induction training, breakfast will be served in the hotel (buffet), and lunch and dinner will be served in the canteen of the company's headquarters.

Breakfast time: 07:00 (hotel buffet)

Training time: 08:30-12:00

Lunch: 12:00 (company cafeteria)

Training time: 14:00-18:00

Dinner: 18:00 (company cafeteria)

04. Other requirements

  1. Please keep your personal information properly and submit the relevant information to the management teacher Zhang after the training on July 13.
  2. Please strictly follow the requirements of the new employee training manual, consciously abide by the training discipline, and shall not be absent or ask for leave during the training. If you are unable to participate in training and related activities under special circumstances, you must apply for leave in writing to Fang Yang, deputy director of the company's human resources department, and register with Mr. Zhang, the manager.
  3. When participating in training, please set the communication tool to silent or vibrate mode.
  4. During the training period, the company will arrange food and accommodation, and no one is allowed to stay outside the designated hotel, and the roll call will be carried out every night.
  5. In case of emergency, please contact the management teacher as soon as possible.


Q&A Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you need to prepare bed items

Q: Do you prepare your own bedding?

A: You can prepare it yourself or not. During the training period, the board and lodging will be arranged by the company, and there is no need to bring bed sheets, bedding and other bedding; Assigned to the project, the project will also prepare bedding and basic household items, but will need to bring a personal change of clothes.

How to get reimbursed for your fare

Q: How do I buy a ticket, and can I be reimbursed after purchasing a ticket?

A: Due to the different departure places, please buy your own tickets to Chengdu. Ticket purchase standard: within 7% off the original price of the air ticket economy class, railway hard sleeper or high-speed rail second-class standard. The reimbursement includes the travel expenses from the school or home to Chengdu, please keep the ticket voucher (including the boarding pass, itinerary or railway ticket reimbursement voucher with your name as the letterhead), and report to the project department for reimbursement.

What should I do if I can't check in on time?

Q: What should I do if I can't check in on time?

A: If you can't register on time, please contact Mr. Zhang, the manager, as soon as possible, and explain your personal situation before confirming.

Whether you want to bring a laptop or not

Q: Do I need to bring a laptop with me?

A: Due to work needs, please bring your laptops to report.


Write at the end

Among tens of millions of people, between tens of millions of years

There is no one step earlier, and there is no one step later

We met in Xinyun and the time was just right

@2024届新员工|Embark on the "Xinyun" bullet train and open a new chapter in your life!


Source: Xinyun Company of China Railway Second Bureau