
Uterine fibroids are too cold in blood, and one of my parties forces out the cold air of the uterus, and the fibroids drain themselves

author:Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Uterine fibroids are too cold in blood, and one of my parties forces out the cold air of the uterus, and the fibroids drain themselves

Uterine fibroids, a global problem in Western medicine, have also plagued countless women for a long time. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is figuratively called "stone qi" and is believed to have its root in the condensation of cold qi. When the cold qi invades the body, the flow of qi and blood is blocked, and the blood stasis will remain in the uterus, and over time, fibroids will be formed.

A few years ago, I saw a Ms. Yang. She complained of uterine fibroids and sought medical attention but the effect was not obvious. Later, I was introduced by a friend and found me.

In addition to uterine fibroids, Ms. Yang also feels cold, has mood swings, severe menstrual cramps, constipation and poor sleep quality.

After careful dialectic, I tailored a plan for her to warm the meridians and dispel cold, nourish blood and remove stasis.

Uterine fibroids are too cold in blood, and one of my parties forces out the cold air of the uterus, and the fibroids drain themselves

I borrowed from the ancient recipe Wenjing soup and adjusted it appropriately according to her personal situation. On the basis of the original prescription, angelica and Chuanxiong were added to nourish and invigorate the blood, and cinnamon branches and Wu Zhuyu were added to warm the meridian and dispel the cold; Then through the peony skin, red peony to clear the heat and cool the blood, and finally supplemented by several other herbs to reconcile the overall situation.

After taking a course of treatment, Ms. Yang's symptoms were significantly reduced. During her menstruation, she passed a large amount of blood clots, and subsequent follow-up tests showed that her fibroids had shrunk significantly. After several more courses, the fibroids disappeared completely.

Uterine fibroids are too cold in blood, and one of my parties forces out the cold air of the uterus, and the fibroids drain themselves

This successful experience has made me even more convinced of the value of Chinese medicine. Therefore, I am committed to sharing my experience and hope to help more women who are suffering from uterine fibroids. I don't want patients to flock to TCM, I just hope that through my efforts, more people can understand, trust and benefit from TCM. As long as I can help someone, my efforts are meaningful.