
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!

author:That Man in Oman
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!
The article "Son-in-law" is so exciting, the naked reality, you savor it!

In the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, there was a young man named Li Xiaobai, who came from an ordinary peasant family, but was widely praised for his wit, bravery, and kindness. However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people, and by chance, he became the son-in-law of the prime minister, and since then, his life has changed dramatically.

Li Xiaobai originally lived an ordinary life in the countryside, working at sunrise and resting at sunset every day, living in harmony with his parents and fellow villagers. However, one day, when he went to the city to purchase supplies, he happened to meet the daughter of the Prime Minister's Mansion - the beautiful and intelligent Yu'er. The two hit it off at first sight and had a good conversation. Yu'er is attracted by Li Xiaobai's sincerity and talent, and Li Xiaobai also admires Yu'er's beauty and kindness.

After getting along for a while, Yu'er decided to propose to her father the idea of recruiting Li Xiaobai as her son-in-law. Although the prime minister was a little dissatisfied with Li Xiaobai's background at first, he saw that his daughter was so determined, and Li Xiaobai was indeed talented and well-behaved, so he also agreed to this family business.

As a result, Li Xiaobai changed from an ordinary young man in the countryside to the son-in-law of the Prime Minister's Mansion overnight. He moved to the bustling capital and lived in the majestic mansion of the Prime Minister's Mansion. However, in the face of sudden prosperity and wealth, Li Xiaobai did not lose himself, he still maintained the qualities of humility, diligence and kindness.

However, life in the Prime Minister's Mansion is not as good as Li Xiaobai imagined. Not only does he have to face complex interpersonal relationships in the house, but he also has to deal with all kinds of pressures and temptations from the outside world. Some were jealous of his status and secretly slandered him; Others want to use his connections for personal gain. In the face of these difficulties and challenges, Li Xiaobai did not flinch, and he used his wisdom and courage to resolve the crises one by one.

One day, the emperor suddenly issued an order for the Prime Minister's Office to recommend a young talent to serve in an important position in the imperial court. The people in the Prime Minister's Mansion wanted to seize this opportunity and recommended their favorite candidates to the Prime Minister one after another. However, the prime minister left this opportunity to Li Xiaobai. He believes that Li Xiaobai's talent and moral character are up to the task.

After Li Xiaobai learned the news, he was both excited and apprehensive. He knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but he also knew he had a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. So, he began an intense and fulfilling preparation. He assiduously studied the subset of classics and history, and worked hard to improve his political literacy; He humbly asked the old ministers of the court for advice and learned their ways of being officials; He also went deep into the people to understand the people's feelings and opinions, and laid a solid foundation for his future work.

After a period of preparation, Li Xiaobai finally ushered in the day of taking office. With excitement, he stepped into the carriage to the imperial court. Along the way, he looked out the window at the bustling street scene and busy pedestrians, and his heart was full of longing and expectation for the future.

In the imperial court, Li Xiaobai quickly won the respect of his colleagues and the emperor's appreciation with his talent and diligence. He was honest and honest, diligent and loved the people, and dared to speak out, winning the love and support of the people. Thanks to his efforts, the government affairs of the imperial court gradually became clearer, and the prosperity and stability of the country were further consolidated.

However, at this moment, a sudden disaster shattered the peace of the imperial court. There was serious fighting in the border area, and the enemy army took the opportunity to invade the border of the Tang Dynasty. The court was in turmoil, and many were worried about how to deal with the crisis.

In the face of this crisis, Li Xiaobai did not flinch. He took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the border area to command the operation. During his time on the frontier, he led his soldiers to successfully repel the invasion of the enemy army and regain lost territory. His heroic deeds spread throughout the court and the people, and people praised him as a pillar of the country.

After the war, Li Xiaobai returned to the imperial court. Instead of being complacent about his exploits, he worked more humbly and diligently. He is well aware that only by continuous efforts can he make greater contributions to the country and the people.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, Li Xiaobai has always maintained his respect and gratitude to his father-in-law. He often accompanies his father-in-law, listens to his teachings and guidance, and strives to integrate these teachings into his work and life. The father-in-law was also very relieved and proud to see his son-in-law so sensible and motivated.

As time passed, Li Xiaobai's status in the court became higher and higher, but he always maintained his original intention and the spirit of sticking to morality. He used his practical actions to interpret what a real "son-in-law" and "gentleman" are, and became a legendary figure in the history of the Tang Dynasty.