
Never fight a selfish man.

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.
Never fight a selfish man.

In a bustling city, Li Yating and Zhao Tianyu were college classmates, and the two entered the same company together after graduation. Zhao Tianyu is handsome and talented on the outside, and is highly regarded by the company's leaders, but he hides a subtle selfishness inside.

One day, the company announced an important project that is crucial to the company's future development, and the leader of the project will be between Li Yating and Zhao Tianyu. Both are capable of the company, but Li Yating is widely regarded as the best candidate for her unique insights into the project and excellent teamwork skills.

However, the day before the results were announced, Zhao Tianyu found Li Yating, and his eyes revealed a trace of imperceptible cunning.

"Yating, I heard that you are very interested in this project." Zhao Tianyu said with a smile, but there was a hint of provocation in his tone.

"Yes, Tianyu, this project is very important to the company, and I hope to be able to contribute to the company." Li Yating replied frankly and firmly.

Zhao Tianyu suddenly got closer, and lowered his voice: "You know, I also want to be in charge of this project." However, I heard that you have been getting very close to the leader recently, do you want to go through the back door? ”

Li Yating was angered by Zhao Tianyu's words, and she was about to refute, but Zhao Tianyu took the lead and said: "Yating, we are all for the good of the company, but I don't want this project to fail because of some people's selfishness." I hope we can level the playing field. ”

Li Yating took a deep breath and tried to stay calm: "Tianyu, I understand what you mean. But what I'm telling you is that I never thought of going through the back door, I just did what I could to contribute to the company. I trust the company to make decisions based on our capabilities and performance. ”

However, Zhao Tianyu did not listen to Li Yating's words. He had already decided in his heart that he would use all means to fight for this project. He began to spread rumors in the company that Li Yating had an improper relationship with the leader in an attempt to damage her reputation. He also secretly hinted to his superiors that if Li Yating was put in charge of the project, it could lead to damage to the company's interests.

Under the double blow of rumors and black-box operations, Li Yating's pressure is increasing. She felt as if she was trapped in an invisible net, unable to break free. But she didn't give up, and she firmly believed that her abilities and loyalty to the company would allow her to be treated fairly in the end.

Finally, at the company's project leader meeting, Li Yating successfully won everyone's recognition with her outstanding performance and deep understanding of the project. She was appointed as the head of the project, and Zhao Tianyu lost this opportunity because of his own selfish and despicable methods.

However, Li Yating did not feel happy or satisfied because of this. She looked at Zhao Tianyu's lost back, and her heart was full of complicated emotions. She understands that competing with a selfish man will only lead to endless pain and trouble. She decided to put aside her past grievances and focus on the implementation of the project and the future development of the company.

In the following days, Li Yating led the team to devote themselves to the project with all their might. She has proved her ability and value with her practical actions. Under her leadership, the project was a complete success, bringing great benefits and reputation to the company.

Zhao Tianyu, on the other hand, gradually lost the trust of his colleagues and leaders because of his selfishness and wrong behavior. He realized how stupid and pathetic his actions had been. He began to reflect on his actions and work to correct his shortcomings.

This story teaches us a profound truth: never compete with a selfish man. Because their selfishness and narrow-mindedness will only plunge us into endless pain and trouble. We should remain calm and rational in the face of life's challenges and difficulties. Only in this way can we achieve true happiness and success.