
Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!

author:Great discoveries of knowledge

#女孩掉进窨井 Several students work together to rescue#

One is quite common, but many people may not be able to pronounce it correctly and don't know what it is - "manhole". If you pass by the streets and alleys of the city, you must have seen those small holes in the ground covered with iron covers, and at the right end, they are manholes. So how do you pronounce these two words? It's "yìn jǐng", remember ha, 窨 (yìn), not "yin" or "yin", don't pronounce it wrong next time, so as not to be laughed at.

Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!

What exactly is a manhole?

Manholes, to put it bluntly, are small rooms buried in the ground and used to hide threads, pipes, and other things. Think about it, so many power lines, water pipes, and sewers in our city must have an entrance and exit, and the manhole is the gateway for them to enter and exit.

Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!
Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!

Why is it called "kiln"? The word was a bit archaic, originally meaning basement or cellar, and later it was used to refer to these underground facilities.

What are they for?

Manholes are important, and without them, our lives would be chaotic. If there is no rainwater sewer, the water can reach the knees on rainy days; Without cable manholes, the TV and Internet at home may be cut off.

Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!
Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!

To put it simply, the manhole is the "stomach" of the city, responsible for digesting and transporting all kinds of "food" and keeping the city running smoothly.

Do you know the history of manholes?

In ancient times, people began to dig ditches and build ponds in order to drain water, and then slowly developed into what we see today. As the city gets bigger and bigger, the manhole has also been upgraded, from a simple stone cover to a high-tech smart manhole cover, the changes are not small.

Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!
Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!

Safety issues should not be overlooked!

Sometimes, the manhole cover is missing, or a hole is broken, and if you don't pay attention to it on the road, you will fall into it with a "clang", which is not a joke. Every year, there are many people who are injured or even lose their lives due to manhole accidents, which is really distressing.

Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!
Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!

Relevant departments should take responsibility for regularly inspecting and repairing manholes, especially during the rainstorm season, and intensify inspections. Now some places have used high technology, such as installing smart manhole covers, and calling the police as soon as there is an abnormality, which is quite advanced. Also, install an anti-fall net on the manhole, so that even if the cover is gone, people will not fall directly, which is much safer.

Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!
Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!

When walking at night or traveling on rainy days, you have to keep your eyes bright and avoid those manholes that don't look right. If you do run into it, remember to take a detour from afar, and don't be curious to step on it. If you find a problem, call the relevant departments and be a good citizen.

Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!
Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!

Everyone can contribute to the safety of the manhole. Teach your children not to play near manholes, and to be aware of safety.

Manhole, how do you pronounce this word? What is the meaning? Let's find out!

If you see a discussion about manholes on the Internet, you might as well participate in it and call on all sectors of society to pay more attention to this issue.

Although the manhole is small, it is related to the blood of the city and the safety of its residents.