
35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

author:Tao's own land


Tsinghua University is the temple of all college entrance examination students' dreams, in order to be admitted to Tsinghua University, many students have paid their youth and sweat for this, and some students have taken the exam year after year, exhausting their youth and hard work. But it is getting farther and farther away, such as Tang Shangjun, a 35-year-old nail household in the Guangxi college entrance examination, who has participated in the college entrance examination 16 times in a row, just to be able to enter Tsinghua University, but he is getting farther and farther away from Tsinghua University, and finally has to give up the obsession in his heart.

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

In order to complete his dream of studying medicine, now at the age of 35, he has embarked on the road of the college entrance examination again, and wants to realize his dream of Tsinghua University again, let us take a look at the former scholar, now the middle-aged uncle Li Long's college entrance examination results this year!

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

Lee Long's dream

Li Long, a native of Harbin, Heilongjiang, with a Douyin account named "Tsinghua Li Long Mathematics", currently has 161,000 Douyin fans, and is a former Xueersi S-level teacher, that is, the highest and best teacher of Xueersi, with 13 years of mathematics teaching experience, 10% of the students were admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, but such an excellent mathematics teacher chose to retake Tsinghua University at the age of 35, which became the object of attention and heated discussion on the whole network.

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

In 2008, Li Long, who was only 18 years old, was admitted to the basic science experimental class of mathematics and physics of Tsinghua University with a high score of 695 points, at that time Li Long's dream was to study medicine, but he had no choice but to give up because of family reasons, Li Long began to engage in the education and training industry during college, and stayed in Beijing after graduation, and continued to work in the education and training industry.

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

In order to prepare for this year's college entrance examination, Li Long devoted himself to learning 100 days before the exam, after 100 days of preparation, Li Long stepped into the college entrance examination room on June 7 with more than 13 million candidates across the country, but Li Long did not do well in the first subject of the Chinese exam, after the exam he revealed to netizens that because he participated in the college entrance examination on the hot search, received everyone's attention, so the pressure during the exam was too much, a little nervous eventually led to not enough 800 words in Chinese.

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

On June 25th, Li Longkai revealed this year's college entrance examination to netizens who cared about him, and he said in the live broadcast room that maybe netizens would think that he did poorly, but he personally felt that the results of the college entrance examination were quite satisfactory, after all, he is 35 years old this year, and his intelligence and learning ability are far inferior to his 18-year-old self, not to mention that this year is his first year of fighting Tsinghua again, even if he can't pass the exam this year, there will be next year and the year after tomorrow! Predecessor Liang Shibu was also 57 years old, and Li Long is only 35 years old this year, compared with Liang Shi, Li Long has many opportunities.

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

Li Long set himself a goal of more than 700 points before the exam, because only those above 700 can go to Tsinghua University, but after the exam, Li Long felt that the goal of 700 points could not be achieved, because the Chinese composition did not fill 800 words, and he would definitely be deducted points.

Although the goal of 700 points this year cannot be achieved, Li Long still achieved a high score of more than 600 points in this year's college entrance examination, and Li Long did not disclose the specific score. Li Long also learned Tang Shangjun and sold it to netizens, and the specific score will be announced to everyone after filling in the voluntary admission school.

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

Since his dream is to study medicine, Li Long's ambition this year will be to fill in the major of medicine, preferably with a master's and doctor's degree, and the school will mainly be in Beijing and Shanghai.

Netizens are very interested in Li Long's college entrance examination scores this year, and they all want to know how many points he has scored, although Li Long did not disclose the specific scores to netizens, but he said that the language is not as high as Liang Shi. And Liang Shi's Chinese score in this year's college entrance examination is 108 points, it is certain that Li Long's Chinese score is lower than 108 points, and for students who want to be admitted to Tsinghua University, the Chinese score of less than 108 is basically missing Tsinghua University.

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

According to Li Long, he checked his scores online after the physics test, but after the college entrance examination results came out, Li Long found that his physics score was 18 points lower than the estimated score, which led to a decrease of 18 points in his total score.

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

Netizens questioned

At the age of 35, he still took the college entrance examination, and he is also a Tsinghua graduate, with the blessing of the halo of Tsinghua graduates, Li Long has received the attention and discussion of the majority of netizens. Some netizens questioned that he was here to use the college entrance examination to hype, take the opportunity to earn traffic, win the attention of netizens, and finally come to monetize the traffic, but Li Long denied that he was suspected of hype.

Li Long's Douyin account has released a total of 20 works, of which 14 works are topics related to the college entrance examination, and these works have received good traffic, with the blessing of the traffic of these works, Li Long has gained the attention of more than 100,000 people in a short period of time, Li Long is not hype, it is clear at a glance.

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

With the development of Internet self-media, people have tried every means to earn traffic and win the attention of netizens. The college entrance examination is a hot spot, countless candidates who are famous through the college entrance examination every year, Liang Shi and Tang Shangjun have insisted on the college entrance examination for decades, and now they have become Internet celebrities, turning the college entrance examination into a career, and now they have joined a Tsinghua graduate Li Long, will the college entrance examination become more and more crowded in the future? We'll see!

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

Personal opinion

Regardless of whether Li Long is hyped or not, I personally still think that at the age of 35, he still has the courage and courage to take the college entrance examination to change majors in college, and Li Long alone has far surpassed the vast majority of ordinary people.

35-year-old Tsinghua graduate college entrance examination: Chinese is not as high as Liang Shigao, physics is not ideal, ready to apply for review

Besides, even if he doesn't go to Tsinghua University, he can go to a good medical university, he really doesn't have to care about all kinds of evaluations, after all, he has already been admitted to Tsinghua University once, and he has three suites in Beijing through his own efforts, just do his best.

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