
There is a kind of "stealth" that will make you more and more attentive, better and stronger

author:Kelly writes to create freedom

The more I write, the more comfortable it is.,Yesterday it took less than three hours to complete the daily update.,It's much earlier than in the past to get to the evening.,Thinking about publishing at 10 o'clock.,There's something wrong with the computer.,Send it with a mobile phone.,After publishing.,The article is generated by micro headlines.,There's no title.,No ads.,If you want to modify it, don't let you change these content.,Hey,That's the only way.。 Now I understand, why my previous articles were read a lot and I didn't have any income, I shouldn't have invested in it. It doesn't matter if it's all in points, what's the matter?

There is a kind of "stealth" that will make you more and more attentive, better and stronger

Last night, I listened to Mr. Wujie and Mr. Pei talk about the reading club, and talked about what the meaning of reading is, she said that reading is not for decoration, not to show off how many books I have read this year, but to think that a certain point of view in the book is useful, and then to practice this point of view, this is to read useful books, not to read useless books.

I think her statement is similar to that in "Cognitive Awakening", "Doing something every day does not mean awakening, and working hard every day does not mean awakening, true awakening is a desire from the heart, based on the long-term, stay patient, and use the power of cognition to be friends with time." This expression is very similar, on the basis of correct cognition, spending time to specialize in a certain thing or working in a certain field will eventually gain something, it is just a matter of time.

Speaking of reading, I recently read the "Historical Records", it took me more than half a year, this historian's swan song, the rhyme of the rhyme of the saught for thousands of years to future generations of readers endless enlightenment and teaching, Sima Qian endured the humiliation of the palace punishment, completed this great work. It can be said that he completed his creation not only out of love for history, but also out of a sense of responsibility and respect for history.

There is a kind of "stealth" that will make you more and more attentive, better and stronger

Some people may ask, what's the use of reading, it's better to have that time to sing and dance and play mahjong to be happy, go out to travel and have a long experience, find friends to chat, exercise and exercise, how good is that! Yes, every activity has its meaning. Reading has its own meaning, I think the meaning of reading is that one day, when you encounter a problem that you can't figure out, you will find the answer in the book, and when something can't be solved, maybe you will find a solution from the book.

was praised by Qian Zhongshu as "the most talented woman and the most virtuous wife." Mr. Yang Jiang likened reading to a visit. She wrote in "The Bitterness of Reading": I think reading is like a visit to the door - a "stealth" visit. If you want to see a teacher you admire or a famous scholar, you don't have to greet you beforehand, and you don't have to be afraid to disturb your master. When you open the paper, you break through the door, and after turning a few pages, you enter the room; And you can go often, always go, if you don't know the essentials, you can also say goodbye, or find another master, and confront him. Regardless of whether the host we want to meet lives at home or abroad, whether he belongs to modern antiquity, what his profession is, whether he is serious or chatting and laughing, you can come close and listen to it.

There is a kind of "stealth" that will make you more and more attentive, better and stronger

She said it well in this book: The realm of the book, the "present realm" plus the "past realm", and the "future realm", is really all-encompassing, penetrating the three realms. However, we can stay at home, experience here at will, and seek advice from teachers at any time. Who said that readers are short-sighted, unsympathetic, and don't care about the world! It's a place where you can have a lot of experiences and meet a wide variety of people from all over the world.

often "hangs out" in the book, at least you can get rid of a little ignorance and grow a few more eyes, right?

A few more eyes, it should be useful from a secular point of view. Everyone should find time to read a little book, and if they can't, at least don't laugh at it!