
The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance

author:Tumor Nutrition Diary

Uncle Zhang, a recently retired secondary school teacher, has been preoccupied lately, and he found that his memory was gradually declining, and he had just put the key on the table, but he couldn't find it in the blink of an eye.

What made him even more uneasy was that the last time he got together with old friends, he actually remembered the names of many of his friends incorrectly.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance

That day, he went for a walk in the park alone, who knew that he would get lost while walking, but fortunately, an enthusiastic passerby helped him find his home.

When he returned home, Uncle Zhang's mood was still difficult to calm down, and he couldn't help but confide in his wife, Aunt Li: "Am I starting to have Alzheimer's?" ”

Although Aunt Li comforted him with her mouth, she knew that this matter was not so simple when she saw the worry in Uncle Zhang's eyes, could it be that these signs were suggesting that the brain was gradually "shrinking"?

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance

In fact, brain atrophy is not out of reach, it may be quietly affecting our daily lives.

So, how does the body react when the brain shrinks? And how can we prevent it?


1. Memory loss

Memory loss can be one of the first signs of brain atrophy, often manifesting as forgetting recent events in everyday life, such as forgetting where you just put a key or forgetting a conversation you just had about.

If you go on like this for a long time, it may further evolve into forgetting important dates or familiar people.

Memory loss not only affects quality of life, but can also be a precursor to more serious neurodegenerative diseases.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance

2. Slow response

As the brain progresses, the efficiency of neurotransmission decreases and the reaction time is prolonged.

This may manifest as a slower response to external stimuli, such as taking longer to understand someone else or complete a daily task.

In both work and social situations, this sluggish reaction speed can lead to communication barriers, increased misunderstandings, and conflict.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance

3. Mood swings

When the areas of the brain responsible for regulating emotions are affected, the ability to control emotions may decrease.

It can cause mood swings, which can manifest as sudden emotional outbursts or unexplained sadness, anxiety.

For family members and friends, this change in mood can be difficult to adapt to, and it also puts a lot of psychological stress on the patient himself.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance

4. Decreased body coordination

Brain atrophy can also affect the areas that control movement and balance, leading to a decrease in coordination.

This effect usually manifests as unsteadiness in walking, easy falling, and difficulty even performing simple movements, such as standing or turning.

In addition, delicate hand movements, such as writing or buttoning, can also become clumsy and affect the ability to take care of oneself in daily life.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance


Although brain atrophy and Alzheimer's disease (e.g., Alzheimer's disease) may overlap in symptoms, their causes and treatment strategies are fundamentally different.

Brain atrophy is mainly due to physical damage or functional deterioration of brain cells, while Alzheimer's disease is due to neurodegenerative changes that lead to a persistent decline in cognitive function.

Understanding this distinction can help with more accurate diagnosis and treatment.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance

To cope with brain atrophy, brain health can be monitored through regular medical tests, such as neuropsychological evaluations and imaging tests.

These tests can help doctors identify the specific type and progression of brain atrophy and develop a more personalized and effective treatment plan.


1. Maintain enthusiasm for learning

The vitality of the brain comes from constant learning and challenge, and no matter how old you are, continuous learning and thinking activities promote the formation of new neural connections in the brain and improve cognitive function.

This can be achieved by learning a new language, solving complex puzzles, or engaging in challenging activities.

Sustained brain activity not only slows atrophy but also increases cognitive reserves, helping the brain resist possible future damage.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance

2. Be active

Physical activity not only strengthens the body, but also improves brain function.

Regular exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling, strengthens heart function and improves blood circulation, which provides more oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

In addition, exercise promotes the production of nerve growth factors, which are essential for the growth and repair of nerve cells.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance

3. Maintain social activities

Regular communication with family and friends, and participation in community activities can keep your brain active and reduce feelings of loneliness and depression.

Social activities can also provide new learning opportunities, such as understanding new ideas or adapting to different social environments, which are effective ways to keep the brain young and flexible.

The brain begins to "shrink", and the body generally has 4 reactions, which should be prevented in advance

The key to preventing brain atrophy is to live an active lifestyle and keep learning, so let's take action now to inject vitality and wisdom into our brains.

Only in this way can we enjoy a healthy and happy old age, after all, a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset are our best weapons against aging.