
"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

author:Sprite speaks

An astonishing news in the entertainment industry shocked people: Wang Hao, a well-known CCTV host, the 39-year-old actress affectionately known as "Sister Moon", suddenly announced her retirement from her beloved screen career.

What's even more surprising is that she then married Zhao Yuanlong, a wealthy businessman, and was happy with a noble son, naming the boy "just right".

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

This decision sparked a heated discussion among the audience and industry insiders, like a bombshell. Many people can't help but wonder: what made this successful woman in her career choose to give up her job for many years in the golden period of her life?

What will her new life look like? With these questions, let's walk into Wang Hao's life story and uncover the mystery behind her major choice.

Wang Hao has a deep love and pursuit of hosting, and this dream began when she was a teenager. In 1996, at the age of 18, she took the entrance examination of Beijing Broadcasting Institute in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province with a vision for the future.

At that time, the competition was extremely fierce, and there was only one precious spot for her first attempt, and Wang Hao unfortunately failed in the first round of interviews, but this setback did not dampen her confidence, but inspired her determination to continue to pursue her dreams.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

Fate is always full of drama, and on the night Wang Hao was about to start repeating her studies, an unexpected phone call changed the trajectory of her life - she was admitted to the Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

This sudden good news made Wang Hao ecstatic, and it also made her more determined to chase her dreams.

After Wang Hao stepped into the gate of Beijing Broadcasting Institute, he soon found himself in a group of talented students, including Li Zimeng, Gangqiang, Xu Chunni and other "ruthless characters" who would become leaders in the industry in the future.

These pressures did not deter her, but instead stimulated her fighting spirit, and she worked harder to study her professional knowledge, actively participate in various competitions, and constantly improve her comprehensive ability.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

In his second year of college, Wang Hao ushered in the first important opportunity in his life. The teacher recommended her to intern at China Education Television and started hosting children's programs. This experience has been invaluable to Wang, who has not only accumulated a wealth of practical experience, but has also made a name for herself in the field of hosting.

Time flies, and Wang Hao has entered the stage of his junior year. In this year, her life took a major turn. CCTV extended an olive branch to her, a young person full of potential, and invited her to host programs that are popular with children, such as "Tangram" and "Open Sesame".

In order to get closer to the children and show a friendly side, Wang Hao gave himself a poetic nickname - "Sister Moon", a warm and touching nickname, was quickly loved and remembered by the children.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

Wang Hao's story tells us that as long as we persevere, no matter how tortuous the road of our dreams is, we can meet our own wonderful life. From Taiyuan to Beijing, from an ignorant girl to a well-known host, Wang Hao has interpreted the meaning and value of chasing dreams with practical actions.

After graduating from university, Wang Hao became the official program host of the CCTV Youth Center. Through years of study and practice, she can also maintain her calm and composure in front of multiple cameras, and her professionalism has been fully revealed.

However, what makes her unique among the many presenters is her deep love for children.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

Wang Hao is always very excited and engaged when interacting with children, she said: "The innocence of children always touches my heartstrings and makes me feel the beauty and innocence of life again."

This heartfelt love allows her to show her most authentic and infectious side in front of the camera.

In order to devote himself to work, Wang Hao has not really had his own private life for many years. She didn't feel that this job restricted her freedom, but was proud and happy to be the "Moon Sister" in the hearts of her children.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

This sense of professional identity and mission has become the driving force for her to keep moving forward.

Wang Hao's efforts have been richly rewarded, and the programs she hosted are widely loved by the audience, and the ratings are rising, making her an idol and role model in the minds of countless children.

In order to make the content of the show more colorful, Wang Hao even created more than 100 catchy children's songs by himself, and sang them happily with the children in front of the camera.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

However, this dedication took a huge toll on Wang Hao's personal life. Although her parents had arranged blind dates for her many times and introduced her to many excellent partners, Wang Hao refused them one by one.

On the scales of her life, the weight of her career has always far exceeded her personal feelings.

It wasn't until later, when Wang Hao's career development was relatively stable, that she met the person who made her heart move. Perhaps because I haven't really experienced love for many years, this relationship is particularly fierce and hot.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

Wang Hao began to re-examine his life choices, and gradually had the idea of quitting the hosting position.

Wang Hao's career in CCTV is a period full of shining years. She not only realized her dream of hosting, but also became the "Moon Sister" in the hearts of countless children, lighting up their childhood with her talent and enthusiasm.

Although he finally chose to leave the familiar stage, Wang Hao's bits and pieces in CCTV have become an unforgettable story in the history of Chinese television.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

In order to deeply understand Wang Hao's life choices, we must go back to her artistic childhood. In 1978, Wang Hao was born in a literary family in Taiyuan, Shanxi. Her mother was an excellent singer in the local choir, and her father was a protégé of the famous painter Wu Guanzhong.

Such a family environment provided Wang Hao's growth with unique artistic edification.

Xiao Wang Hao's childhood was spent in the compound of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and most of her neighbors were calligraphers and sculptors, and in such an artistic atmosphere, her perception and pursuit of beauty were naturally cultivated.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

She especially likes the Children's Palace opposite the compound of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and often goes there with her sister next door to listen to stories, among which "The Monkey King Eats Watermelon" is her favorite one.

At the age of seven, with the active encouragement of his parents, Wang Hao participated in the first National Story King Competition. Originally, her parents only hoped that she could exercise herself, but she didn't expect Wang Hao to become a sensation with the familiar "Monkey King Eats Watermelon" and won the title of "Story King" in Taiyuan City in one fell swoop.

This unexpected success greatly encouraged Wang Hao, and she excitedly said to her parents, "I will continue to participate in the competition!" "。

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

The following year, the eight-year-old Wang Hao once again stood on the stage of storytelling. This time, she behaved more calmly and confidently, and the judges in the audience were amazed by this little girl.

In the end, Wang Hao won the honor of "Story King" in the country with his outstanding performance.

At that time, the weight of the title of "National Story King" was undoubtedly very heavy. The news of Wang Hao's award was repeatedly broadcast on the radio, making her a local star for a while.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

It was at this time that Wang Hao planted the seed of wanting to become a host in her heart, and she was firmly determined to tell more wonderful stories on a bigger stage.

Looking back on that wonderful childhood many years later, Wang Hao's eyes flashed with tears of gratitude, and he said with emotion: "At that time, I felt that it was a very happy thing to be able to share interesting stories with more people.

Now that I think about it, maybe it was that unforgettable experience that allowed me to persist in the hosting position for so many years and always maintain my love and passion for my work."

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

Wang Hao's childhood experience not only shaped her unique personality charm, but also laid the foundation for her career to choose for future generations. Under the influence of an artistic family, Wang Hao cultivated a keen perception of beauty; At the same time, the title of "Story King" allowed her to experience the joy of sharing happiness with others.

These precious childhood memories have nourished Wang Hao's spiritual wealth throughout her life, allowing her to always maintain her understanding and love for the innocent world of children throughout her hosting career.

39-year-old Wang Hao ushered in the advent of love at the peak of her career, which made her face a difficult choice: whether to continue to focus on her beloved hosting career, or choose to enter the marriage hall and start a new chapter in her life?

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

Wang Hao knows that continuing to work at CCTV may mean that it will be difficult for her to devote herself to family life. Over the years, she has poured all her energy into her career, and even refused the many blind dates arranged by her parents.

However, when true love emerges, she begins to re-examine her life values.

After careful consideration, Wang Hao made a decision that surprised many people - she chose to leave CCTV and marry Zhao Yuanlong, a wealthy businessman. This is not an impulsive decision, but Wang Hao's re-planning and positioning of his life.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

"I love my job, but I also aspire to have my own family," she admits. When I met the right person, I realized that the meaning of life is not just about career success.

I want to be able to find a work-life balance and experience different roles in life."

Wang Hao's choice has caused a lot of controversy on the Internet, but she has never wavered and still firmly adheres to her decision. She firmly believes that this is not about giving up, but about pursuing a richer and more diverse life experience.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

Her courageous decision is the embodiment of her wisdom in life - between career and love, she chose the lifestyle she truly aspires to.

Now Wang Hao has successfully adapted to his new identity. Together with her husband Zhao Yuanlong, in a spacious villa, she enjoys a happy family life. Their son is "just right" healthy and lively, and he is a well-read and courteous little warm man.

Although Wang Hao is no longer active on the screen, she still maintains her enthusiasm and positive attitude towards life.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

She often shares her family life on social platforms, showing happy moments as a wife and mother. In a video, Wang Hao asked his son who he wanted to hug the most this year, and "just right" replied without hesitation: "It's Mom!" This warm interaction made Wang Hao feel very gratified, and also let netizens see the sweetness of her new life.

Wang Hao sighed, I cherish my current life very much. Although I am no longer the 'Moon Sister' that everyone knows, I still influence the people around me in my own way, especially my family.

Being able to accompany my children to grow up is my greatest happiness now.

"Sister Moon" Wang Hao: Married a wealthy businessman at the age of 39 and had children, how is she doing now?

Looking forward to the future, Wang Hao said with confidence: "I firmly believe that the most important thing in my career or family is to do what I love and be with the people I love.

My story continues, and I look forward to every wonderful chapter in the future, and maybe one day, I will return to the public eye in a new capacity, but no matter what, I will cherish the moment and live my truest self".

Wang Hao's story tells us that the value of life is not only in the achievement of career, but also in finding one's own happiness. From a CCTV host to a happy wife and mother, her choices illustrate the multiple possibilities of life.