
A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

author:Said at the time
A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

Behind the hustle and bustle of the city, there is a little-known but full of hardships - carrying a building.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

And Arwen is one of the many building workers.

Arwen was born in poverty and has experienced the bitterness of life since he was a child.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

Eight years of military career has forged his indomitable will and strong physique.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

However, life after retirement was not all smooth sailing, and in order to make a living, he resolutely devoted himself to the arduous industry of carrying buildings.

Every day is a great test of physical strength and perseverance.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

In the early morning, when the city was still asleep in the embrace of the morning dew, Arwen had already embarked on the journey of work.

The heavy cement bag, weighing eighty or ninety pounds, seemed to be the heavy pressure of life, pressing on his shoulders.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

Step by step, from the tall building, every step is full of hardships.

Sweat slid down his forehead, soaking his clothes, and his breathing became heavy and rapid.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

But Arwen never flinched in the slightest, and he had only one belief in his heart: to persevere, for a better life.

You can earn more than 10,000 yuan in just 20 days of work.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

This kind of income is already very good for ordinary people.

The young man in front of him, Ah Wen, is a retired soldier who has been in the army for eight years, and when he mentioned his experience in joining the army, Ah Wen was also full of pride: "When I was a soldier, the armed forces department sent that kind of medal to my home, third-class merit"

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

When netizens saw him, he was naked, sitting on the ground casually resting, and his strong muscles were particularly eye-catching.

Today, his job is to carry the silt from the 6th floor downstairs, and nearly 200 bags can earn more than 1,000 yuan.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

Ordinary people will be tired and gasping even if they climb the stairs empty-handed, but Awen is still walking like a fly carrying a weight of 100 catties.

He didn't use any tools, just put two layers of towels on his shoulders, and carried them completely by hand.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

Even the owner of the house couldn't help but exclaim: "What a fight!" ”

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

However, when Ah Wen came back to do the work of carrying the building, many people did not approve of it. I think you've been a soldier, why do you do this?

Netizens are also discussing:

"Ganjialou, this is a cow and horse among cattle and horses."

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

"It's okay to work for a few years, but the medical expenses for the hospital after working for a long time are not enough."

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

But Arvin's family is very understanding and supportive of him. Arwen said,

"I grew up in a poor family and grew up with hardships, and in the eyes of my parents, as long as it doesn't hurt my body, don't be too tired. Whatever I wanted to eat, my mother immediately bought it, and when she said she wanted to eat beef, she immediately bought it home. ”
A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

In the process, Arwen also gained a lot of valuable things.

He learned to cherish every bit of hard-won income and understand the hardships and hardships of life.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

Ah Wen has been carrying the building for less than half a year, but he has adapted very quickly.

The sense of discipline and responsibility that was once cultivated in the army has now been continued and sublimated in the work of carrying the building.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

He understands that every job has its value and meaning, and what he does is not only for himself, but also for his family to live a better life.

Recalling his past days in the army, running 20 kilometers a day and running at least 2,000 kilometers a year, those sweat and perseverance have become a strong motivation for him to face difficulties now.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

The honors he has received, such as third-class merit, always remind him that he is a capable and responsible person.

has hands and feet, earns their own money, and is worthy of respect.

Even if you don't have a high cultural education, no family background, no stealing, no robbing, no greed, you can have a future by creating with your own hands.

A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army
We sincerely wish that Arwen will always maintain that perseverance and enthusiasm in the future life, and can move forward bravely no matter what challenges he faces.
A young man with third-class merit who has been a soldier for 8 years, after retiring, he earns 20,000 yuan a month, and he can really endure hardships when he comes out of the army

Although the work of carrying the building is hard, Arwen finds the true meaning of life in it. With his own shoulders, he shouldered the responsibility of the family and the vision for the future.

On this road full of sweat and hope, Arwen is moving forward firmly and writing his own wonderful chapter of life.