
Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

author:Carved liver

Since Lisa went to the Crazy Horse show in a French nightclub striptease in order to break into the European and American entertainment circles, she has lost the Korean entertainment market.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Although Lisa did gain a wave of fans in Europe and the United States after Crazy Horse was released, YG's contract termination turmoil followed.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Lisa, who has struggled for a long time, finally re-emerged in front of the public with a new song this time, but she didn't expect to finally return, but she abandoned the sweet style that was more popular in the past in the new song.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Instead of dark-skinned "hot girls", it seems that Lisa has now completely excluded the Asian market.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

And Lisa's weird painting style in this MV also made the comments in the comment area surprisingly consistent, and everyone felt that her appearance this time was "dirty and smelly" and even a little spicy.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Lisa's new song "ROCKSTAR" is said to be inspired by the collision of rock and modern, and the music video embodies the passionate fusion of melody and electronic punk style.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Many netizens commented: I don't know if the melody of the new song is exciting, but Lisa is really "passionate" enough to wear this time.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

In the MV, each of Lisa's looks is very bold, and there is one look in which Lisa is wearing a five-pointed star camisole top, and I don't know what the designer's intentions are when designing this dress.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

The two star corners of the dress can only cover important parts, and it can only be said that this dress can be regarded as a "fig leaf".

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

And Lisa wore a five-pointed star suspender in a concave shape full of night, and she looked greasy and crotched under the light of the light when she got rid of Qi bangs and changed into smoky makeup, and this dirty picture felt like Lisa hadn't taken a shower for at least a month.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

But Lisa's new song MV is more than that, and some of the actions she does in the video are also very uncomfortable.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

She is wearing this strange look, and in the video, she frequently looks at people with her nostrils facing the sky and squinting, and she feels offended through the screen.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

In addition to that, Lisa has a total of two scenes and three sets of looks in the entire video trailer for the new song.

In the video, a bunch of people are dressed in white, swaying from side to side with Lisa, and Lisa is stretching back and forth like arm cramps.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

There is also a set of Lisa wearing a silver suit and dancing solo in a pure white space, which looks full of technology.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Although Lisa has been appearing in black skin in this video and has lost her beauty, her solo dance still looks very good, full of sexual tension, and it seems that her dancing skills are still online after not coming out for a long time.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

This solo dance from a distance looks pretty good, but when it comes to the close-up, Lisa's action of sticking out her tongue and licking her upper teeth is too spicy for the eyes, and even a little physiologically uncomfortable.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

If it weren't for the star symbol on her upper teeth, I would have thought that she had stuffed vegetable leaves in her upper teeth! It's a bit incomprehensible.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Many netizens commented:

"When did Lisa change color and be so greasy, I really can't bear the tongue licking my teeth."

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

"It's kind of like a black loach coming out of slime."

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

I have to say,Netizens can describe,Although the description of netizens is too heart-wrenching,But the style that Lisa is pursuing now is really incomprehensible.,Is the dirty painting style really good-looking? Can't you be a bright and beautiful woman?

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

I vaguely remember that the look Lisa has been creating when she first debuted is a sweet girl style with bangs, although her dress on stage is more revealing earlier, her makeup has always been a light and sweet style in Korean, and even her hairstyle has always been iron-clad Qi bangs.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

It was Lisa's innocent image at that time that made Lisa popular among many fans in South Korea and the mainland, and gained a lot of fans.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Just when fans thought that Lisa's star journey would be smooth sailing from now on, the news of her Crazy Horse show performance was like five thunderbolts, which made fans question the authenticity of the news for a while, which also caused a lot of turmoil at the time.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

And after Lisa transformed from the Crazy Horse show, the whole person's style has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

She is no longer the sweet girl with bangs, and has begun to develop in the direction of tanning, so that she has a baby face and a nondescript European and American makeup.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Even the bangs that were once iron-clad are a thing of the past in her, replaced by a high hairline and a large forehead.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

After the Lisa Crazy Horse show ended, some netizens revealed her makeup for the performance, black and thick beauty, plus long and cheap false eyelashes, and the flaming red lips that were not beautiful.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

When I saw this photo, I didn't recognize it as Lisa for the first time, and I felt the magic of makeup on her for the first time.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

When Lisa appeared at Paris Fashion Week some time ago, she was wearing a floral jacket, black silk on her legs, and her greasy makeup and hairstyle, which was really black and black, with no beauty at all, replaced by more cheapness.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

At that time, netizens commented: "It turns out that what I like is just Lisa with Korean makeup." ”

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

In fact, judging from Lisa's recent styling feedback, the effect of her wanting to change her style can be seen.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Lisa, who is becoming more and more frustrated, is even more daring this time, with messy short black hair, exaggerated makeup and wild tongue, and the accessories on her body are full of plastic, directly transforming into a "black-skinned hot girl".

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

The current Lisa is no longer what it used to be, and there is no trace of the once innocent shadow in her.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Seeing the now alternative Lisa, the comment area said: Don't be surprised, maybe this is the real her.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

And the reason why Lisa has changed so much is that many netizens feel that it should be inseparable from her relationship.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

At that time, Lisa was abandoned by the Asian market after participating in the Crazy Horse show, and for a long time at that time, the third son of LV did not be in the same frame as Lisa, and many netizens speculated whether the third prince abandoned her.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

But judging from the fact that some netizens met Lisa and LV Sangongzi for a family dinner a few days ago, the relationship between the two does not seem to be affected by this show, but is becoming more and more stable, and now they are starting to meet their parents.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Could it be that Lisa's big show and now her style change were all planned by the transformation of Lisa, the reigning Lisa of the LV family?

However, Lisa, who had dinner with the LV family a few days ago, had a flattering expression and was trying her best to please the family of the third son, but the family of the third prince completely ignored her small actions, and this style of painting was really a little embarrassing.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

However, judging from Lisa's performance, she should also know that there is a huge disparity between her identity and her boyfriend's family, so she tried her best to squeeze into the European and American circles, and wanted to work hard to gain some status for herself in the aristocratic circle.

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

However, no matter what Lisa's future plans are, while boldly pursuing the love of a wealthy family, she will have to bear the fact that she will become a "rat crossing the street, everyone shouts and beats" in the mainland.


The original article was published in the relevant report of "Lisa's Return MV Preview" released by the representative of the Star Chasing Division on June 26, 2024

Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable
Star Frontier Entertainment released a video on October 5, 2023 "Lisa posted a stage photo of the Crazy Horse Show, with the caption: I spent such a wonderful experience at the Crazy Horse Show";
Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable
Entertainment Front released a video of "Lisa and LV Sangongzi's Family Dinner" on June 25, 2024;
Lisa's new song transforms into a "black-skinned hottie"! The tongue sticking out and licking teeth is greasy, and the wearing is revealing and uncomfortable

Improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact