
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it

author:Colorful starry sky

The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it

The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it
The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it

The paragraph "wife working overtime" is so incisive and humorous that people never get tired of watching it. That night, my wife suddenly told me that she was going to work overtime, and I felt a wave of nervousness because it meant I had to face dinner alone.

"Honey, I'm going to work overtime tonight, you can fix dinner by yourself." My wife said to me gently.

"Huh? Overtime? So what do I eat? I asked, a little flustered.

"You can cook your own food, there are eggs and tomatoes in the fridge, let's make a simple scrambled egg with tomatoes." The wife said with a smile, then picked up her bag and hurried out.

I stood in the kitchen, looking at the eggs and tomatoes in the fridge, and thought to myself, it shouldn't be difficult to make a scrambled egg with tomatoes. I turned on my phone, searched for the recipe, and followed it step by step.

First, I cut the tomatoes into pieces, crack the eggs into a bowl and stir well. Then I turned on the gas stove and poured a little oil into the pan. When the oil was hot, I poured the eggs in and started stir-frying. However, as soon as the egg touched the bottom of the pan, it immediately sticked, and I hurriedly scraped it with a spatula, and the egg was completely mushy.

"What's going on with this pot?" I was a little helpless and said to myself.

I quickly scooped out the mushy eggs and washed the pot again. This time, I decided to fry the tomatoes first. I poured the tomatoes into the pot and added a little water, but as a result, the water was too much and the tomatoes turned into a pot of soup. I had to dump the soup in the pot and try to save the remaining tomatoes.

Then, I poured the eggs into the pot again, this time obediently, and turned down the heat a little earlier. Although the eggs are not completely mushy, they are not as fluffy as expected. I mixed the scrambled eggs with the tomatoes and simply stir-fried them.

Finally, after some effort, I served out a plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes that looked okay. Although it didn't look good, I sat down with a sense of accomplishment and prepared to enjoy it.

At this moment, the mobile phone rang, and it was a WeChat message from his wife: "Honey, I'm done, I'll be back now." ”

I was nervous and quickly replied, "Okay, I'll wait for you at home." ”

Ten minutes later, my wife pushed the door in, saw the plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes on the table, and asked with a smile, "You made it?" ”

I nodded a little embarrassedly: "Yes, it's the first time I've done it, I don't know if it's to your taste." ”

The wife tasted it, and a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes: "It's not bad, there is progress!" ”

When I heard my wife's compliment, I was overjoyed. Although the process was a bit bumpy, it was a success in the end. That evening, we shared together this imperfect but loving dinner.

The next day, I was in the office talking to my colleagues about it, and everyone was laughing. Xiao Zhang quipped: "You're okay, I burned the kitchen directly last time I cooked." ”

Xiao Li couldn't help laughing: "Once my wife worked overtime, I was going to make an omelette, but the eggshells all fell in, and the fried eggs were like a pot of porridge." ”

Listening to everyone's sharing, I feel warm and funny in my heart. It turns out that everyone has had a similar experience. Although we may not be good at cooking, the heart of working hard for our families makes these stories especially interesting.

The joke "Wife working overtime" not only made me laugh, but also understood the importance of mutual understanding and support between husband and wife. Although we will encounter all kinds of small troubles in life, as long as there is love, everything will be beautiful.

Through this experience, I cherish the time I spend with my wife even more. Whether it's cooking together or facing life's small challenges, it's a memory we all share. This paragraph not only makes people never get tired of watching it, but also makes me feel a little happiness in life.

The humor and joy of life are often hidden in these ordinary little things. As long as we experience it with our hearts, every day will be full of laughter and warmth.