
Only 4 people in the NBA will be erected, and Harden and Durant are not qualified!

author:Amusement and entertainment



The immortal mark of a basketball superstar

In the illustrious history of the NBA, there have always been players who will be remembered forever for their outstanding performances and outstanding contributions to the team. Their names and images not only hold a special place in the hearts of fans, but are more likely to be molded into statues and become part of basketball culture. This article will explore four active NBA players who have not only achieved extraordinary things on the court, but are more likely to become statues outside the basketball arena of the future, inspiring generations of basketball enthusiasts.

Only 4 people in the NBA will be erected, and Harden and Durant are not qualified!

Jokic: MVP legend for the Nuggets

Nikola Jokic, the center from Serbia, won the regular season MVP honor for two consecutive years for his all-round skills and excellent basketball acumen. His performance with the Nuggets not only led the team to new heights, but also showed the demeanor of a leader in key moments. Jokic's achievements have almost locked his retired jersey and Hall of Fame seat, and his basketball career is undoubtedly a legend.

Only 4 people in the NBA will be erected, and Harden and Durant are not qualified!

James: Hero and leader of the Cavaliers

LeBron James, one of the greatest players in NBA history, is particularly remarkable for his performance with the Cavaliers. As the most outstanding star in the team's history, James not only brought the Cavaliers a historic championship trophy, but also showed the demeanor of a core leader in the Heat and Lakers. His leadership and on-court performances have made him an indelible part of basketball history.

Only 4 people in the NBA will be erected, and Harden and Durant are not qualified!

Alphabet brother: The championship builder of the Bucks

Giannis Antetokounmpo, nicknamed "Brother Alphabet", led the team to the second championship in 50 years with his amazing physical fitness and all-round skills during his time with the Bucks. He also won the second Finals MVP in team history, becoming the team's all-time scoring champion, assist king, and block champion. His personal accolades are abundant, and his influence has transcended basketball itself to become a cultural phenomenon.

Only 4 people in the NBA will be erected, and Harden and Durant are not qualified!

Curry: The revolutionary of the three-point shooter

Stephen Curry, the greatest three-point shooter in NBA history, not only changed the way basketball was played, but also successfully took the Warriors from the slump to the top. Curry has dominated the West for five consecutive years, won three championships, and has contributed greatly to the development of the team and the NBA basketball culture. His shooting skills and understanding of the game have revolutionized the game of basketball.

Only 4 people in the NBA will be erected, and Harden and Durant are not qualified!

Honor and influence: the dual contribution of basketball superstars

These four players have not only achieved remarkable achievements on the court, but also have had a profound impact on basketball culture with their charisma and leadership. Their honor and influence are a testament to their status as statues outside the basketball arena. Their names and images will inspire future basketball players to strive for excellence and make history.

Only 4 people in the NBA will be erected, and Harden and Durant are not qualified!

Retired jerseys and Hall of Fame: the eternal glory of basketball superstars

For these four players, retiring jerseys and Hall of Fame seats are the best recognition of their basketball careers. These accolades are not only a recognition of their personal achievements, but also an affirmation of their contributions to the game of basketball. Their basketball careers will become an indelible part of basketball history, inspiring those who come after them to keep moving forward.

Only 4 people in the NBA will be erected, and Harden and Durant are not qualified!

Conclusion: The Significance of the Statue of a Basketball Superstar

The erection of the statue is the highest tribute to a basketball superstar. These statues not only represent the individual achievements of the players, but also their contributions and influence on the game of basketball. For fans, these statues are part of basketball culture, their admiration and nostalgia for basketball superstars. For the players, these statues are the crowning honor of their basketball careers and a manifestation of their love and dedication to the game of basketball.

Only 4 people in the NBA will be erected, and Harden and Durant are not qualified!

Question: Who do you think has the most influence among the four players?

In your opinion, who of these four players has the most influence? Is it Jokic's all-round skill and leadership, or James' championship spirit and leadership? Is it the physicality and all-round skill of Brother Alphabet, or Curry's three-point revolution and contribution to basketball culture? Their respective achievements and influences are worthy of our in-depth discussion and consideration.


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