
Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......

author:Chengwu County Rong Media Center

Yellow warning for high temperatures


Yellow warning for high temperatures

Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......
Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......

Heze weather facts

Meteorological measurement data show that the highest temperature in the city yesterday was 36.1 °C, and the highest temperature in Chengwu, Dongming was 34.6 °C

Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......

Future weather trends

The yellow warning for high temperature is in effect, and the high temperature of about 35°C will continue until the 28th.

Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......

The weather is dry, the sun is abundant, and the heat is obvious in the afternoon, so the public should pay attention to heatstroke and sun protection, and replenish water in time.

Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......

On the 29th, the cyclonic cloud system brought significant rainfall and cooling, and the rainfall time was concentrated and the rainfall was unevenly distributed.

Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......
Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......

(Photo source: Central Meteorological Observatory)

From the 30th to July 1st, the high altitude is controlled by the northwest airflow, the sun is abundant, the maximum temperature returns to more than 35 °C, and the rainfall in the early stage makes the air humidity obviously larger, and the high temperature, high humidity and sultry weather is easy to cause heat stroke, pay attention to prevention.

Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......

From the 2nd to the 5th, the western Pacific subtropical high extended westward to the north, and the rainfall area on its north side extended from the Jianghuai River Basin to the Huanghuai River Basin, and the weather in our city was humid and hot, with scattered showers.

Recently, the weather has been changeable, please pay attention to the latest weather warning information issued by the meteorological department, make reasonable use of weather conditions, and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

Detailed weather forecast

24 hours

Today's daytime to night, sunny, the highest temperature is 35 °C, the lowest temperature is 22 °C, and the southeast wind is 2~3.

48 hours

From day to night on the 27th, it was sunny, with a maximum temperature of 35 °C, a minimum temperature of 24 °C, and a southeast wind of 2~3.

72 hours

From day to night on the 28th, light rain turned to heavy rain, with a maximum temperature of 35 °C, a minimum temperature of 24 °C, and a southeast wind of 3~4 to 2~3.

Source: Heze Micro Weather

Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......
Chengwu people are under yellow warning for high temperatures, and then rain appears......

(Edited by Zuo Haiyan and reviewed by Gao Wenqing)