
The sea is deep and unfathomable, and the mountains are sinking and insurmountable!

author:Shanshui Yaofu

[The highest level of health: do not compete, do not entangle, see the world with a pure heart, and live life with a happy heart. A person's physical condition may be a manifestation of their inner state. Some people can't get used to seeing things and can't let go, so they add blockage to their hearts. Keeping your heart at peace, not competing outside and not entangled inside, is the best kind treatment for yourself.

First, do not compete

In life, we will encounter some unpleasant people and things. If you always want to win or lose, you will make yourself very tired. Life is short for decades, and whoever you can't get along with is actually unable to get along with yourself. People who are calculating and blindly competitive will inevitably be troubled. To deal with those things that do not go well, it is better to relax your heart a little and not worry about small things, which is the best protection for yourself. Ignore the external right and wrong, and have peace of mind, and your life will be healthier and smoother.

2. Don't get entangled

The things in the world are all over the place, and they are disturbed. Too many entanglements and worries in life are consuming your mind and even dragging down your body. If you think too much, you will be sluggish, and if you think too much, you will be distracted. If you can think about it, you can naturally be physically and mentally smooth. Don't get entangled in everything, reduce cranky thoughts, and reduce inner anxiety and internal friction, so that the state of the body can improve. Don't worry about everything, don't worry too much, reduce the burden on the soul, and cultivate the spirit well, which is the most effective way to maintain health.

3. Health preservation is to nourish the heart

If the mentality is unbalanced, people will not be able to live thoroughly, and their health will be consumed in sorrow and resentment. There is a good saying: "If the heart is small, the matter will be big; When the heart is big, the matter is small. "A narrow-minded person is careful everywhere, and after a long time, all kinds of troubles and pains will come uninvited; Be broad-minded and not disturbed, so that you will not be affected by negative emotions. As the saying goes, the heart is one inch wider, and the illness is one foot away. If you don't fight hard, don't care about everything, and have a clear heart, you can take better care of your body. Good health care not only lies in the maintenance of the body, but also pays more attention to the regulation of the heart. Learn to relax your heart, always be optimistic, see the world with a pure heart, and live life with joy. 】

The sea is deep and unfathomable, and the mountains are sinking and insurmountable!

I Ching said: "Don't use the hidden dragon", a person wants to rise rapidly, must learn to lurk, dormant is a kind of accumulation, dormant is a kind of charging, in this period, you can not be disturbed by the outside world, according to your own plan, towards the ideal in your heart, infinitely close to the goal. When the opportunity is ripe, you can make a splash. So when you don't have enough strength, the best way is to calm down and hibernate, wait, not give up on yourself, but wait for the opportunity to move. The Book of Changes says: "Don't use the hidden dragon". What does "don't use" mean here? The "don't use" here does not mean not to use it, but to use it when the time comes. "It's gold that always shines", and in the same way, "it's the dragon that always rises into the air". Learn to dive into the abyss like a dragon, hide the front and guard it, and wait for the opportunity to move. Waiting for the opportunity to move, so as to soar into the sky, and truly achieve their life goal of getting ahead, the latent means to hide, do not expose the strength, their own strength, knowledge and talent are still in the stage of development, and should not be used too early. "Latent" is to show weakness, but not to be weak forever, and showing weakness is only a strategy rather than an end. The purpose of showing weakness is to become stronger, and the ultimate goal of "don't use the hidden dragon" is "flying dragon in the sky". "Tianxingjian, with self-improvement", self-striving for progress, perseverance and perseverance, hard work, never stop; Only in this way can we have the opportunity to grow into a strong self and realize the "flying dragon in the sky".

The sea is deep and unfathomable, and the mountains are sinking and insurmountable!

In line with the development of nature, every person and everything has a development process, which is from scratch, from weak to strong, from small to large. "Don't use the hidden dragon" is just like the water in the weak power, the weak place is low, the benefit of all things without fighting, once the water becomes stronger, then the destruction of the withering and decay is unstoppable, everyone must be able to show weakness in life, in the calm self-improvement, in the quiet to improve themselves, for their goals and ideals to struggle. Doom is the foundation of man. The blade is also terrible. If the doom is reduced, it will not be obvious. Seek talents, complete their work and be easy. Seek glory and be satisfied. I don't know how to be vigilant, and it's hard to tolerate it up and down. The benevolent do not chase their names, and the benevolent are noble. Those who are bright do not love their positions, and they abandon them. The brave do not fight for their edge, and they are brave. Life is difficult, what is the way? Distress is an inherent phenomenon of life. Confiding in the edge is the reason for the aggravation of distress, and if you want to reduce the distress, you should not show off easily. Those in power recruit wise men, and when they succeed, they change their mindset. People of low status seek wealth and wealth, and when they achieve their goals, they are prone to pride. If you don't know how to guard against taboo and vigilance, your boss and subordinates will be intolerable. Virtuous people do not vain their reputation, benevolence is the most precious. A wise person does not covet power, and the true wisdom is one who knows how to give up. Brave people will not be ruthless, and real bravery is to know how to be restrained. People's lives are full of hardships, so what is there to boast about? (For example, Fan Li successfully retreated from the rivers and lakes, avoiding the ending of rabbit death and dog cooking.) If you want to gain a foothold in the troubled times, you must have extraordinary resourcefulness, continue to learn, accumulate knowledge, and exercise your thinking ability. When the opportunity comes, he can always make a quick judgment and turn things around at a critical moment, and the best way to truly enrich himself is: hide! Hiding is the way to protect rights, but also the way to break the situation, hide and then reveal, accumulate and then release, in order to achieve. Instead of hiding gold, it is better to hide words and hide gas~~ Tibetan words are not debated, and not debated is the fruit of cultivation and maturity and knows how to suppress yourself, which can not only prevent wind and hail, but also harvest abundance. No matter how strong a person is, only in humility and calmness can he know what he can do and what he cannot do, and he will not be arrogant to the point of getting carried away. Accompanied by the king, the most taboo is to cover the lord, and since he is a minister, he needs to reduce his strength in power, so as not to make the king feel in danger, only the wise can protect himself. The water is not noisy, the ears are full and not raised, and being a man is better than being calm. "Only when a gentleman's talent is not revealed and his intelligence is not reckless, can he have the strength to have a long way to go." Hidden edge, low-key and simple. The sea is deep and unfathomable, the mountains are deep and unsurpassable, and those who know how to hide and guard are out of reach. It is not as good as hiding the front and guarding the water, and the person who is good at hiding the front becomes a big tool, and the hiding front is a kind of clever wisdom in the world. "The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it; Heaps out of the shore, and the flow will be turbulent; Walk above men, and all will not". Virtue is higher than the people, and the people will surely slander him. People who love to express themselves too much often do not know the wisdom of hiding the edge and being clumsy, and if necessary, they must learn to have reservations.

The sea is deep and unfathomable, and the mountains are sinking and insurmountable!

Lao Tzu: "Great wisdom is foolish, great ingenuity is clumsy", learning to hide one's edge at the right time, maintaining a kind of humility and low-key, is a clever way of life. Zang Feng's clumsiness is by no means cowardice and cowering, but the great wisdom and realm of life, and a way of survival for self-protection and self-realization of self-worth. Zang Feng is clumsy, contains infinite power, knows how to silently accumulate strength, and waits for the opportunity. Zhuangzi said: "If the accumulation of water is not thick, then the boat is not strong." "Learning to be tolerant, making big things small, small things, hiding the front and keeping a low profile, is a kind of wisdom in the world. It's good to be talented, and you shouldn't show off your talent too much, showing off is easy to be arrogant, and arrogance will inevitably invite contempt. He is too talented and is despised by the wise. When necessary, learn to disguise your true intentions. Wisdom and show foolishness, strong and show weakness, can but show that it cannot, use and show not to use, Tibetan Feng is by no means cowardly and cowering, but a smart way of life, is the great wisdom of life, the great realm.