
A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

author:Huang said


A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

When it comes to cancer, I'm afraid everyone will break out in a cold sweat. The reason is simple, cancer has become the most lethal disease in humans.

Once the cells of the body are mutated and continue to divide uncontrollably, beyond the number of cells required by the body, tumors or malignant tumors will be formed.

According to official surveys, there are more than 100 known types of cancer. This means that it can produce cancer cells anywhere in the body.

And the topic we are talking about today is also related to cancer, and what is more special is that most of this cancer has not been heard of - vulvar cancer.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

Yes, cancer can also occur in the vulva. Like other cancers, it is difficult to eliminate in a short period of time once it appears.

How did such a terrible disease come about? The experience of a 59-year-old woman's diagnosis is a wake-up call for everyone.

1. 59-year-old confirmed vulvar cancer?

Aunt Wang is just 59 years old this year, and in the eyes of her peers, she is a good woman who is diligent and thrifty, energetic, and loves her children and husband.

And in reality? Aunt Wang did prove this with her words and deeds.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

She would get up early every day and go to the vegetable market to buy the freshest vegetables after bargaining; When I got home, I cooked a table of rich dishes for my husband to eat.

When everything is cleaned up, Aunt Wang will actively participate in activities organized by the community, such as ballroom dancing and square dancing.

I will also call my daughter or son from time to time to take the initiative to report my physical condition so that my children don't worry.

However, such a well-known Aunt Wang has had a troublesome thing recently, and she didn't tell anyone about it.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

Is there something unspeakable?

I don't know what's going on, Aunt Wang has been feeling some itching in her private parts recently, and I thought it was because the cleaning was not in place, so I bought some cleaning agents.

After a month, the symptoms could not be said to have not changed, but they were not obvious, so Aunt Wang didn't care anymore.

Until one day, when she had nothing to do on the Internet, she suddenly saw a related popular science video, saying that this symptom lasts too long and is likely to cause cancer.

This frightened her, and she hurriedly went to the hospital for diagnosis, and finally found out that she had vulvar cancer.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

The doctor first calmed Aunt Wang's emotions, and then asked Aunt Wang about various details of her life, so that he knew where the cause of Aunt Wang's disease was.

It turned out that the culprit of everything was because Aunt Wang was too diligent and thrifty.

Since starting a family, Aunt Wang has been very concerned about family expenses, but in order to ensure the quality of life of her children and husband, she will reduce her expenses as much as possible.

Not even his own underwear.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

Aunt Wang's underwear has always been very cheap, because the quality of the underwear is not good and Aunt Wang is reluctant to change it, so it takes several years to replace a batch, which leads to the appearance of cancer cells.

And the symptom of itching in the private parts is the body's last wake-up call to Aunt Wang.

But Aunt Wang didn't grasp it, and it dragged on for so long. The cancer situation is getting worse and worse, and it is difficult to get rid of vulvar cancer from Aunt Wang!

In addition to vulvar cancer caused by the quality of underwear like Aunt Wang, there are many other factors that can also cause vulvar cancer.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

2. Other causes of vulvar cancer

1. Chronic vulvitis

Chronic inflammation of the genitals can lead to vulvar cancer, especially in those who are obese and have diabetes.

If you already have chronic inflammation, you are likely to contribute to the cancerous transformation of the cells.

The bad habits of Aunt Wang just mentioned are one of the causes of chronic vulvitis. In addition to this, abnormal discharge and lack of hygiene can also cause this inflammation.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

Let's start with the abnormality of the discharge.

Abnormal discharge is actually very common, for example, before the big aunt starts, the discharge is a big discharge to tell the girl "you should be ready".

However, if this condition is removed and excessive leucorrhea occurs at normal times, it must be taken seriously.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

Of course, if the number of vaginal discharge can return to normal after only a day or two, there is no need to worry too much. But if it lasts for a longer period of time, then this condition of prolonged stimulation of the private parts can cause vulvitis.

Once this inflammation occurs, it can cause vulvar itching and damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

Behaviors that do not pay attention to hygiene in daily life, such as saving several pairs of underwear before washing it once, cleaning the vulva only every few days, or not wiping the anal opening properly, etc.

In these cases, the vulva becomes inflamed by irritation of urine, feces or menstrual blood.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

Mild is an itchy sensation, and more severe may cause slight pain and burning.

And to avoid this is also very simple, try to choose loose, cotton, good quality underwear.

Insist on washing intimate parts every day, wash them in time after changing underwear, and it is best to expose the cleaned underwear to the sun.

2. Vulvar leukoplakia

This is a condition in which pigmented changes occur in the skin and mucous membranes of the vulva, which are characterized by thick patches or plaques of different shapes, sizes, and numbers.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

Once this condition appears, it can also cause itching, itching, and in severe cases, it can cause swelling, redness, ulcers, etc., from scratching.

According to relevant survey data, those patients with vulvar cancer have vulvar leukoplakia in about 30% to 50% of the population before the onset of the disease.

And this situation occurs in addition to uncontrollable factors such as abnormal estrogen levels due to aging, a weakened immune system, or the presence of this disease in the immediate family members.

It has also been linked to some chronic irritations.

For example, the private parts are constantly rubbed because they are worn tight clothes and pants, or the private parts are damp and breathable for a long time.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

And this is the same as the chronic inflammation of the vulva mentioned earlier, which requires attention to the choice of clothes and pants in daily life.

3. Sexual diseases

There are many sexual diseases, among which vulvar cancer is closely related to syphilis.

According to the 28 patients with vulvar cancer measured by Union Hospital, it was found that these people with vulvar cancer had a 13%~50% probability of having syphilis before.

Researchers from other countries have also investigated the relationship between the two, and although the number of people surveyed varies from country to country, the final results are the same:

People with sexually transmitted diseases are at high risk of developing vulvar cancer.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

If you want to prevent the harm caused by this factor, you must pay more attention to intimate behavior, and take certain safety precautions before, during, and after the beginning.


HPV is also one of the causes of vulvar cancer.

According to relevant research results, nearly 30% of people with this disease will develop vulvar cancer.

This is mainly because the disease can invade the epithelial cells of the reproductive tract, preventing the cells from differentiating properly and eventually causing the cells to become cancerous.

In addition to this, a certain protein in this virus binds to malignant tumor inhibitors, in other words, can weaken the inhibitory function and likewise increase the risk of vulvar cancer.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

The quickest way to avoid this is to get vaccinated, which is also related to the normal routine of daily life.

After understanding the causes of vulvar cancer, are there any measures and methods that can prevent it in time? Or is there a way to recover quickly for patients who have already been infected with vulvar cancer?

3. Don't be afraid of vulvar cancer

Vulvar cancer is a type of cancer, but it is not an incurable disease.

According to relevant data, if it can be detected in time and actively cooperate with hospital treatment measures, there will be a 70% survival rate.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

In addition to cooperating with the hospital's treatment, it is also necessary for patients to pay attention to all aspects of daily life, and these attention is also suitable for women who do not have vulvar cancer.

1. Diet

It is mainly through the supplementation of sufficient vitamins to inhibit the virus.

According to the discoveries of scientists, vitamin C can enhance immunity, and it can enhance more than a dozen types of immunity, such as enhancing the maturity of immune cells, producing antibodies, etc.

It has also been found that daily vitamin C supplementation can minimize the incidence of cervical cancer.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

Vegetables that contain more vitamin C in daily life include cauliflower, potatoes, bok choy, rape, etc., if the intake of vegetables is insufficient, you can buy vitamin C supplements.

2. Learn to clean your private parts properly

Washing the private parts can ensure that the area is clean and dry to the greatest extent, but there are many women who do not know how to wash it correctly in their daily life.

The correct way is to prepare a basin of warm water, and the cleaning process should be from front to back, from the inside out, unless there is already a gynecological disease, there is no need to apply foreign medicines.

After washing, prepare a towel specially used for wiping, and insist on daily washing to effectively prevent or slow down the occurrence of diseases.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

In addition, improving immunity can also be improved by enriching sleep, ensuring that the sleep time is 6~8 hours a day, and if necessary, you can also take a half-hour nap.


59-year-old Aunt Wang caused vulvar cancer because of a very small wrong habit in daily life, which is a very costly behavior.

In daily life, I believe that many people have similar behaviors to Aunt Wang. In addition, infection with various viruses caused by incorrect sexual behavior is also a trigger for vulvar cancer.

A 59-year-old woman was diagnosed with vulvar cancer! Her "bad habits" are a wake-up call for everyone! It's worth learning from

Therefore, in addition to the measures mentioned above, it is also necessary to learn to view sexual behavior reasonably and correctly, and not to engage in behaviors that are harmful to health for the sake of momentary pleasure.

Have you ever heard of vulvar cancer? Are there any women around you who have this cancer? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.


Baidu Encyclopedia Vulvar cancer

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