
Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

author:Little Plum Classroom
Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone
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Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

As night fell, 74-year-old Sheng Hailin was sitting at a humble table in an ordinary neighborhood in Hefei, talking intently to the screen of her mobile phone. The dim lamp reflected her wrinkled face, and her eyes showed tiredness but also a gritty light.

She is conducting a live webcast to introduce various daily necessities and health products to the audience.

"This massager is especially good for the elderly, it can relieve muscle soreness......" Sheng Hailin's voice was a little hoarse, but still full of enthusiasm. From time to time, there are audience messages in the live broadcast room, and she always responds with a smile one by one.

Who would have thought that this old man, who constantly introduced goods to the camera, had experienced such ups and downs in life? From a happy military family to the pain of the unexpected death of an only daughter; From the miracle of giving birth to twins at the age of 60, to the blow of a huge fraud and the death of her husband at the age of 72.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

Sheng Hailin's story is like a life legend full of drama.

After the live broadcast, Sheng Hailin gently rubbed her sore shoulders, and her eyes inadvertently swept over the family photo on the wall. In the photo, she and her husband are smiling brightly, holding their newborn twin daughters in their arms.

More than ten years have passed, and the once happy family of four is now only supported by her alone.

Sheng Hailin took a deep breath and shook her head gently, as if to dispel all the sadness. She stood up, walked to the kitchen, and began preparing dinner for her daughters, who were coming home from school.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

Despite the hardships of life, there was still a glint of hope in her eyes and a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. This old man, who has experienced the ups and downs of life, is interpreting the resilience of life and the greatness of maternal love in his own way.

However, fate is unpredictable. Just a day later, the army called to inform her son-in-law that she had not reported on time and that her daughter's phone had not been answered. Sheng Hailin's heart suddenly swelled with an ominous premonition.

She and her husband immediately contacted their in-laws, and the four elderly people gathered together and rushed to their new home.

The moment I opened the door, the strong smell of gas came to my face. Sheng Hailin felt that her heart was almost beating out of her chest, and her legs trembled incessantly. The two men rushed into the bedroom and found their son-in-law unconscious, while Tingting had stopped breathing.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

Sheng Hailin stood in place like falling into an ice cave, her lips trembling and constantly calling her daughter's name, tears flowing silently.

By the time first responders arrived, there was no way to turn it back. The once laughing and laughing family was shattered in an instant, leaving only endless grief and despair. Sheng Hailin's husband began to drink to kill her sorrows, and she fell into deep self-blame and remorse.

The pain of losing her only daughter made Sheng Hailin almost collapse. She began to look for ways to fill the emptiness in her heart and even considered ending her own life. On an impulse, Sheng Hailin even bought a cemetery for herself.

However, her husband's dissuasion made her realize that her loss would only cause more pain to her family.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

In the face of this sudden blow, Sheng Hailin tried to keep herself sane. She began to think about how to rediscover the meaning of life and how to fill the huge void after the loss of her daughter.

This once-happy family is now shrouded in a haze of grief and desperately needs a glimmer of hope to light the way ahead.

After losing her only daughter, Sheng Hailin's life fell into a trough. However, with her husband's persuasion, she realized that her departure would cause even more pain to her family.

In order to find a new meaning in life, Sheng Hailin made a surprising decision to have another child at the age of 60.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

At the beginning of 2010, Sheng Hailin began the difficult road of IVF. As a doctor, she is well aware of the risks and challenges of the process. But in order to fill the emptiness in her heart, she resolutely embarked on this arduous road.

Sheng Hailin endured serious side effects, daily ovulation injections, hormone medications, various tests and surgeries. With every painful treatment, she gritted her teeth and persevered, with only one belief in her heart - to find a replacement for her lost daughter.

Taking into account Sheng Hailin's age, the hospital injected three fertilized eggs into her body at one time. Doctors were not optimistic about the attempt, believing that the success of conceiving a baby would be a miracle.

However, to everyone's surprise, Sheng Hailin's womb showed amazing vitality and successfully conceived two embryos.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

During her pregnancy, Sheng Hailin endured unimaginable pain. Her blood pressure was as high as 170mmHg, her uric acid level was well above normal, and she was often dizzy and vomiting.

The hospital advised her to consider losing a fetus to reduce the risk, but Sheng Hailin firmly refused. She is determined to bring her two children into this world safely, even at the cost of her life.

On May 25, 2010, in a hospital in Hefei, 60-year-old Sheng Hailin successfully gave birth to twin baby girls, each weighing only 3 pounds.

Looking at the two little lives in the incubator, Sheng Hailin's eyes flashed with tears, and she seemed to see the shadow of her deceased daughter.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

However, reality soon gave Sheng Hailin a blow in the face. After leaving the hospital, she was exhausted by the hardships of caring for her newborn. In order to relieve the pressure, she spent 6,000 yuan to hire a confinement lady and also hired a full-time housekeeping aunt.

Despite this, Sheng Hailin still felt physically and mentally exhausted, and sometimes even regretted her decision.

But as time went on, watching her two daughters grow up day by day, Sheng Hailin regained hope and motivation in life. She began to carefully select new clothes for the children, ecstatic at each small step they made.

On January 30, 2011, Sheng Hailin put on a brand new hat for her daughters, hoping that they would grow up healthy and happy in the new year. The twin daughters not only filled the emptiness of her loss of Tingting, but also gave her the courage to move on.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

While her career was successful, Sheng Hailin met a female friend from Beijing. This lady took great care of Sheng Hailin, not only taking care of her during her hospitalization, but also buying clothes and daily necessities for her two children.

Sheng Hailin was deeply moved and regarded this friend as a confidant. On September 7, 2013, in the company of this friend, two lively and lovely little girls danced happily, showing the vitality and hope of life.

However, fate once again played a cruel joke on Sheng Hailin. After winning Sheng Hailin's absolute trust, the "confidant" proposed to use his network resources to help the children buy real estate in Beijing.

Considering Beijing's educational resources and future development opportunities, Sheng Hailin did not hesitate to hand over 1.9 million yuan to the other party.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

Unexpectedly, this "friend" suddenly disappeared without a trace after receiving the payment. Sheng Hailin immediately reported the case to the police, and the Hefei Public Security Bureau, after investigation, informed her that it was a well-planned fraud case and that there were many other victims.

When she learned the fact that she had been deceived, Sheng Hailin almost collapsed to the ground. She couldn't believe that her hard-earned wealth had come to naught, and she couldn't accept that she had been so deceived by someone she trusted.

This blow caused Sheng Hailin to fall into deep self-blame and despair again, and she began to question her own judgment and became wary of the people around her.

Back at home, Sheng Hailin saw that the main responsibility for accompanying the child's growth fell on the shoulders of the nanny, and the emotional connection between herself and the child seemed to become estranged. She had to face a cruel reality: she had lost the patience and love she had when she raised her eldest daughter Tingting.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

This realization made Sheng Hailin feel even more distressed and helpless, and she began to wonder if she could continue to raise the hard-won twin daughters.

After experiencing the blow of fraud, Sheng Hailin's family life is also facing great challenges. Her husband, a once heroic military cadre, is now like an invisible person in life.

He has been addicted to alcohol for a long time, has become increasingly indifferent to his family and children, and rarely cares about and participates in the growth of his twin daughters. The company of wine every day has become the only solace in his life.

Faced with such a predicament, Sheng Hailin made a difficult decision - to send her two children to boarding school. This option not only saves on babysitting costs, but also saves her from worrying about daily education problems.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

However, this decision also made her more estranged from her children's emotional connection, and the two girls developed many bad habits and values as a result.

In 2022, an even bigger blow befell this already devastated family. Sheng Hailin's husband died due to health problems caused by long-term alcoholism.

His departure made Sheng Hailin feel both sad and relieved. To her surprise, many of her husband's comrades-in-arms came to mourn, and some even wept bitterly, making her realize for the first time the weight of her husband in the hearts of others.

Standing in front of the cemetery, Sheng Hailin looked at the resting place reserved for her daughter, son-in-law and husband, and had mixed feelings in her heart. For the two granddaughters who had never met, their grandfather had paid little attention to them since they were young.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

Today, Sheng Hailin has become the only pillar of the family, facing the burden of life and the unknown future alone.

This series of changes made Sheng Hailin have to re-examine her life. She realizes that despite all the misfortunes she has endured, she still needs to stay strong for the sake of her twin daughters, who are only 13 years old.

The weight of life weighed on her shoulders, but she knew she had no choice but to grit her teeth and move on.

Today, 74-year-old Sheng Hailin is raising her 13-year-old twin daughters alone, and the burden of life falls on her shoulders alone. In order to maintain the balance of the family's income and expenditure, the elderly man chose an unusual path - to earn living expenses through live webcasts.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

Every night, when most of her peers have fallen asleep peacefully, Sheng Hailin sits at a humble table and enthusiastically introduces various products to the mobile phone screen.

Her voice may be a little hoarse, but it's still vibrant. From time to time, there are audience messages in the live broadcast room, and she always responds with a smile one by one, as if every audience is an important friend in her life.

Despite the enormous financial pressures and parenting challenges, Sheng Hailin remains positive and optimistic. In a live broadcast, she confessed her heart and expressed her hope to live to the age of 104, witness her two daughters thrive, and find their own direction in life.

This seemingly impossible wish reflects her love for life and her expectations for the future.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

Surprisingly, after experiencing so many setbacks and blows, Sheng Hailin has not lost hope in life. On the contrary, she also revealed that she was looking for a sincere wife to spend the rest of her life with.

This desire for love and companionship shows the still young soul in her heart.

Sheng Hailin's story is the epitome of the extraordinary resilience and courage of an ordinary woman in the face of life's heavy blows. From giving birth at the age of 60 to raising her adolescent twin daughters alone at the age of 74, she interpreted the greatness of maternal love and the tenacity of life with practical actions.

Every time she fell, she chose to get back up; With each blow, she struggled to find new hope.

Sheng Hailin risked death at the age of 60 to give birth to twins, and at the age of 72, her husband was deceived of 1.9 million and died, and she carried everything alone

In this fast-paced society, Sheng Hailin's story is undoubtedly a booster, reminding us of the preciousness of life and the power of perseverance. Her experience teaches us that no matter how old we are, as long as there is hope in our hearts, we will never be defeated by life.

Although life is full of ups and downs, Sheng Hailin always insists on moving forward, interpreting the meaning of life in her own way, and bringing a touch of warmth and strength to those who are experiencing difficulties.

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