
Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

author:Galvin Press
Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now
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Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

In the eyes of the audience, Li Qi is the powerful actor who has created countless classic roles. However, what few people know is that behind the brilliance in the spotlight, he is engaged in a silent contest with two packs of cigarettes and eight taels of liquor every day.

The experience of being in and out of the intensive care unit many times did not make Li Qi let go of these deadly habits. The doctor's bitter exhortation seemed to be just a breeze in his ears, fleeting.

Let's walk into the stage of Li Qi's life, unveil the curtain on the actor's complex inner world, and explore his struggle between acting and acting.

In 1970, 15-year-old Li Qi was spending his ordinary teenage years on a farm in Shaanxi. At that time, it was hard for him to imagine that the future stage of his life would be so exciting.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

A piece of news was like a bolt of lightning, splitting his ordinary life - the Shaanxi Provincial People's Drama Theater openly recruited actors.

With a longing for the stage, Li Qi resolutely signed up for the selection. Despite his lack of professional training, his boldness and enthusiasm for performance that are characteristic of a Northwest man impressed the judges during the interview.

Eventually, Li Qi successfully stepped into the door of the drama theater and started his artistic career.

However, the reality is far from the imagined bright future. The social environment at that time caused the theater to be in a semi-suspended state, and Li Qi had to travel between various positions. But this curious teenager was not discouraged, but became more thirsty for knowledge and tried to ask every teacher for advice.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

During these difficult years, Li Qi devoted himself to his studies and accumulated valuable acting experience.

Day after day, Li Qi gradually fell in love with this profession. Even if he can only play an insignificant role on the edge of the stage, he enjoys it and never complains.

He knows that every performance is an opportunity to gain experience and a stepping stone to a bigger stage.

Finally, opportunity favored this young man who had been preparing for a long time. An important drama role came to the door, and Li Qi accepted the challenge without hesitation. With his hard work and talent on weekdays, he shines in this role.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

This drama has been popular all the way, from Shaanxi to Beijing. With his superb acting skills, Li Qi won the highest honor in the Chinese theater industry in one fell swoop. This hard-won recognition made him full of pride in his professional identity and strengthened his determination to continue to move forward on the road of acting.

From an ignorant teenager to an up-and-coming rookie, Li Qi has taken a solid first step on the road of art with his own efforts and talents. This experience not only laid the foundation for his future acting career, but also shaped his tenacious character.

However, no one expected that this hopeful beginning would be indissolubly linked to the addiction to tobacco and alcohol in the future.

Li Qi, who is full of ambition, with a desire for a broader stage, made a decision that is enough to change the trajectory of his life - to go north to Beijing. However, before he set off, he accomplished another major event in his life.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

Li Qi and Gao Li, who had known each other for only a month, fell in love and soon entered the palace of marriage.

When Gao Li first met Li Qi, he did not have a good impression of this tall man with bold words. She mistakenly thought that Li Qi had an impatient personality and was quite majestic. But as they got along, Gao Li gradually discovered that Li Qi was actually delicate and gentle in his heart, and he was a gentle and elegant man.

This unexpected discovery made her have a special affection for Li Qi.

With a vision for the future, the newlyweds embarked on the road to the north hand in hand. However, reality has given them a slap in the face. In this unfamiliar city, Li Qi finds himself stretched thin in terms of interpersonal relationships and frustrated at work.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

was once a high-spirited drama actor, but now he can only run around as a wandering artist, barely making ends meet.

A family of three huddled into a small, gloomy basement, struggling with the hardships of life every day. Beijing's high prices have put pressure on the young family.

It was during this difficult period that Li Qi began to develop the habit of relying on tobacco and alcohol. Two packs of cigarettes a day, eight taels of liquor became his way of relieving stress. Once this habit is formed, it is like appendage and difficult to get rid of.

Under the leadership of Guo Da, Li Qi successfully realized the transformation from a drama actor to a sketch actor. The sketch "Snoring" performed by them together gave Li Qi a certain popularity in the circle.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

This cooperation opened a new door for Li Qi and also gave him a glimmer of hope.

In 1996, the director of the Spring Festival Gala had a discerning eye and took a fancy to Li Qi's acting talent. The 46-year-old Li Qi finally appeared on the stage of the coveted Spring Festival Gala and cooperated with the famous host Ni Ping.

Although he is no longer young, the moment he steps into the studio hall, his heart is still excited. This appearance not only made Li Qi's image deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but also attracted the attention of many directors.

Li Qi's career has finally ushered in a turning point, but at the same time, tobacco and alcohol have become an indispensable part of his life. This contradictory reality laid a hidden danger for his future health.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

However, at this time, Li Qi was immersed in the joy that his career had finally improved, and he failed to realize the harm that this habit might bring.

In 1997, Li Qi ushered in a turning point in his career. Director Feng Xiaogang's new film was launched, and Li Qi was fortunate to play a role in it. This big-screen appearance became another milestone in his career, making him completely popular and a familiar face to the audience.

Since then, Li Qi's acting career has been booming, and various film and television dramas and movie invitations have come one after another. With his years of experience and superb acting skills in the troupe, he has created a series of impressive roles.

Especially those peasant images with a strong local flavor, such as Uncle Niu and old men, have won the warm love of the audience.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

When his career was booming, Li Qi did not forget his original intention. He is still enthusiastic about participating in various drama performances, and occasionally dabbles in the field of sketches, showing his multi-faceted talent.

With years of accumulation in the entertainment industry and outstanding contributions to the artistic career, Li Qi finally won the lofty title of "National First-class Actor".

Along with the glory of the career, there is a happy family life. Li Qi and Gao Li gave birth to three lovely children, two boys and one girl. After completing his studies, the eldest son resolutely decided to follow in his father's footsteps and devote himself to the entertainment industry and become an excellent actor.

And the daughter chose the path of joining the army to serve the country and dedicate her youth to the motherland. Whenever they have spare time, the children always report their safety to Li Qi, and the family ties between the family members become closer and closer.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

However, in the context of this seemingly perfect life, Li Qi's tobacco and alcohol problems are becoming more and more serious. Even at the peak of his career, he still couldn't get rid of the habit of two packs of cigarettes and eight taels of liquor a day.

These seemingly momentary pleasures are quietly eroding his health.

In addition, Li Qi also has a special preference for heavy foods such as meat. However, after learning that there was something wrong with his body, the doctor strongly advised him that he had to quit these bad eating habits or else it would exacerbate the condition.

But for someone as stubborn as Li Qi, it's not easy to change the lifestyle of years old.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

Despite repeated admonitions from doctors, he still insisted on a lifestyle of eating and drinking in large bowls. This indulgent lifestyle is in stark contrast to his brilliant career and happy family, and also lays health risks for his future.

Li Qi seems to be caught in a paradoxical dilemma: on the one hand, he enjoys the success of his career and the warmth of his family; On the other hand, he can't get rid of habits that can endanger his health.

The years are ruthless, and Li Qi's body finally lights up with a red light. After a detailed examination, the doctor found that his long-term bad habits had buried many hidden dangers in his body.

However, the power of habit is powerful, especially for someone with a stubborn personality like Li Qi, it is not easy to change the lifestyle of many years.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

Even after being in and out of the intensive care unit many times, Li Qi still could not completely quit smoking and drinking. Every indulgence means an onset of illness that requires another hospitalization.

This cycle not only affected his health, but also caused great worry and stress for his family.

However, there is always a turning point in life. After brushing shoulders with death again and again, Li Qi seems to have finally realized the importance of health. Perhaps it was the passage of time that gave him a new understanding of life, or perhaps it was the love and exhortation of his family that finally touched his heart.

In 2023, in an in-depth interview, Li Qi publicly announced that he had successfully quit smoking and drinking, the two major health killers. The news came as a relief to all who cared about him.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

What's even more surprising is that this old man, who is about to be in his prime, does not hesitate to spend a lot of effort to lose weight in order to effectively control the risk of chronic diseases such as the three highs.

Li Qi's decision was not easy to come by. It not only marks the importance he attaches to his own health, but also reflects his perseverance and willpower. From the indulgence of two packs of cigarettes and eight taels of liquor a day, to the complete abstinence of these hobbies, Li Qi interprets the attitude of "not afraid of change" with practical actions.

This change undoubtedly gave Li Qi a new opportunity in life. With the gradual improvement of his physical condition, he returned to the public eye. From 2018 to 2022, he participated in a number of film and television dramas, re-showing his charm as an actor.

Today's Li Qi, although he has entered the retirement stage, he is not bound by age. As long as he can, he is still passionate about making movies and singing songs, because these are his passions that he has maintained for half a century.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

His enthusiasm and energy, as if irrespective of his age, still shine in his acting career.

During the recent New Year's Day, Li Qi also personally recorded a warm blessing video. Wearing a vest, he looks no different from the uncle next door, kind and cute.

This image is an interesting contrast to the image of the old naughty boy with a full beard and a round beer belly, showing his multifaceted nature.

Li Qi actively participated in various program invitations and media interviews, showing his love for life and dedication to his career. He also keeps up with the trend of the times, sharing his daily life and humorous short videos on social platforms, showing that the elderly can also keep up with the times.

Ignoring the doctor's dissuasion, the actor Li Qi, who took 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor a meal, how is he doing now

From the past cigarette and alcohol to today's healthy life, Li Qi's transformation is gratifying. This man, who once fell into a low point in his life, finally ushered in his own glory with his love and persistence in acting.

Now, he continues to interpret the wonderful life with a new look, explaining to us what it means to truly live and learn to be old. Li Qi's story is not only an actor's career, but also an inspirational legend about self-redemption and rebirth.

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