
The world's unknown miracle of life - vitality in the extreme drought!

author:The sky is high and the earth is wide, and I want to see it
The world's unknown miracle of life - vitality in the extreme drought!

The Sahara Desert is the largest and most hostile desert in Africa, which has led many people to define "desert" as "barren", "dead", "dry" and so on. But who would have thought that the Kalahari Desert, which is far away from the Sahara Desert in the south and north, is full of vitality and has become one of the most "wild" places in the world.

The world's unknown miracle of life - vitality in the extreme drought!

The Kalahari Desert is a sandy plain with little undulation. It is bordered by Lake Ngami in the north, the Orange River in the south, about 26° east longitude in the east, and near the Atlantic coast in the west. It occupies almost all of Botswana, one-third of the eastern part of Namibia and part of the far north of the Cape Province of South Africa. In the southwest, it blends with the coastal desert of Namibia.

The world's unknown miracle of life - vitality in the extreme drought!

It was in such an extremely arid place that more than 20 years ago, people stumbled upon an underground lake deep underground in the desert – it was called "Dragon's Breath Lake" because of the large amount of water vapor rising. At a depth of about 60 meters from the entrance of the cave, there is fresh water as black as ink more than 100 meters deep, and this fossil-like cold lake has been sealed here for tens of thousands of years, and no one has ever known it. The lake is home to golden catfish, the rarest species in the world, which is isolated from the rest of the world.

The world's unknown miracle of life - vitality in the extreme drought!

In the northern part of the Kalahari Desert, there are clusters of apple-leaved trees. Every year in September and October, beautiful pink flowers bloom and are known as the "Kalahari Flowers", and when the dry season comes, elephant herds pass through Kalahari Flowers and follow ancient migration routes to the Okavango Delta, where there is an abundance of water. Here, the elephant herd can have a good time, year after year.

The world's unknown miracle of life - vitality in the extreme drought!

Located in the northwest of Botswana, with an area of about 15,000 square kilometers (5,800 square miles), the Okavango Delta is the world's largest inland delta, the largest and most scenic oasis in Africa, and the 1,000th UNESCO World Heritage Site. Nourished by water, this land exudes a vibrant breath of life everywhere. Tens of thousands of flora and fauna, hippos, buffalo, antelope, elephants, zebras... Strolling, chasing, and relaxing here. The Okavango Delta is formed by the Okavango River flowing into the Kalahari Desert, where most of the water is lost through evaporation and transpiration. 】

The world's unknown miracle of life - vitality in the extreme drought!

Africa, although a land full of wildness and vitality, also hides endless tenderness. The Kalahari flower is the most gorgeous pink romance on this continent. Against her backdrop, the vastness and magnificence of Africa are more vivid and colorful. Pink, purple, warm and romantic in the morning light, where is the desert of Africa, this is the garden of heaven.

The world's unknown miracle of life - vitality in the extreme drought!


The world's unknown miracle of life - vitality in the extreme drought!

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