
It is a "folk blood tonic vegetable", with 20 times higher iron content than spinach, which nourishes the kidney and nourishes the heart? Explain it in one article

author:Dr. Na of Chinese Medicine

In our daily lives, food is not only a medium to satisfy our appetites, but also a source of nourishment for the body and mind. Among the many ingredients, there is an ingredient known as "folk blood tonic vegetables", which has an iron content of up to 20 times that of spinach, and has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the heart.

It is a "folk blood tonic vegetable", with 20 times higher iron content than spinach, which nourishes the kidney and nourishes the heart? Explain it in one article

1. Those "natural blood supplements" engraved by the years and folk wisdom.

This ingredient, which is rumored to be a magical "folk blood tonic delicacy", is actually a common thing on our daily dining table - black fungus. Black fungus is not only delicious, but also highly nutritious. According to scientific research, black fungus contains 20 times more iron than spinach, which is an excellent dietary product for patients with iron deficiency anemia. In addition, black fungus is also rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, which have a variety of effects such as nourishing the kidney and heart, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, invigorating blood and removing stasis.

It is a "folk blood tonic vegetable", with 20 times higher iron content than spinach, which nourishes the kidney and nourishes the heart? Explain it in one article

Second, the nutritional value of black fungus

Iron and blood supplementation

Black fungus is rich in iron, and it is heme iron, which has a high absorption rate. Long-term consumption of black fungus can effectively improve the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, making the complexion ruddy and energetic.

Nourish the kidneys and heart

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black fungus has the effect of nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the heart. Moderate consumption of black fungus can alleviate symptoms such as waist and knee soreness, dizziness and tinnitus caused by kidney deficiency, and also has a certain alleviating effect on psychological problems such as palpitations, insomnia, and upset.

Moistens the lungs and relieves cough

Black fungus is also rich in plant gum, which has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, dissolving phlegm and clearing heat. For symptoms such as cough and dry throat caused by dryness in autumn, the consumption of black fungus can play a good role in adjuvant treatment.

It is a "folk blood tonic vegetable", with 20 times higher iron content than spinach, which nourishes the kidney and nourishes the heart? Explain it in one article

3. The legend of black fungus

Granny Li is old, but her body is very tough. Her complexion was ruddy and her spirit was strong, which made the young people in the village feel ashamed. When asked about the secret of health preservation, Granny Li always smiled and said, "What is the secret, it is to eat some black fungus every day." ”

It turned out that Granny Li's family was poor when she was young, and in order to save money, she often went to the mountains to pick all kinds of wild vegetables to eat. Among them, black fungus is one of her favorite ingredients. She found that every time she consumed black fungus, she felt very comfortable and her spirit became extraordinarily good. As a result, she developed the habit of eating black fungus every day, which has been eating for decades.

As time passed, Granny Lee's health got better and better, not only did she not suffer any geriatric diseases, but she was also healthier and more energetic than her peers. Her legend has become a good story in the village, and people have emulated her eating habits and regarded black fungus as a good health product.

It is a "folk blood tonic vegetable", with 20 times higher iron content than spinach, which nourishes the kidney and nourishes the heart? Explain it in one article

Fourth, the way to eat black fungus

Chilled black fungus

After soaking the black fungus, wash and shred, add minced garlic, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil and other seasonings and mix well. This method is simple and easy, with a refreshing taste and is suitable for summer consumption.

Stir-fried meat with black fungus

Stir-fry the black fungus with lean meat and add the appropriate amount of seasoning to taste. This recipe is delicious and nutritious, making it suitable for the whole family.

Black fungus stew

The black fungus is stewed together with red dates, wolfberries and other ingredients, which is not only delicious, but also has the effect of nourishing and maintaining health. Suitable for winter consumption.

It is a "folk blood tonic vegetable", with 20 times higher iron content than spinach, which nourishes the kidney and nourishes the heart? Explain it in one article

5. Health advice

Consume in moderation

Although black fungus is highly nutritious, it should also be consumed in moderation. Excessive consumption may lead to problems such as indigestion. In general, 2-3 times a week is enough to meet your body's iron needs.

Mix it up

When eating black fungus, it is necessary to pay attention to the reasonable combination with other ingredients. For example, it can be eaten with ingredients such as lean meat, red dates, etc., to enhance the nutritional value. At the same time, it is also important to avoid the counter-effects that may occur when eaten at the same time as certain ingredients.

Pay attention to quality

When buying black fungus, choose a product with good quality and no impurities. If you find black fungus with an unpleasant smell or unusual color, you should avoid buying and eating it.

It is a "folk blood tonic vegetable", with 20 times higher iron content than spinach, which nourishes the kidney and nourishes the heart? Explain it in one article

As a nutritious ingredient, black fungus has a variety of effects such as iron and blood, kidney and heart, lungs and cough. Through the rational consumption method and combination, we can better enjoy the health benefits brought by black fungus. At the same time, we should also pay attention to moderate consumption and pay attention to quality issues to ensure food safety and maximize nutritional value. Let's focus on eating healthy and enjoying a good life from now on!

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