
Ge Zhenlin returned to Langya Mountain decades later, and the life-saving benefactor of the year saw him and asked: Do you remember me?

author:Xiaomei told you

Ge Zhenlin returned to Langya Mountain after 45 years, and the life-saving benefactor of the year saw him and asked: Do you remember me, every nation and every country has its own heroes and praiseworthy deeds, and these stories passed down from generation to generation are like monuments that will never be extinguished, illuminating the way forward for future generations. What we want to tell today is a moving story that happened in the years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, a group of warriors who fought on the front line day and night forged an immortal heroic spirit with their blood and lives. Their deeds have made countless people's blood boil and awe, but do you know that behind this immortal heroic epic, there is a warm little story of ordinary people?

Ge Zhenlin returned to Langya Mountain decades later, and the life-saving benefactor of the year saw him and asked: Do you remember me?

It was the autumn of 1941, and the Japanese army frantically swept through the Jin-Cha-Ji area, launching one inhumane encirclement and suppression after another against the heroic anti-Japanese Eighth Route Army. The headquarters of Yang Chengwu of the Eighth Route Army was stationed in the area of Langya Mountain, responsible for directing the nearby blocking battle. In order to cover the timely transfer of the large force, a small detachment of six people was not afraid of danger and asked to stay and drag the enemy.

Ge Zhenlin returned to Langya Mountain decades later, and the life-saving benefactor of the year saw him and asked: Do you remember me?

How could the scheming Yang Chengwu not know that this move was equivalent to a desperate fight, but the situation was critical, so he had to give up his car to protect the handsome, so he had to nod his head and allow it. The five warriors in this squad are Ma Baoyu, Hu Delin, Hu Fucai, Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi. All of them are good men with big shoulders and round waists, tigers and tigers, and at this time, their eyes are flashing with fierce murderous aura, and they exude heroic pride that dares to fight hard.

The weapons and ammunition had been distributed to the large army, and all they had left was a few rifles and a bundle of grenades. In the face of an overwhelming enemy, five people fought to the death and fought two armies too much, and launched a frenzied shooting and throwing at the Japanese until all the bullets and grenades were completely exhausted. In the process of retreating step by step, the soldiers had already held off the enemy for half a day. But in the end, the five were forced to the edge of the cliff of Langya Mountain.

Ge Zhenlin returned to Langya Mountain decades later, and the life-saving benefactor of the year saw him and asked: Do you remember me?

At this desperate juncture, in the face of the surrender and persuasion of the Japanese invaders, the five men would rather die than give in, swore to the death, waved their fists and shouted the slogan "Down with Japanese imperialism," and resolutely jumped off the cliff. The tragic scene made the Japanese in the mountains also change color and were dumbfounded.

Among them, Ma Baoyu, Hu Delin and Hu Fucai sacrificed their lives for the country and became real revolutionary martyrs. When Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi fell, they were both blocked by protruding branches on the mountainside, and although they were scarred, they still survived. The two who were seriously injured supported each other, and in the middle of the night they groped for an ancient temple in the chessboard.

Ge Zhenlin returned to Langya Mountain decades later, and the life-saving benefactor of the year saw him and asked: Do you remember me?

At this time, a civilian old man appeared, his name was Yu Yaofu, and he was only a 19-year-old director of the Anti-Japanese Youth Association at that time. Yu Yaofu had witnessed the Eighth Route Army strangled with the Japanese army to cover the evacuation of the masses, and he was injured by artillery fire and passed out, but fortunately escaped. Seeing the two people who were struggling to move, Yu Yaofu did not hesitate, supported the two wounded with his thin body, and led them to this abandoned ancient temple.

In this deserted temple, although there was only a little food left, Yu Yaofu still did his best to make a fire and cook and take care of the two wounded who were on the verge of exhaustion. The three of them survived several days and nights in this way. Until the fugitive commander of the Eighth Route Army, Li Wenkui, and the Taoist Li Yuanzhong came here. Seeing the seriously injured Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi, everyone was in awe.

Ge Zhenlin returned to Langya Mountain decades later, and the life-saving benefactor of the year saw him and asked: Do you remember me?

It turns out that these two are the warriors who jumped off the cliff from the mountain just now and escaped from death! When everyone heard about their past and deeds of perseverance, they all burst into tears. Li Daoren even folded his hands on the spot and bowed to them for blessings. Unexpectedly, when he was dying, Yu Yaofu, an ordinary rural boy, became the benefactor and care of the two heroes before they died.

Early the next morning, the clutch was ready to go their separate ways. Li Wenkui left with Yu Yaofu first, in order to join the large army as soon as possible. Li Yuanzhong pushed a small car and personally sent Ge Zhenlin and Song Xueyi out of more than ten miles, until the two sides parted, this old Taoist had been praying for them on the side of the road.

Ge Zhenlin returned to Langya Mountain decades later, and the life-saving benefactor of the year saw him and asked: Do you remember me?

In this way, in that era of chaos in the slums, several strangers who had nothing to do with each other in this catastrophe of life and death were linked by fate and fish, creating a heart-warming little episode. The white-haired Yu Yaofu and the old man Ge Zhenlin finally reunited with the help of the media decades later. The moment the two old men met, they couldn't hide the excitement in their hearts, they reunited after a long absence, and the old love was revived, they hugged each other tightly, and tears came out of their eyes. The debt of life, the grace of saving life, everything is engraved in the bottom of my heart with the passage of time, and has become an eternal mark through time and space.

Ge Zhenlin returned to Langya Mountain decades later, and the life-saving benefactor of the year saw him and asked: Do you remember me?

Heroism is much more than cold ideas and magnificent epics, and it is often the heartwarming human chapters that are the most valuable part of it. The heroic feelings of the five heroes who are full of pride and regard death as home make us forever forget, and the small acts of kindness of the ordinary people behind them give people warm comfort, which also makes this history baptize the glory of human nature. There is no distinction between high and low, as long as you have a simple and kind heart, anyone can become a hero. In this long scroll of history in the world, there may be a small heart-warming chapter around each of us, but we are just drowned in the mighty waves. Let us always remember that no matter how difficult life is, as long as there is a ray of light shining ahead, we will never lose the original intention of humanity.