
Congratulations to Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has admitted that he is the father of the child, and the two sides have reached a settlement

author:Interesting sesame sauce

Huang Yiming's counterattack: The entertainment industry behind the child's identity confirmation

The changes in the entertainment industry are always dizzying, and this time, the focus is on an actress named Huang Yiming. On June 27, she suddenly spoke out on her personal account, like a bombshell, which shook the entire entertainment industry - she publicly confirmed Wang Sicong as the father of her child! This news instantly sparked countless speculations and heated discussions, and netizens watched one after another, wanting to find out.

Congratulations to Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has admitted that he is the father of the child, and the two sides have reached a settlement

Huang Yiming, the once unknown actress, became the new favorite of the entertainment industry overnight with her wonderful performance in a hit drama "Against the Wind". The heroine she played in the play has changed from a weak woman abandoned by society to an independent and self-reliant modern woman, and her superb acting skills and touching plot have won the love of the audience. However, no one thought that Huang Yiming's real life would be even more exciting than in the play.

Congratulations to Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has admitted that he is the father of the child, and the two sides have reached a settlement

Just when everyone was still guessing who the child's father was, Huang Yiming suddenly stood up and spoke out. She said that Wang Sicong actually recognized the existence of children from the beginning, but because of her high work pressure, she often vented her emotions on Wang Sicong, which led to a tense relationship between the two. She admitted frankly that she had called Wang Sicong frantically in the middle of the night, and was even blocked by the other party. But all this is for the sake of the child, she just wants Wang Sicong to recognize the identity of the child and give the child a complete home.

Congratulations to Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has admitted that he is the father of the child, and the two sides have reached a settlement

Huang Yiming's words undoubtedly made netizens explode. Some praised her as a brave mother who would do whatever it took for the sake of her children; Some people also questioned that she was hyping herself and using Wang Sicong's popularity to enhance her popularity. Huang Yiming didn't care about this, she said: "I never said that Wang Sicong didn't recognize the child, but everyone misunderstood what I meant." I just want everyone to know the truth and let their children get the love and respect they deserve. ”

Congratulations to Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has admitted that he is the father of the child, and the two sides have reached a settlement

However, the turmoil did not end there. As netizens dig deeper and break the news, more and more details have been exposed. It turned out that Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong met a few years ago, and the two participated in a variety show together, and there was a scandal because of this. But at that time, neither of them publicly admitted their relationship, and they just got along as friends. It wasn't until later, when Huang Yiming found out that she was pregnant, that she decided to come forward and disclose the identity of the child.

Congratulations to Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has admitted that he is the father of the child, and the two sides have reached a settlement

As the father of the child, Wang Sicong's attitude has also attracted much attention. According to insiders, Wang Sicong did not know about the existence of the child at first, and it was not until Huang Yiming found him and told him the truth that he realized his responsibility. Although he did not say anything publicly, he is said to have privately acknowledged the identity of the child and is willing to take on the responsibility of being a father.

Congratulations to Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has admitted that he is the father of the child, and the two sides have reached a settlement

However, the turmoil did not end there. Netizens also have mixed evaluations of Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong. Some people think that Huang Yiming is a brave mother who will do whatever it takes for her children; Some people also think that she is hyping herself and using Wang Sicong's popularity to enhance her popularity. And Wang Sicong has become the focus of everyone's attention, and his attitude will directly affect the future of Huang Yiming and his children.

Congratulations to Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has admitted that he is the father of the child, and the two sides have reached a settlement

In this turmoil, Huang Yiming's masterpiece "Turning the Table Against the Wind" was also re-mentioned. This TV series not only made Huang Yiming famous overnight, but also became a witness to her counterattack. She showed her acting skills and charm with this drama, and won the love and recognition of the audience. And now, she is standing in front of the public with a more courageous and strong attitude, fighting for the rights and interests of herself and her children.

Congratulations to Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has admitted that he is the father of the child, and the two sides have reached a settlement

In general, Huang Yiming's voice undoubtedly brought a lot of shock to the entire entertainment industry. She not only revealed the identity of the child, but also showed her courage and strength. As the father of the child, Wang Sicong's attitude will also become the focus of everyone's attention. No matter how the future develops, we hope that Huang Yiming and his children can receive the care and respect they deserve. At the same time, I also hope that the entertainment industry can maintain a healthy, positive and upward atmosphere, and bring more excellent works and performances to the audience.

Congratulations to Huang Yiming, Wang Sicong has admitted that he is the father of the child, and the two sides have reached a settlement

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