
Most middle-aged and elderly people can't play headlines at all

author:Shuo Shuo eats melons


In the vast stars of today's headlines, there is always a group of figures, who seem to be unknown, but carry the memory and wisdom of the times. Today, I would like to take you to unveil the mystery of this group of "invisible people" - they are middle-aged and elderly creators, a unique group of people who depict the modern world with traditional brushstrokes. Their works are like heavy history books, telling stories that have been forgotten by time. So, how do these "invisible people" make their voices heard in the digital age?

Most middle-aged and elderly people can't play headlines at all

1. Technical threshold: when tradition meets modernity

Imagine a calligrapher over half a hundred years old, holding a brush in his hand and splashing ink on the paper, creating exquisite calligraphy works. However, when he wanted to share these works on Toutiao, he found himself facing a huge technical challenge. He doesn't know how to take pictures or retouch them, let alone upload and edit them into eye-catching graphic content. This technological threshold is like an invisible wall that separates middle-aged and elderly creators from the digital world.

But it is precisely this challenge that stimulates the intellectual curiosity and innovative spirit of middle-aged and elderly creators. They are beginning to learn how to use modern technology such as smartphones and tablets, and strive to cross this technological threshold. They may not be as skilled as young people, but their love of creation and thirst for knowledge make them the most resilient learners.

2. Language generation gap: when ancient rhyme meets new trend

The language style of middle-aged and elderly creators often has a simple charm. They are good at depicting the emotions of characters with delicate brushstrokes and exploring the philosophy of life with profound thinking. However, in the digital age, this style of language seems to be somewhat "outdated". Young people prefer concise, clear, and creative expressions, while it is often difficult for middle-aged and older creators to relate to the traditional language style.

Most middle-aged and elderly people can't play headlines at all

But it is this language generation gap that makes the works of middle-aged and elderly creators more unique and precious. Their words are like a bottle of old wine, the more you taste it, the more you taste it. Their works are not only the inheritance and promotion of traditional culture, but also the reflection and enlightenment of modern society. These works may not be enthusiastically sought after by young people, but they can attract those who know how to appreciate and taste.

3. Cultural Conflict: When Tradition Collides with Modernity

Middle-aged and elderly creators are deeply influenced by traditional culture, and their works often contain rich cultural connotations and historical heritage. However, in the digital age, this traditional culture is facing unprecedented challenges. Young people are more inclined to accept Western culture and modern thoughts, while they are somewhat indifferent and unfamiliar with traditional culture.

But it is this kind of cultural clash that makes the works of middle-aged and elderly creators more significant and valuable. Through their works, they convey the charm and wisdom of traditional culture to young people. They use their experiences and insights to provide young people with another perspective and way of thinking. These works are not only the inheritance and promotion of traditional culture, but also a reflection and enlightenment of modern society.

Most middle-aged and elderly people can't play headlines at all

Fourth, the difference in values: when the ideal meets the reality

Middle-aged and elderly creators often have a deep sense of family and country and the spirit of scholars, and what they pursue is spiritual satisfaction and contribution. However, in the digital age, these values seem to be somewhat "anachronistic". Young people value material and power pursuits more, and they are eager to realize their dreams and ambitions in reality.

But it is this difference in values that makes the works of middle-aged and elderly creators more in-depth and connotative. Through their works, they convey a positive spiritual force to readers. They use their experiences and insights to tell people what true happiness and success are. These works are not only the embodiment and expression of the values of middle-aged and elderly creators, but also a reflection and enlightenment of modern society.


In the sea of today's headlines, middle-aged and elderly creators may not be the brightest stars, but they are one of the most attractive and valuable groups. They depict the beauty and ugliness of the modern world with traditional brushstrokes; They use ancient language to tell the inheritance and changes of history; They pursue spiritual satisfaction and contribution with their deep feelings for their family and country and the spirit of scholars. These works may not be recognized and loved by everyone, but they can touch the hearts and minds of those who know how to appreciate and taste. Let's pay attention to these middle-aged and elderly creators! Let's like, retweet and leave a message for them in the digital age! Because they are not only our elders and predecessors, but also the precious wealth of our cultural heritage and the progress of the times!