
At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

author:A collection of fairy tales
At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed
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At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

In the early 1990s, the Chinese music scene ushered in a dazzling new star - Xie Jin. Her singing voice was once as famous as Faye Wong and Na Ying, and she was in the limelight. However, the twist of fate came unexpectedly.

One ordinary morning when she was 28 years old, Xie Jin took a shower, put on her favorite clothes, and resolutely jumped from the 23-story building. In the last moments of her life, she left behind a heartbreaking sentence: "Mother, shouldn't I have slapped that slap in the face?"

What kind of story is hidden behind this sentence? And how did that slap push a hopeful young life to a desperate end? Let's step into Sejin's life and uncover the truth of this tragedy.

Shejin was born into an ordinary family that was not wealthy, but her parents always valued her all-round development. In particular, Xie Jin's mother, although she was only an amateur music lover, created a strong musical atmosphere in the home.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

Under the influence of such an environment, Xie Jin developed a strong interest in music and soon showed extraordinary talent.

The mother was keenly aware of her daughter's potential and began to guide her to the path of music. The young Xie Jin frequently sang on stage and actively participated in various competitions. In almost every competition, Xie Jin was able to stand out and win the crown.

The mother's support was not limited to encouragement, she even started writing songs for her daughter, and the mother and daughter were musically compatible and worked together seamlessly.

When Xie Jin was 16 years old, the door of opportunity opened for her. In an important singing competition, the judges were deeply impressed by her unique voice and confident typhoon.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

This competition not only won her honor, but also became an important opportunity for her to step into the entertainment industry. Since then, Xie Jin has gradually made a name for himself in the local music scene, attracting more and more fans.

Recalling that time, Xie Jin's eyes always sparkled. She once confided in her friends: "At that time, I was full of love for music and longing for the future, and I felt that the whole world was singing for me.

Every time I stand on stage, I feel like I'm one step closer to my dream.

However, Xie Jin never imagined that it was this dedication and love for music that pushed her to an unpredictable fate. On her musical path, there is both dazzling light and imperceptible haze.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

As she grew older and gained more experience, Xie Jin's singing voice became more and more powerful, and her performance became more mature. Every time she takes the stage, the audience can feel her love for music and dedication to art.

However, behind this seemingly bright future, fate is quietly preparing a cruel turn for her.

Xie Jin's story begins as a teenage girl with a love for music, but ends up with a heartbreaking ending. This upbringing not only shaped her musical talent, but also laid the groundwork for her future tragedy.

The year 1990 was an important turning point for Shejin. Beijing successfully hosted the Asian Games, and Xie Jin became popular all over Asia overnight with the song "90 Asian Games".

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

Although she was still a young newcomer in the entertainment industry at that time, her charm could not be concealed, and she was soon compared with Faye Wong and Na Ying, the queens of Chinese music.

Every time he took the stage, Xie Jin conquered the audience with his firm eyes and clear voice. Her singing voice is not only full of love for the motherland, but also full of longing for the future.

Her performance not only touched the general audience, but also won praise from industry insiders. A veteran musician commented on her: "Xie Jin's voice has a special power that can hit people's hearts.

She is not simply singing, but telling the story of this era with her voice.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

In less than two years, Xie Jin's performance of "Chinese Style" on the national tour once again pushed her to the peak of her career. The song is a clever blend of traditional elements and modern pop music, and perfectly showcases Sejin's musical talent and personal charisma.

Every time this song was sung, the audience was overwhelmed by it, and the applause lasted for a long time.

With the continuous expansion of his reputation and influence, Xie Jin's status in the entertainment industry has also risen. Even as a rookie, she can compete with veteran singers like Cai Guoqing.

At an important music festival, Xie Jin performed with Cai Guoqing, and her performance was not inferior to that of this senior, winning bursts of applause from the audience.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

However, Xie Jin knows that in this highly competitive entertainment industry, fame and strength alone are not enough, the key is whether you have enough resources to support it. Born in an ordinary family, she lacks the advantages of network background and resources.

If it weren't for her talent, I'm afraid it would be difficult to find a place for herself in the entertainment industry.

In order to take his music career to the next level, Xie Jin finally decided to sign with Warner Records, the most powerful music company in the industry at the time. On the day of the signing, Xie Jin held the contract, tears of excitement flashed in her eyes, and she said to her mother: "Mom, I finally have the opportunity to let more people hear my singing."

This seemingly wise decision turned out to be a turning point in Xie Jin's life. She stepped into this new stage full of hope, but she never imagined that there was a hidden danger here that could destroy her dreams.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

At the most glorious moment of his career, Xie Jin's heart was full of complex emotions. On the one hand, she is proud of her accomplishments; On the other hand, she also feels a lot of pressure, for fear that if she is not careful, she will lose her hard-won success.

This ambivalent state of mind laid the groundwork for future tragedies.

Xie Jin's story, from the rise of a talented rising star to the fall into an unpredictable abyss, shows the cruel reality of the entertainment industry. It reminds us that on the road to chasing our dreams, we need not only talent and hard work, but also always be sober and alert to potential dangers.

Xie Jin joined Warner Records with great enthusiasm and is looking forward to taking his career to the next level. However, reality gave her a slap in the face. Her immediate superior, a senior executive with considerable influence in the company, had bad intentions for the talented newcomer.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

At first, the top brass only implicitly hinted that he hoped that Xie Jin would put in some "extra effort" for himself. Xie Jin was not a dull person, and quickly realized the other party's bad intentions.

Although she knew that obedience might make her career smoother, Xie Jin's moral bottom line and self-esteem made her firmly reject these hints.

In the face of Xie Jin's repeated refusals, the high-ranking gradually lost patience. He began to blatantly oppress Xie Jin, giving her unfavorable jobs and cutting her resources.

The turning point came at an event called the "Campus Concert". It was supposed to be an important show that Xie Jin had carefully planned to attract young fans, but was seen by her superiors as the perfect opportunity for revenge.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

Under his covert operation, the equipment on the performance site was seriously damaged.

When Xie Jin stood on the stage with enthusiasm and began to sing, he found that the voice coming from the microphone was harsh and unpleasant. The audience frowned, and some even covered their ears.

In less than half of the song, the audience was already empty. Xie Jin stood on the stage, feeling humiliated and angry like never before.

After the performance, Xie Jin held back tears and went straight to the leader's office. She asked, "Why did you do this to me?" However, in the face of her questioning, the senior showed a smug smile and said, "I just want to destroy you."

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

This sentence completely ignited the anger in Xie Jin's heart. In a split second of impulse, she made a decision that would change her life. She raised her hand and slapped the senior hard.

This slap not only hit the man in the face, but also shattered Xie Jin's musical dreams. The moment her hand fell, she realized what a serious mistake she had made.

However, it was too late, and quite a few witnesses had already gathered outside the office.

From that moment on, Xie Jin knew that her career and life would face unprecedented challenges. This was supposed to be the peak of her career, but because of a person's malice and her own impulsiveness, it became a turning point in her life.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

In the days that followed, Xie Jin kept thinking back to the scene, regretting why he was so out of control. She began to question whether she was suitable for this entertainment industry full of intrigue and whether she should stick to her music dreams.

This experience not only destroyed Xie Jin's career, but also deeply hurt her psyche. The girl who was once full of love for music and hope for the future has become terrified and full of fear for the future.

Xie Jin's story reveals the dark side behind the entertainment industry, and also warns us to stay rational in the face of injustice and not let the impulse ruin our future.

After that slap, Xie Jin's career took a sharp turn. Her superiors began to suppress her in all directions, depriving her of all job opportunities. The once familiar stage and enthusiastic audience seemed to miss her overnight.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

Xie Jin tried to salvage the situation, and sincerely apologized to his superiors many times, hoping to get forgiveness and a chance to work again. However, her sincerity was exchanged for cold eyes and ridicule.

The high-level made it clear that he wanted to make Xie Jin completely unable to gain a foothold in this circle.

Xie Jin, who lost his job opportunity, began to fall into deep self-blame and despair. She locked herself in her home all day, recalling that out-of-control moment and questioning herself why she was so impulsive.

The once bright smile was gone, replaced by a haggard face and a gloomy look.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

Family and friends sensed that Xie Jin's condition was not right and came to comfort him. However, an insurmountable wall has been erected inside her.

In this way, Sejin spent almost a year in agony and despair. Her physical and mental health deteriorated, and the girl who was once radiant seemed to have disappeared.

She began to doubt her own worth and question the meaning of her existence.

During this difficult time, Shezin tried to bounce back, but each attempt ended in failure. The door of the entertainment industry is closed to her, and her former friends and peers are gradually estranged.

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

She felt abandoned by the whole world, trapped in loneliness and despair that she could not escape.

This experience not only destroyed Xie Jin's career, but also deeply hurt her heart. The girl who was once full of love for music and hope for the future has now lost faith in life.

In the early morning of Xie Jin's 28th birthday, she got up and washed up as usual. On this day, she dressed herself with extra care and changed into her favorite clothes. She then quietly walked to the balcony of her apartment and made that heartbreaking decision.

When her mother arrived at the scene, Xie Jin was already dying. Facing his tearful mother, Xie Jin used his last strength to say, "Mother, shouldn't I have slapped that slap."

At the age of 28, after taking a shower, he jumped from a 23-story building and died, only to slap someone on his deathbed

These words became her last words to the world.

Xie Jin's life, like a bright meteor, crossed a dazzling light in the Chinese music scene, and finally fell into eternal darkness. Her story is not only a tragedy for a talented singer, but also a heavy warning to the entire entertainment industry.

It reminds us that on the road to chasing our dreams, we must cherish our talents, protect our dignity, and don't let the impulse ruin our lives.

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