
day66 Do you dare to insist with me, force yourself to self-discipline and learn a piece of Chinese culture "The Wisdom of the Analects" every day

author:Not a well-known Dodo classmate


Challenge to learn a period of Chinese culture every day until you finish learning the classics such as the Four Books and the Five Classics!

Today I will study the 10th chapter of the Analects, Chapter 25-27.

day66 Do you dare to insist with me, force yourself to self-discipline and learn a piece of Chinese culture "The Wisdom of the Analects" every day

Learning experience: I remember my mother once taught us not to point it out directly when we go to someone else's house to eat, even if it is really salty. If your friend has treated you warmly, be sure to express your joy and thank your friend, it is not easy for the host to prepare a meal, even if there is a meal that you don't like, don't show it on your face.

day66 Do you dare to insist with me, force yourself to self-discipline and learn a piece of Chinese culture "The Wisdom of the Analects" every day

Learning experience: Don't point fingers casually when you take the car, and affect the driver's license, especially female friends, don't point fingers when you take the public car test.

day66 Do you dare to insist with me, force yourself to self-discipline and learn a piece of Chinese culture "The Wisdom of the Analects" every day

Learning experience: The female pheasant in Shanliang is actually an interesting story of Confucius, and there are several versions that have been handed down, including the above explanation, and there is a saying that Zilu fed the pheasant, and the pheasant smelled it three times and flew away. No matter which version it is, in fact, the meaning is the same, expressing Confucius's feelings about his own talents!

Must memorize high-frequency idioms ¥19.8 purchase


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