
In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

author:In the spring breeze

Everyone knows very well that in the Three Kingdoms era, there were as many excellent generals as stars. When it comes to Shu Han, people will think of the Five Tiger Generals; Cao Wei is a general known as the Five Liangs; There are also Lu Meng, Gan Ning and others in Eastern Wu, these are all famous generals with strong combat effectiveness in the history of the Three Kingdoms. But if you want to talk about the real top generals in the official history of the Three Kingdoms, then only the following four are remarkable. These four fierce generals have left a deep mark in the long river of history, and their heroic deeds have been praised by future generations. They are not only the pride of their respective forces, but also an indispensable heroic presence in the entire history of the Three Kingdoms.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

[Fourth place: Wen Yang]

Wenyang was an important figure in the Cao Wei regime during the Three Kingdoms period, his original name was Yu, and people often called him Ah Yang, so he was also habitually called Wenyang. Wen Yang's background is not bad, and his father held the position of assassin in the Cao Wei Group. And Wen Yang himself is also a warrior with outstanding combat power and great bravery, so he was appreciated by Cao Shuang.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

When Sima Yi rebelled against the imperial court, Cao Shuang's army suffered a crushing defeat, causing the Wen family to lose their main support. The Wen father and son were suppressed by the Sima family, so they were forced to take up a post in Yangzhou. After the Sima clan took control of the Cao Wei regime, their desire for power became more and more inflated and they acted arrogantly. Wen's father and son were dissatisfied with what the Sima family had done, so they united with the general Wu Qiu Jian to jointly stand up for the royal family and raise an army to defeat the Sima family. In short, when Sima Yi rebelled, Cao Shuang's military defeat caused the Wen family to lose support, and they were bullied by the Sima family and went to Yangzhou to take office. After the Sima family came to power, they became more and more domineering, and the Wen father and son joined forces with Wuqiu Jian to rebel against the Sima family in order to save the royal family.

At the moment of the battle, Wen Yang proposed to launch an attack immediately, taking advantage of the other party's surprise, he could win in one fell swoop. His prediction came true, and our army achieved a preliminary victory. Then, Wen Yang boldly went to the enemy line to challenge, at this time Sima Shi had just undergone eye surgery, but in order to maintain the morale of the army, he endured the pain and led the whole army to resist the enemy. His strength and perseverance have strengthened the confidence of our army.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

In this fierce battle, Sima Shi was seriously wounded, and his wounds burst and bleeding, but he still insisted on fighting without flinching. Not to be outdone, Wen Yang led several cavalry to bravely rush into the enemy army, and he was mighty. However, the enemy army was outnumbered, and Wen Yang could only order a retreat. When they were halfway back, Simaban's army suddenly appeared and blocked their way. Wen Yang was undaunted, and launched a charge again, fighting hard to kill the enemy.

After retreating after a fierce battle, the enemy quickly surrounded him. After six or seven rounds of repeated killings, Wen Yang was brave and invincible, and he scared the enemy into despair, and he no longer dared to surround and intercept him. Therefore, the prestige of Wenyang spread all over the world and was awe-inspiring.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

[Third place: Zhang Fei]

Everyone knows that Zhang Fei is a very brave person, and his bravery is obvious. Although he always says, "Me is the same", once he is in combat mode, he does not flinch. His brave performance is something that everyone can see.

In the battle of Nagasakapo, Zhang Fei showed his bravery and might. He was alone, with a horse and a spear, standing in front of the Dangyang Bridge, like an insurmountable barrier. His bravery and courage made it impossible for Cao Cao's tens of thousands of elite soldiers to stand still in front of him, unable to cross the bridge to his side. This battle fully proved Zhang Fei's strong combat effectiveness.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

Later, Zhang Fei followed Liu Bei into Sichuan and helped him capture Chengdu. He was then sent to defend the Langzhong region and fought against Cao Wei's famous general, Zhang He. Zhang He was famous in Cao Wei's army, but Zhang Fei was able to defeat him, which fully demonstrated Zhang Fei's bravery. His bravery was widely praised at the time. In short, Zhang Fei repeatedly made military exploits on the battlefield, not only helping Liu Bei to achieve Chengdu, but also winning the confrontation with Zhang He in the Langzhong region, which is enough to prove his bravery and combat effectiveness. His heroic deeds are celebrated by the world.

Regarding Zhang Fei's bravery, there is no need to mention that Liu Bei included him in the honor of the Five Tiger Generals, even Cao Wei's strategist Guo Jia agreed that Zhang Fei and Guan Yu had extraordinary combat effectiveness, believing that they had the ability to defeat ten thousand with one enemy. In addition, Zhou Yu, the governor of Eastern Wu, also praised Zhang Fei and Guan Yu as the generals of the bear and tiger. These views fully demonstrate that Zhang Fei's majesty is recognized by the whole world.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

[Second place: Zhang Liao]

Zhang Liao's strength is very strong and amazing. However, in his early years, he did not seem to have met a leader who could adequately recognize his abilities. After many tosses, Zhang Liao finally defected to Cao Cao, which can be regarded as finding his soulmate. Since then, Zhang Liao has shone in Cao Wei's camp, showing his talent and strength. His loyalty and ability were fully displayed and appreciated, and he became a rare general.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

In the battle of White Wolf Mountain, General Zhang, as the vanguard, attacked bravely and successfully defeated the Wuhuan army, and its leader was also decisively beheaded by him. At the same time, Gongsun Du of Liaodong confronted Zhang Liao, and his subordinate Liu Yi suffered a crushing defeat. However, the most impressive achievement of Zhang Liao's life was the confrontation with Eastern Wu in the Battle of Hefei. In that battle, Zhang Liao showed his incomparable bravery and strategy, causing the enemy to retreat one after another.

At that time, in the face of the powerful army of 100,000 in Eastern Wu, Zhang Liao only led 800 warriors, but he was not afraid. Although the enemy army was numerous, Zhang Liao saw the opportunity and decisively launched a surprise attack, which resulted in a shocking victory. It's just that in the end, he was only one step away from Sun Quan and failed to come to the battlefield in person. Although Zhang Liao was defeated, the army he led was extremely brave. His ingenuity and decisive actions made the whole battle even more thrilling.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

The Wu army was in great trouble, and they were powerless to fight back, so they had no choice but to retreat. However, in the process of retreating, Zhang Liao seized the fighter and successfully routed the Wu army. Even at a critical moment, he almost captured Sun Quan, the leader of the state of Wu. In this battle, the Wu army was tortured, and although they eventually retreated, Zhang Liao's bravery was unforgettable. His decisions and actions on the battlefield dealt a huge blow to the Wu army. Although the winner of this battle was Zhang Liao's side, it also reflected the plight and helplessness of the Eastern Wu army. The opportunity to retreat was skillfully seized by Zhang Liao, who used it to turn the tide of the battle. This battle is full of thrills and excitement, and it is unforgettable.

Zhang Liao's heroic performance is very outstanding, this kind of bravery is extraordinary, so he is respected by later generations as one of the sixty-four generals in ancient and modern times.

[First place: Guan Yu]

Guan Yu is the highest-ranking of the five tiger generals of Shu Han, and his ability is outstanding, and he is the best choice for the head of the five tigers. Everyone knows that Guan Yu once served under Cao Cao. At that time, Cao Cao's army was so strong that it forced Liu Bei to flee while Guan Yu was captured. However, Cao Cao respected Guan Yu very much and treated him with courtesy. This shows Guan Yu's prestige and value.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

Cao Cao sent troops to help Liu Yan against Yuan Shao's army, and at a critical juncture, Guan Yu was appointed as the vanguard. In the face of Yuan Shao's right-hand man, Guan Yu stepped forward decisively without any hesitation. He quickly rushed towards Yan Liang with a big knife, defeated the enemy with one move, and directly cut off his head. In this battle, Guan Yu's heroic performance amazed everyone.

From another point of view, Yuan Shao's army seemed helpless in the face of Guan Yu, and they were afraid to advance. When he saw Guan Yu kill back to his own team, because there was no strong general to lead, the morale of the Yuan army collapsed instantly, and the defeat was imminent. Guan Yu's actions were as fast as lightning and wind, and in the blink of an eye, the battle was decided. From the very beginning, the absence of the commander-in-chief made it difficult for the two armies to continue fighting. In short, the outcome of this battle was mainly determined by Guan Yu's speed and bravery. The Yuan army had nothing to do, and the loss of the main general led to the instability of the army's morale, which eventually led to their defeat.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

Guan Yu's martial arts are strong, and taking the head of the enemy from 10,000 people is like taking something easily, and his bravery does not need to be said. Because of his outstanding military achievements, he was given the title of Marquis of Hanshou Pavilion. After thanking Cao Cao for his kindness, Guan Yu embarked on a journey to find his eldest brother Liu Bei. After that, he assisted Uncle Liu Huang to firmly defend Jingzhou, showing his loyalty and ability.

In fact, the battle in which Guan Yu was revered as a god was the shocking "flooded Seventh Army". In this battle, Guan Yu skillfully used the water potential to capture Yu Ban in one fell swoop, and then killed Pang De, completely annihilating Cao Wei's reinforcements. This battle greatly weakened Cao Cao's strength, and Guan Yu became famous and powerful all over the world. His heroic deeds have been praised and admired by the world.

His loyalty and bravery were greatly appreciated by later generations, and he was highly praised and posthumously awarded by many rulers. During the Qing Dynasty, he was revered as a martial saint. His virtues are still admired today.

In the official history of the Three Kingdoms, there are only these 4 real top generals, and the others are not worth mentioning

At the end of the article, the stage of summarizing arrives. We'll stop talking, but this topic doesn't end. At this point, let's pause here and pick it up again in the future, continuing the exploration and sharing of this story. I hope this sharing can bring you inspiration and harvest. This is our end and a new beginning.

Overall, although Wen Yang is brave, he is slightly inferior to the other three. Zhang Fei and Guan Yu are both very powerful fighters, but if Zhang Fei encounters Zhang Liao, he may choose to avoid his edge. Guan Yu's ranking number one is a matter of course, and there is no need to explain too much. So what do you think about this?