
He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

author:Lol Lol Literature

In the midsummer of 2016, the sun was shining in Bali and the sea breeze was blowing, Zhu Xiaotian was dressed in a crisp suit, standing in front of the white wedding flower bed, and his eyes were softly looking at the bride Han Wenwen who was slowly coming.

When the pastor solemnly announced that they were married, Zhu Xiaotian's heart surged with unprecedented tranquility and happiness, he held Han Wenwen's hand tightly, and tears of joy flashed in his eyes, who would have thought that this playboy, who was once labeled as a "scumbag", has now become an affectionate husband?

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

What kind of experience made this prodigal son, who once galloped in love, finally find his true love? Let's retrace his ups and downs of his emotional journey.

As soon as Zhu Xiaotian entered the showbiz, he attracted people's attention with his outstanding appearance and talent. He is handsome and dashing, swimming among the beauties like a fish swimming in water, showing a typical playboy image.

During the filming of "Meteor Garden", he had constant scandals with beauties such as Yang Jinhua and Rainie Yang, and seemed to be tired of emotional games, however, these short-lived emotional sparks were like a flash in the pan, fleeting, and failed to leave a deep imprint in his heart.

In 2004, the gears of fate quietly turned, when Zhu Xiaotian met Li Bingbing at the scene of filming a TV series, Li Bingbing's talent and charm immediately attracted him, and he did not hesitate to launch a passionate pursuit offensive.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

In the face of Zhu Xiaotian's sincerity and charm, Li Bingbing finally opened his heart, and the two officially set foot in the palace of love.

This love affair began like a sweet fairy tale, and Zhu Xiaotian fell into it, thinking that he had touched the edge of true love. However, the good times were short-lived. One day, a group of shocking paparazzi photos were exposed, capturing their intimate interaction in the hotel: kissing in the elevator, hugging each other, and finally returning to Zhu Xiaotian's private apartment.

As soon as these pictures were made public, they immediately caused an uproar in the entertainment industry.

This turmoil completely subverted the noble and elegant image that Li Bingbing had always maintained, and at the same time made Zhu Xiaotian fall into a complex psychological state. In the face of many doubts, Li Bingbing frankly admitted that he was indeed shocked by Zhu Xiaotian's bold actions at that time, and he was at a loss for a while.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

However, the public did not buy it, and accused her of voluntarily throwing herself into her arms.

This sudden storm of public opinion made Zhu Xiaotian feel very excited and troubled. He is passionate about receiving attention and indulging in his charismatic image. However, deep down, he began to have doubts about the relationship.

This ambivalent mentality caused him to drift further and further down the path of affection, and gradually lost his way.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

Zhu Xiaotian begins to question whether he is really ready to start a serious relationship. He enjoys the feeling of being sought after by multiple women and considers himself attractive. However, deep down I felt a sense of emptiness, as if something was always missing.

This complex psychological state drives him to constantly rise and fall in the whirlpool of feelings, looking for the next object that can fill the hole in his heart.

Zhu Xiaotian fell deeper and deeper into the drunken entertainment industry and lost himself. His emotional life has become a public topic, but he seems to enjoy it, swaying freely in the love scene, leaving one story after another of emotional entanglements.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

Just when the relationship between Zhu Xiaotian and Li Bingbing was boiling, an even more shocking news broke out in the entertainment industry: it turned out that while he was in love with Li Bingbing, Zhu Xiaotian actually maintained an intimate relationship with Japanese actress Mai Sato! This revelation is like a bombshell, turning Zhu Xiaotian from a much-loved idol singer to a "scumbag" spurned by everyone in an instant.

Mai Sato is in great pain when she learns the heartbreaking truth. Surprisingly, however, she chose forgiveness and forgiveness. In the face of Mai Sato's kindness, instead of feeling guilty, Zhu Xiaotian saw it as an excuse to evade responsibility.

He took the opportunity to propose a breakup to Sato, ending this relationship that had lasted for a long time.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

This scandal of double-line operation completely shattered Zhu Xiaotian's public image. Strangely, however, he doesn't seem to feel remorse or guilt for this, instead he is more indulgent, looking for new objects to hunt outside, as if showing off his charms.

During this time, Zhu Xiaotian's heart was full of contradictions. On the one hand, he reveled in the feeling of being pursued by many women and found himself attractive; But on the other hand, he felt empty inside, as if something was missing deep inside.

This complex psychological state makes him constantly rise and fall in the whirlpool of feelings, looking for the next object that can fill the hole in his heart.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

Zhu Xiaotian's behavior aroused strong public disgust, and the original fans changed their attitudes one after another, expressing disappointment and condemnation of his behavior. The media also continued to dig up his emotional gossip, portraying him as a ruthless and unrighteous negative man.

However, in the face of overwhelming negative evaluations, Zhu Xiaotian behaved unusually calmly and did not seem to care about the damage to his public image.

This attitude has seriously affected Zhu Xiaotian's career development. Some of the collaborations that had already been finalized were cancelled, and advertisers distanced themselves from him. Zhu Xiaotian's career began to decline, but he still seemed to be immersed in his emotional world and couldn't extricate himself.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

During this low period, Zhu Xiaotian began to reflect on his behavior. He realized that what he had done had not only hurt the people around him, but had also put himself in trouble. However, the habits he developed over the years made it difficult for him to change immediately.

He continues to wander in the labyrinth of emotions, searching for the true desire of his heart.

This experience taught Zhu Xiaotian a profound lesson, and also laid the groundwork for his future emotional life. Although he didn't realize it at the time, this treachery actually became an important turning point in his emotional growth.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

This experience made Zhu Xiaotian start to think about what true love is, and it also made him cherish it more when he met true love in the future.

In 2005, Zhu Xiaotian's life took another turn. During the filming of the movie "Tokyo Trial", he met Lin Xilei, who is known as the "sexy goddess" of Asia. The two sparked love on the set and quickly fell in love.

This love gave Zhu Xiaotian a new experience, and Lin Xilei's mature charm and unique temperament deeply attracted him, making him think of taking this relationship seriously.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

To everyone's surprise, this relationship lasted for five whole years. In the past five years, Zhu Xiaotian and Lin Xilei have enjoyed the bits and pieces of their world like ordinary couples.

They often travel together after work to explore the beauty of life; Sometimes they also have a few drinks at home, listen to melodious music, and talk about each other's past and future.

Zhu Xiaotian felt as if he had found the one in his life, and Lin Xilei's gentleness and thoughtfulness made him feel truly loved for the first time. He began to think about marriage, and even fantasized about spending the rest of his life with Lin Xilei.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

This relationship made him gradually change his view of love, and he no longer played the world as before, but began to cherish the people in front of him.

However, just when everyone thought that the couple was about to enter the marriage hall, fate played a joke with Zhu Xiaotian again. While filming a certain film, he was accused of playing a "treacherous" role.

This character setting dealt a serious blow to Zhu Xiaotian, who has always paid attention to his personal image, and made him fall into deep anxiety and self-doubt.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

In order to maintain his public image, Zhu Xiaotian became indifferent to Lin Xilei, believing that only a breakup could prove that he was not a character in the play. But this way deeply hurt Lin Xilei, who loved him deeply, and she tried to understand Zhu Xiaotian's pressure and give support and tolerance, but Zhu Xiaotian became more and more alienated from her.

That's it, an originally beautiful relationship has become fragmented because of a role positioning. Zhu Xiaotian once again chose to let himself go and return to his past bohemian life.

And Lin Xilei, who loves him deeply, can only accept all this and choose to leave.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

The end of this relationship made Zhu Xiaotian fall into a low point in his life again. He began to question whether he was really fit for a relationship and whether he was destined to die alone. The confusion and loss in his heart prompted him to seek solace in the love field more recklessly.

However, every time in the dead of night, he would think of the bits and pieces he had with Lin Xilei, and his heart was full of regret and regret.

In Zhu Xiaotian's life, the emotional experience of these five years is both the most precious and the most painful memory. He learned the taste of true love from it, but also lost it because of his own weakness and hesitation.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

This experience was deeply engraved in his heart and became an important opportunity for him to re-examine love in the future.

Although Zhu Xiaotian didn't notice it at the time, the breakdown of this relationship actually paved the way for him to cherish when he met true love in the future. This experience made him deeply realize the value of sincere feelings, and at the same time, it also made him reflect deeply on his attitude towards feelings.

This painful lesson has become an important link in Zhu Xiaotian's emotional growth, laying the foundation for his maturity and cherishment when he meets true love in the future.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

When Zhu Xiaotian was disoriented and almost desperate for love, fate once again lent a helping hand to him. During the filming of a film and television drama, he fell in love at first sight with Han Wenwen, who was two years younger than him.

When they first met, Zhu Xiaotian did not have a special impression of this young girl, however, as the time spent together increased, he gradually became attracted to Han Wenwen's unique temperament.

Although Han Wenwen is young, she shows extraordinary maturity and understanding. She will not judge people by their appearance, nor will she be influenced by Zhu Xiaotian's past. On the contrary, she took care of Zhu Xiaotian with subtle and wordless care, making him deeply feel the feeling of being sincerely cared for.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

In front of Han Wenwen, Zhu Xiaotian gradually let go of the mental defense he had erected over the years and learned to cherish the beauty in front of him.

Zhu Xiaotian found that he was completely different from those complex emotional entanglements in the past, and he could calmly accept Han Wenwen's gentle care and careful care. After experiencing countless vicissitudes and tribulations, he has a new understanding and understanding of love.

The appearance of Han Wenwen rekindled Zhu Xiaotian's desire and longing for sincere feelings.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

When Zhu Xiaotian's career was at a low point, Han Wenwen never gave up, gave him unconditional support and encouragement, and did not pay attention to Zhu Xiaotian's external image at all, but paid more attention to his inner world.

This sincere emotion made Zhu Xiaotian feel warm, and also made him re-examine his understanding of love.

Under the influence of Han Wenwen, Zhu Xiaotian gradually learned to care about others and cherish the people and things around him. He no longer plays the world as he used to, but devotes himself wholeheartedly to the relationship.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

Han Wenwen's simplicity and sincerity are like a ray of sunshine that warms Zhu Xiaotian's weathered heart.

The development of this relationship made Zhu Xiaotian realize that true love is not possession like a flood of beasts, but companionship and mutual support like a trickle. In Han Wenwen, Zhu Xiaotian found the sense of belonging he had been looking for, and also found a new direction in his life.

In the middle of summer 2016, Bali was filled with joy. Zhu Xiaotian and Han Wenwen held a grand wedding here. Witnessed by the pastor and relatives and friends, Zhu Xiaotian took Han Wenwen's hand and took the oath, and the feeling of happiness and steadfastness was unprecedented.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

At this moment, the confusion and mistakes of the past seem to have been redeemed.

Zhu Xiaotian gradually matured after marriage, faded away from his previous impetuousness and willfulness, and devoted himself to family life. He learned to cherish the people and things around him, and showed the quality of loyalty and single-mindedness with practical actions.

Although his career is not as brilliant as before, he feels more satisfied and calm than he ever felt in his heart.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

In this family full of warmth and harmony, Zhu Xiaotian found a true sense of belonging. Every day, he will be deeply grateful to fate for the arrangement that allowed him to finally meet the true love of his life after all kinds of twists and turns.

Han Wenwen's kindness and tolerance gave Zhu Xiaotian the courage and strength to start over.

Now Zhu Xiaotian is already a good husband who devotes himself wholeheartedly to family life, and he has proved with practical actions in life that even the prodigal son of the past can find his own happy harbor.

He fell in love with Li Bingbing, lived with Mai Sato, and separated from Lin Xilei, and the result was true love when he was 2 years younger

Accompanied by Han Wenwen, Zhu Xiaotian re-examined the value of his life and found true happiness.

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