
Xiao Hua's aura is strong, Han Xianchu is standing on the side in a low-key manner, and Boss Hu is still majestic

author:Old nonsense about history

Xiao Hua's aura is strong, Han Xianchu is standing on the side in a low-key manner, and Boss Hu is still majestic. Recently, an old photo went viral on the Internet, in which there are four old generals in military uniforms, one of whom has a strong aura, majestic and famous, is Xiao Hua, the founding young marshal. The kind-eyed old man on the right side of the photo is Han Xianchu, a famous general who once swept the battlefield in the northeast, and was known as "Commander Whirlwind" at that time. And the big boss on the far right is the invincible fierce general Hu Bingyun, who has always had the majestic nickname of "Boss Hu". In the photo, everyone is invincible and heroic, and it seems that you can still feel the smell of gunpowder in those years of the revolutionary war. What kind of bizarre past is still hidden in this old photo?

Xiao Hua's aura is strong, Han Xianchu is standing on the side in a low-key manner, and Boss Hu is still majestic

The four generals in the old photos are all the pillars of the revolutionary war years, and their heroic deeds have been recorded in history. First of all, let's talk about the old marshal Xiao Hua in the middle of the photo, although he is only a major general in military rank, his military rank and status are much higher than ordinary generals. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xiao Shuai served in the General Political Department for a long time, and successively served as deputy director and chief director. In other words, the common people say that "the little boss hangs the big handsome seal".

As a political commissar, Xiao Hua was born in a slightly lower rank than the battle-hardened soldiers, but he played a pivotal role in the revolutionary war. As the saying goes, "when the gun goes out, the slogan comes in," the revolutionary war is inseparable from political work, and this is the main work of Xiao Hua and other political generals. From this point of view, Xiao Hua was a generation of famous ministers who made immortal contributions to the revolutionary cause. In the photo, Xiao Hua put on a sinister face, and his aura is indeed unmatched.

Xiao Hua's aura is strong, Han Xianchu is standing on the side in a low-key manner, and Boss Hu is still majestic

The one on the right in the photo is "Commander Whirlwind" Han Xianchu. Han Shuai was also a fierce general in the revolutionary war years, and with his many years of combat experience in galloping the Northeast Prairie, he finally made a splash in the battle to liberate Hainan Island. In this decisive battle, Han Shuai played an outstanding role and can be regarded as a meritorious and well-deserved founding general. It's a pity that Han Shuai's military rank was almost revoked for a time, thanks to the strength of the chairman of the great man back then. , Han Shuai in the photo does look a little shorter than the "little leader" Xiao Hua.

The last person lying on the center stage is Hu Bingyun, a fierce general who came out of the war-torn Long March. Tiger-backed and fearless, Boss Hu was famous back then, and the soldiers all respected him. In the Battle of Lazikou, Hu Shuai was even more in the limelight, breaking through the last checkpoint on the Long March in one fell swoop, which can be called the real "passing the test" in contemporary times. Since then, Hu Bingyun has won the unforgettable nickname "Boss Hu". Hu Shuai in the photo is still heroic, quite "over the age of the old, inviolable" state.

Xiao Hua's aura is strong, Han Xianchu is standing on the side in a low-key manner, and Boss Hu is still majestic

What is presented in the old photos is actually one of the most essential microcosms of the Chinese Revolutionary War years. The old generals once paid a huge price for the birth of New China with their blood and lives, and now they are all dying, but the style and past of those years are still deeply engraved in our memory.

The old man on the far right of the photo without any military rank is named Li Ruishan. He was an out-and-out cadre, who served as secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and later served as a political commissar in the Lanzhou Military Region.

The fact that an ordinary cadre like Li Ruishan, who has no military merits, was able to take a group photo with several well-known founding generals in the same frame, shows that his status is extraordinary. In the revolutionary years, the party and the army were linked by a lifeline, and Li Ruishan, as a cadre within the party, naturally played an important leading role in the development of the army. Therefore, although he was not as experienced as the others, he was an indispensable backbone of the revolutionary cause.

Xiao Hua's aura is strong, Han Xianchu is standing on the side in a low-key manner, and Boss Hu is still majestic

Speaking of this, some people may wonder: The four people in the photo are wearing military uniforms and putting on such a serious and formal posture, could it be that they were taken on some major occasion? Actually, this is just an ordinary group photo, which is said to have been taken at a meeting of the Lanzhou Military Region.

At that time, Xiao Hua served as the political commissar of the Lanzhou Military Region, that is, the first secretary of the party committee, Hu Bingyun was the deputy commander, Li Ruishan was the political commissar, and Han Xianchu held the two important positions of commander and political commissar. These four can be said to be the top leaders of the Lanzhou Military Region at that time, and they have a very strong relationship in peacetime, and it is rare to get together, so it is natural to take a group photo.

Xiao Hua's aura is strong, Han Xianchu is standing on the side in a low-key manner, and Boss Hu is still majestic

Although the four people in the photo are old and young, they are all heroic and martial, revealing the pride of revolutionary soldiers. If you look closely, you can also find that their military uniforms are slightly old and damaged, which proves that this is a group of real old generals who came from the "beacon fire".

I think that in the past, they all fought bloodily on the front line, and although they have frosted their temples today, their eyes are still bright, and their belief in the revolutionary ideal has not diminished in the slightest. Therefore, this ordinary group photo actually embodies the heroic revolutionary spirit of a generation.

Xiao Hua's aura is strong, Han Xianchu is standing on the side in a low-key manner, and Boss Hu is still majestic

Seeing this, I believe everyone was impressed by the spirit of this group of old generals. However, while we recall the great achievements of the martyrs, we must not forget to cherish the era of peace. It is precisely because of the heroic struggle of our ancestors that we are able to live and work in peace and contentment today. Let us cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs with great respect and gratitude, and always maintain the immortal revolutionary spirit!