
Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

author:It's your Yakult

Artists in the entertainment industry are vying for opportunities, hoping to become famous in one fell swoop. Not everyone has the ability to identify opportunities. Some theatrical performances may be scoffed at by some, but these plays unexpectedly create opportunities for actors to come on an impromptu basis! Although they are known as the "leftovers" who are "ordered to do so", they still create classics. Whether the original starring actor will regret it, I don't know if the scenes and roles he gave up have become popular. So, which artists are known as "saving the scene to create classics"?

1, "Mansion Gate" He Saifei

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

In the field of Chinese TV dramas in 2001, a "Mansion Gate" directed by Guo Baochang premiered on CCTV, which quickly aroused a warm response from the audience and the industry, and received high praise. This work not only brought together Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Jiang Wen, Li Xuejian and many other industry leaders, but also created a myth of 17.74 ratings shortly after its premiere.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

However, behind this is decades of painstaking preparation and countless script revisions. The polishing of the four versions of the script not only reflects Guo Baochang's excellence in the work, but also indicates the extraordinary quality of this TV series. However, during the preparation and filming process, the crew encountered many challenges, including a shortage of funds, casting difficulties, etc.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

Among them, the casting of Yang Jiuhong's role is particularly tricky. As a female character with a complex and changeable personality who was born in a Qinglou and later married into the Bai family, her actor needs to have extremely high acting skills and in-depth understanding of the role. Guo Baochang's initial favorite candidate was Jiang Wenli, but Jiang Wenli refused because she was worried about the role image and insisted on playing the role of Bai Yuting.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

When the casting was at an impasse, CCTV recommended He Saifei to Guo Baochang. Although Guo Baochang had doubts about He Saifei's character and image, considering the tight time, he could only let He Saifei give it a try. What is surprising is that He Saifei's performance exceeded everyone's imagination. She perfectly interprets the role of Yang Jiuhong, showing her arrogance, amorousness, meanness and neuroticism to the fullest, making the audience love and hate.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

He Saifei's outstanding performance has won wide recognition from the audience and the industry, and she has become a "professional aunt wife". During the filming, an interesting incident also happened. During a crew dinner, He Saifei spit out the truth after drinking, she jumped on the table, pointed at Guo Baochang's nose and loudly expressed her dissatisfaction and determination: "I know you don't like me, but I am He Saifei!" Only I can play Yang Jiuhong! This scene made Guo Baochang cry and laugh, but it also made him see He Saifei's love and dedication to the role.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

The success of "Mansion Gate" lies not only in its superb acting skills and fascinating storyline, but also in the efforts and persistence of countless people behind it. From the repeated revisions of the script to the difficult choice of casting, to the various challenges and interesting facts in the filming process, they have all become an indelible mark on this work.

2, "Yongzheng Dynasty" Tang Guoqiang

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

As a court conspiracy drama that brings together top production teams, the popularity of "Yongzheng Dynasty" seems to have been predicted. However, this high-profile work also suffered from setbacks in the casting process in the early stages of filming.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

The original actor Zhang Fengyi unexpectedly resigned on the eve of filming, and joined "Jing Ke Assassinating the King of Qin" directed by Chen Kaige instead. This change put the crew in a short-term predicament, after all, Zhang Fengyi's acting skills and image are highly compatible with the role of Yongzheng.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

However, it was at this critical moment that Tang Guoqiang took the initiative to recommend himself to the director. Despite repeated rejections, Tang Guoqiang did not give up, and he worked hard to win this role for himself by delving into the historical background and character of Yongzheng.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

His sincerity and persistence finally impressed the director and he got the opportunity to audition. When Tang Guoqiang changed into a costume, his temperament and demeanor immediately amazed everyone. He perfectly interpreted Yongzheng's uprightness and dark belly, injecting new vitality into this drama.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

Tang Guoqiang's wonderful performance brought unexpected success to "Yongzheng Dynasty". His performance is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, allowing the audience to have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the role of Yongzheng.

Looking back on this experience, we can't help but think: If Zhang Fengyi hadn't resigned at the beginning, would he have been able to interpret the role of Yongzheng as perfectly as Tang Guoqiang? Perhaps, because Zhang Fengyi's acting skills and image have a certain gap with Yongzheng, it is difficult for him to interpret Yongzheng's two-sided character so vividly.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

Therefore, we can say that the success of "Yongzheng Dynasty" is inseparable from Tang Guoqiang's wonderful interpretation. His hard work and persistence not only earned him the role, but also brought a classic to the audience.

3, "The Son of Heaven" Huang Xiaoming

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

Huang Xiaoming, an actor who jumped to stardom because of a drama, his road to fame is quite legendary.

When he first entered the entertainment industry, a blockbuster opportunity suddenly came - he will play Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in "The Son of Heaven". This drama with an investment of up to 18 million gathers many old actors of the acting school, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge and opportunity for a new actor.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

Faced with such an opportunity, Huang Xiaoming's heart was full of apprehension and uneasiness. However, with his stable performance and excellent acting skills, he successfully showed the domineering and tender side of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to the fullest. After the series aired, Huang Xiaoming's acting skills were widely praised, and he became a leader among the new generation of actors.

It is worth mentioning that the success of "The Son of Heaven" made the producer decide to strike while the iron was hot and quickly launched the second and third parts. And Huang Xiaoming also relied on this series to further consolidate his position.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

However, what few people know is that Huang Xiaoming's opportunity to star in "The Son of Heaven" actually stems from Lu Yi's abandonment. At the beginning of the preparation of "The Son of Heaven", Lu Yi has become popular all over the country with "Never Look Away" and has become a hot actor. In the face of continuous script invitations, Lu Yi chose to give up "The Son of Heaven" because of his busy schedule.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

It was this decision that gave Huang Xiaoming the opportunity to show himself. He seized this opportunity and became the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in the hearts of the audience with his outstanding performance. And Lu Yi missed this opportunity to show his acting skills because he missed this opportunity.

4, "Little Fish and Flowers" Yang Xue

Jiang Yuyan, a character created by Yang Xue's superb acting skills, has undoubtedly become a childhood shadow in the hearts of many post-90s generations, and is as famous as Mama Rong. In the play, she shows people with pure air bangs, but her eyes reveal a terrifying viciousness. Because of love and hate, she actually killed almost all the main characters in the play, and this extreme personality change is breathtaking.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

Yang Xue's outstanding performance made the director decide to add the original supporting actress Jiang Yuyan to the heroine, which not only made the plot more compact, but also gave the audience a deeper understanding of the inner world of Jiang Yuyan's character. However, this also brought a lot of trouble to Yang Xue. During the hit of the TV series, some viewers even went to the crew to insult Yang Xue because they were overly invested in the role, thinking that Jiang Yuyan played by her was too vicious.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

All this proves Yang Xue's successful shaping in "Little Fish and Flowers". Her acting skills have made the role of Jiang Yuyan deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become an unforgettable classic image for the audience. At the same time, this is also inseparable from the temporary resignation of the original protagonist Li Xiaoran, which gave Yang Xue a chance to show her talent. It is the combination of these factors that makes "Little Fish and Flowers" able to achieve such excellent results.

5, "Addicted" Jiang Shan

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

The fate and grievances between Zhao Baogang and Wang Lan all originate from the screen. Back then, Wang Lan emerged in "The Story of the Editorial Department" directed by Zhao Baogang, and quickly became popular with his outstanding performance, and the two formed a deep friendship.

Zhao Baogang has high hopes for Wang Lan, and he promised Wang Lan that she will play the heroine of the new drama "Addicted", which will start filming. For the sake of this role, he suggested that Wang Lan not take on other plays for the time being and concentrate on preparation.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

However, although Wang Lan verbally agreed, he turned around and took over the film directed by Huang Jianxin. Zhao Baogang was greatly disappointed and angry when he learned about it, and felt that Wang Lan had broken his promise. This disappointment and anger caused the relationship between the two to take a sharp turn for the worse, and Zhao Baogang even publicly wrote an article criticizing Wang Lan.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

After calming down, Zhao Bao just began to look for a new heroine. After careful selection, he found Jiang Shan, who was similar to Wang Lan's appearance and temperament. Jiang Shan quickly became the focus of the audience with her wonderful performance in "Addicted", and her curly hair style also led the trend at that time.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

And Wang Lan's film did not cause a sensation as expected, and her acting career has fallen into a trough since then. Two actors who originally had a similar starting point, because of different choices and encounters, embarked on completely different life paths. This past story of getting married and hated because of the drama has also become an intriguing story in the entertainment industry.

6, "Do You Know" Liu Lin

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

The actor who was originally scheduled to play the role of "Big Lady Wang Ruofu" in "Do You Know" was Liu Zi. She even announced her joining on Weibo. However, after a few scenes, she felt that her understanding of the role and image shaping were not ideal, so she took the initiative to quit the crew.

In order not to affect the filming schedule, she recommended her classmate Liu Lin to the director. Liu Lin's performance brought a huge surprise to the director and the audience.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

The "eldest lady" in the play has a brutal personality, often relying on her family background to show off her might, seemingly rude but without a trace of scheming. The role is full of dramatic conflicts, and Liu Lin's acting skills are just right to present this role perfectly.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

She lived up to everyone's expectations and presented a funny and vivid "big lady" in front of the audience. This drama brought her back to the audience's attention, and she also starred in a series of popular dramas in the follow-up, showing more acting possibilities.

7, "Palace" Feng Shaofeng

In 2011, Yu Zheng's time-traveling drama "Palace" became a hit of the year.

The plot of the nine sons winning the heir, coupled with the design of time and space travel, and many eye-catching handsome guys and beauties, made this TV series instantly attract the audience.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

Among them, the relationship between the eighth master and Qingchuan is even more sweet and critical, but full of regrets.

With the role of the eighth master, Feng Shaofeng became an instant hit, and he was already handsome, and immediately became a popular star at that time. But at the beginning, Yu Zheng invited Yan Yikuan to play this role.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

Yan Yikuan is known as one of the "Four Beauties of the World", his facial features are exquisite, and the contours of his face are perfect, especially the ancient costumes, which are completely the existence of the ceiling. It's just that when Yu Zheng invited him, he was filming "New Water Margin".

Because he was unwilling to play, and at the same time felt that he lacked skills, even though Yu Zheng visited him many times, Yan Yikuan still declined.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

Later, Yu Zheng threw an olive branch to Feng Shaofeng, but he didn't expect that Feng Shaofeng, who had been in the entertainment industry for a long time, had never been famous, but he became an instant hit because of this role and became popular.

After that, he once overtook Yan Yikuan in the limelight, and it can only be said that sometimes the choice is really important.

Thank you for not acting: looking back at those actors who were obviously temporary rescues, but in the end they became classics

Perhaps Feng Shaofeng himself didn't expect that a rescue could achieve his acting dream.

Looking at what happened to these actors, anyone can't help but say that in a place where the entertainment industry is updated and iterated so quickly, in addition to their own business ability, choice is also very important.