
The scum cave massacre, Sheng Guoyu pretended to be dead and was stabbed but didn't dare to move, worried!

author:Li Analysis
The scum cave massacre, Sheng Guoyu pretended to be dead and was stabbed but didn't dare to move, worried!

Sheng Guoyu was born in an ordinary family in Dianjiang County, Chongqing in January 1926. Smart and studious since childhood, she became a people's teacher after graduating from the Normal School in 1943. However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly. Her marriage to underground party member Yu Zicheng became a turning point in her life.

In that stormy era, Sheng Guoyu gradually realized the close connection between personal destiny and the future of the country. She was no longer satisfied with being an unknown teacher, but chose to fight side by side with her husband and devote herself to the revolutionary cause. However, on October 17, 1948, bad luck struck. Kuomintang agents arrested three underground party members and found Sheng Guoyu's name in their notebooks.

In this way, Sheng Guoyu was imprisoned in the infamous Dregs Cave Prison. This mine, which was originally a coal mine, was transformed by the Kuomintang into a hell on earth where revolutionaries were imprisoned and tortured. Here, Sheng Guoyu met Jiang Zhuyun (Sister Jiang) and other revolutionary comrades. Despite their desperate situation, they supported each other and supported each other with strong revolutionary convictions.

The scum cave massacre, Sheng Guoyu pretended to be dead and was stabbed but didn't dare to move, worried!

In 1949, when the People's Liberation Army was about to enter Chongqing, Kuomintang agents frantically planned a massacre that exterminated humanity. On that night destined to go down in history, Sheng Guoyu and her comrades were gathered in a cell. The moment the gunshot rang out, Sheng Guoyu fell to the ground and pretended to be dead with his amazing calmness.

In the cell where corpses were strewn and blood flowed heavily, Sheng Guoyu held his breath and did not move. In order to destroy the corpses, the agents even set fire to the entire prison. In the flames, Sheng Guoyu struggled to survive under the scythe of death with his amazing willpower. In the end, with the help of the nearby people, she miraculously survived.

This experience made Sheng Guoyu more determined to dedicate his life to the revolutionary cause. After the liberation of Chongqing, she continued to contribute to the construction of New China in various positions. In 1996, Sheng Guoyu, who was close to old age, finally realized her long-cherished wish and was specially approved to join the Communist Party of China, fulfilling her long-cherished wish with her sacrificial husband.

Sheng Guoyu's story did not end with her death in 2014. Her experience has become an important part of Hongyan's spirit, inspiring generations of Chinese. Let's take a closer look at this history and feel the hardships and greatness of that era.

The Dregs Cave Massacre took place on the night of November 27, 1949. At that time, the Kuomintang agents gathered more than 300 revolutionary aspirants together and slaughtered them wildly. According to statistics, only 15 people survived, and Sheng Guoyu was one of them. This tragedy shocked the whole country and became a bloody proof of the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang.

The scum cave massacre, Sheng Guoyu pretended to be dead and was stabbed but didn't dare to move, worried!

Sheng Guoyu's survival is a miracle. At the moment when the gunshot rang out, she fell to the ground with her extremely fast reaction speed. Bullets whistled past her ears, and she held back her fear, motionless. When the agents set fire to the corpses, she endured the scorching flames and struggled to breathe in the smoke. In the end, she crawled to the corner of the wall through the chaos and was rescued by the crowd who arrived in time.

After the liberation of Chongqing, Sheng Guoyu was not depressed because of the hardships he had had. She actively participated in the construction of New China, working in the mass committee and daily miscellaneous goods company in her hometown of Dianjiang County. She interpreted the phrase "revolutionaries are always young" with practical actions.

In 1996, at the age of 70, Sheng Guoyu finally joined the Chinese Communist Party. This is a moment she has been waiting for for almost half a century. For her, joining the party is not only a personal honor, but also the best commemoration of the sacrificed comrades. She often said, "I live to finish their unfinished business." "

Sheng Guoyu's story allows us to see the extraordinary power of ordinary people in extraordinary times. Her experience also reminds us that the era of peace is not easy to come by, and we should cherish the present and never forget history.

Today, the Chongqing Hongyan Revolution Memorial Hall receives millions of visitors every year. People commemorate the martyrs here and feel the spirit of Hongyan. The statue of Sheng Guoyu stands quietly, telling the world about those eventful years.

The scum cave massacre, Sheng Guoyu pretended to be dead and was stabbed but didn't dare to move, worried!

It is worth mentioning that Sheng Guoyu's story has also been put on the screen. In the TV series "Red Rock" broadcast in 2016, actor Li Yixiao played the role of Sheng Guoyu, allowing more people to understand the heroine's deeds.

Looking back on Sheng Guoyu's life, we can't help but sigh: heroes are not born heroes, but forged in hardships and hardships. Her story teaches us that every ordinary person has the potential to burst out with amazing courage and strength at a critical moment.

We live in an era of peace, and it may be difficult to imagine the hardships experienced by the revolutionary aspirants in those years. But it is because of their sacrifice that we can enjoy the happy life we live today. Let us always remember these heroes, inherit their spirit, and contribute our strength to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The story of Sheng Guoyu is a microcosm of the history of the Chinese revolution. It allows us to see that the victory of the revolution was not easy to come by, and that New China was bought by countless heroes and martyrs with their blood and lives. We must cherish our hard-won happy life and contribute our strength to the prosperity of the motherland. Let's move forward hand in hand to create a better future together!