
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!

author:Look up under the stars
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!
Do you know what to say in your stomach? You'll know after reading it!

In ancient times, there was a mysterious place surrounded by snow-capped mountains, which people called the "Snow Land". The four seasons are like winter, and the snowflakes are fluttering, as if it is a fairyland isolated from the world. However, in this tranquil snowy region, a shocking secret is hidden.

In the middle of the snowy region, there is a majestic mountain called "Snow Peak". The top of the snowy peak, shrouded in clouds and mist, seems to be a gateway to the heavenly realm. Legend has it that in the depths of the snowy peaks, there is a magical power that can give people endless wealth and power. However, this power is not easy to come by, and only those with strong faith and courage will be able to uncover its secrets.

On the edge of the snowy region, there is a small village called "Snow Creek Village". The villagers here have lived a simple and quiet life by hunting and fishing for generations. In this village, there is a teenager named "Yunfei". He was thin, but there was a determined glint in his eyes. Yunfei has been curious about the legends of the snowy region since he was a child, and he longs to uncover the veil of mystery and explore the power hidden in the depths of the snowy peaks.

One day, while hunting in the mountains and forests, Yunfei stumbled upon a hidden cave. Curious, he decided to go into the cave to find out. The cave is deep and dark, as if it leads to another world. Yunfei walked cautiously, his heart full of nervousness and anticipation.

In the depths of the cave, Yunfei found an ancient stone tablet. The stele is filled with bizarre symbols and words, which seem to be a long-lost ancient script. Yunfei stared at the stele, trying to decipher the secret. However, he found himself simply unable to comprehend the meaning of these symbols.

Just when Yun Fei was confused, he suddenly heard a faint cry for help. He followed the sound and found an old man in ragged clothes trapped in a corner of the cave. Seeing this, Yun Fei immediately stepped forward to rescue the old man.

The old man looked at Yunfei gratefully, and told him that he was a wandering scholar who had strayed into this place in search of the secrets of the snowy region. He told Yunfei that the words on the stone tablet were an ancient spell, and that only by learning this spell could he uncover the secrets of the snowy region.

Yun Fei's heart moved after hearing this, and he decided to ask the old man for this spell. The old man saw that Yunfei was full of sincerity, so he agreed to teach him. So, the two began a long learning journey. Under the guidance of the old man, Yunfei gradually learned this ancient spell.

In the process of learning, Yunfei not only learned spells, but also heard many legends and stories about the snowy region from the old man. He learns that there are many mysterious treasures and powerful martial arts secrets hidden in the snowy region, which are treasures that those brave explorers dream of.

With the passage of time, Yunfei's martial arts and wisdom have made great progress. He became more resilient and courageous, and he was confident in his quest for the secrets of the snowy region. However, he also understands that there are still more trials and challenges to unravel the mysteries of the snowy region.

By chance, Yunfei learns a shocking secret about Snow Peak. It turns out that the top of the snowy peak hides a gateway to a mysterious world. This portal only opens once every ten years, and only those with a special bloodline can enter. Yun Fei's heart moved, and he decided to find this mysterious portal and uncover the ultimate secret of the snowy region.

However, it is not easy to find this portal. Yunfei must travel through the vast snow-capped mountains and forests, facing all kinds of unknown dangers and difficulties. Ready with plenty of food and gear, he set out on a journey to find the portal.

During the journey, Yunfei encountered many challenges and obstacles. Sometimes it's a ferocious beast attack, sometimes it's a steep cliff and glacier. However, with his firm belief and excellent martial arts, he turned danger into danger again and again and continued to move forward.

By chance, Yunfei befriended a mysterious woman. Her name is "Cher", and she has a cold and beautiful appearance. Cher tells Yunfei that she is also looking for the mysterious portal, as she believes that there is a special power in her blood. Yunfei and Xue'er decide to work together to find that portal.

During their journey, the two supported each other and grew together. Their relationship is also quietly heating up. However, they also understand that it will not be easy to find that portal, and they will have to face more trials and challenges.

By chance, Yunfei and Xue'er discover a mysterious passage hidden in the depths of the snowy mountains. They decided to go into the passage to find out. At the end of the passage, they found a large stone door. The stone gate is carved with bizarre symbols and patterns, as if it were an ancient ritual.

Yunfei and Xue'er stared at Shimen, their hearts full of excitement and anticipation. They understand that this stone door is the gateway to the mysterious world. However, it is not easy to open this portal, and they must solve the puzzles and traps on the stone door.

After some hard work, Yunfei and Xue'er finally solve the puzzle on the stone gate. With a roar, the stone door slowly opened, revealing a radiant and mysterious world. Yunfei and Xue'er looked at each other and smiled, they knew that their adventure had just begun.