
What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

author:Eat melons for the audience


In this fast-paced era, we are all pursuing an ideal state of life, which is the so-called "civilized city".

It is like a neatly dressed and well-behaved gentleman who makes a great first impression.

However, when we dig deeper, we find that the gentleman seems to have been a little too restrained, so much so that he has lost that familiar pyrotechnic air.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

The electric cars are gone, the vendors who set up stalls have also disappeared, and the originally lively streets have become deserted, is this really the civilized city in our hearts?

The traditional definition of a civilized city deviates from reality

A civilized city in the traditional sense is a picture of a beautiful environment and order.

The streets are clean, the green belt is vibrant, vehicles are in order, and pedestrians follow the rules.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

However, when this "order" is over-interpreted, turning into a strict limit on the number of electric vehicles and a ruthless expulsion of stallholders, we can't help but ask, is such a "civilization" too cold?

For example, in order to meet the standards of a civilized city, a city canceled thousands of stalls in one go, and the originally bustling streets instantly became silent.

Merchants' sales have plummeted, and so have fewer choices for customers.

What was once a vibrant community is now lonely.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

The impact of overmanagement on citizens' lives

Electric vehicles, for many citizens, are the right-hand man of daily travel.

Its disappearance not only makes commuting harder, but also exacerbates the pressure on public transportation.

Imagine a commuter who could have just ridden an easy bike to their destination, but now have to squeeze through a crowded bus, which is undoubtedly a blow to the quality of life.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

And for those small traders who rely on stalls for their livelihood, this is tantamount to cutting off their livelihood.

Many of them, perhaps because of the burden on their families or because of the lack of other employment opportunities, have made stalls their only source of income.

When this income suddenly disappears, they face not only financial pressure, but also confusion and anxiety about the future.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

The real goal of the construction of a civilized city

A truly civilized city should not only pursue the glamorous appearance on the surface, but also pay attention to the happiness of every citizen.

For example, in the process of creating a civilized city, a city not only maintains the cleanliness of the streets, but also retains some special snack streets, so that citizens can enjoy a clean environment while also tasting authentic food, which has won wide acclaim.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

The construction of civilized cities should also promote the overall progress of society and support the development of the real economy.

Reasonable planning can attract more enterprises and talents, and promote the prosperity of the local economy.

At the same time, more public spaces will be provided to protect the rights and interests of the disadvantaged, so that everyone can feel the warmth of the city.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

People-oriented civilized city construction strategy

Finding that delicate balance in our urban transportation planning is like finding the most delicious piece of meat in a bowl of hot noodle soup, which not only makes the traffic flow like water, but also makes it as easy for citizens to travel as a walk.

We can learn the tricks of foreigners, carve out an exclusive track for bicycle and electric car brothers, and let them gallop freely in their own small world, and at the same time, we can't forget the feelings of our four-wheeled friends, after all, they are also a member of the travel army.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

Speaking of those buddies and sisters who set up stalls, they are like flowing scenery in the city, adding a lot of color to our lives.

We can find a fixed site for them, such as setting up some special markets or lively night markets, which not only solves the problem of urban management, but also gives these small businessmen a stable home.

These places can often become the business card of the city, attracting tourists from the north and south, they eat, drink and have fun here, and by the way, they also leave the money in their pockets, which can not only promote consumption, but also make our urban culture more colorful.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

This thing, just like stir-frying, has to be well cooked.

It is necessary to take into account the smooth flow of traffic, the convenience of the citizens, and the good business environment for small traders.

We have to plan with heart and manage with affection, so that this city will become a paradise in everyone's heart.

After all, the city belongs to everyone, and whether it is built well depends on whether each of us can find our own happy corner here.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

The importance of balancing management and vitality

Sometimes, our city management is like a parent managing children, too strict will make children feel constrained and have no room for free play.

The same is true of the city, although the overly strict management can make the city look clean and tidy, like a little girl who has just been freshened up, but after a long time, the vitality of the city will be "managed" and lost, and talents will be like birds that have been scared away, flying to other places, and the economy will be sluggish.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

But what if management is moderately loose? It's like giving the city a vacation, letting it take a breath, and as a result, the city comes alive! For example, in some cities, creative districts are simply a big magnet, attracting all talented people such as artists and designers.

Young people also like to join in the fun, forming a unique cultural atmosphere, just like a little freshness in the city, which makes people shine.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

This tells us that if we want to build a civilized city, it is not enough to rely on rules and order, but also to be inclusive and innovative.

It's like cooking, you can't just have salt, you have to add some sugar and vinegar to make it taste good.

Cities also need such spices to make every corner full of life and make the people who live in it feel happy and satisfied.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer

Therefore, the city should be managed with a sense of art, not only to maintain order, but also to stimulate vitality, so that the city can become a real "home", so that everyone is willing to put down roots here and create a better future together.

What is the meaning of a civilized city, how many people have become fewer


In the final analysis, the construction of a civilized city is to make everyone living here feel happy.

It is not a blind pursuit of order, but a deep understanding and respect for life.

Let us work together to build a truly civilized city that is both orderly and vibrant, and that can meet the needs of its citizens and promote social development.

In this process, every detail is worth our heart, and every attempt may bring unexpected surprises.

After all, the charm of a city lies not only in its appearance, but also in the story behind it and the smile of every citizen.

Let us join hands to write the story of our civilized city.