
What should I do if my teeth are sensitive to cold and heat? These 3 tricks may be effective, don't wait for it to be serious

author:Dr. Xiaoli's health science
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Many people have the experience of taking a bite of ice cream, or taking a sip of hot tea, and suddenly their teeth feel like they have been shocked, and the pain is so painful that you want to spit out the food immediately.

In this case, it is the problem of the sensitivity of the teeth to heat and cold. Don't think it's a minor problem, tooth sensitivity may affect our daily life and eating habits, and in severe cases, it may even lead to other oral problems. So, what should you do if your teeth are sensitive to cold and heat? Here are three proven ways to treat it instead of waiting until it's severe.

What should I do if my teeth are sensitive to cold and heat? These 3 tricks may be effective, don't wait for it to be serious

Application of desensitizing toothpaste

Desensitizing toothpaste is the first line of defense recommended by many dentists. There are many brands of desensitizing toothpastes on the market, which often contain ingredients such as fluoride and potassium nitrate, which can help clog the dentinal tubules, block external irritants, and reduce allergies.

Long-term use of desensitizing toothpaste has a significant effect on reducing tooth sensitivity. A study in the United States by Dr. Led by James Anderson, researchers selected 100 patients with sensitive teeth and divided them into experimental and control groups.

What should I do if my teeth are sensitive to cold and heat? These 3 tricks may be effective, don't wait for it to be serious

The experimental group used desensitized toothpaste containing potassium nitrate daily, while the control group used regular toothpaste. After three months, the experimental group showed a reduction of about 60% in tooth sensitivity, compared to only about 20% in the control group. This shows that desensitizing toothpaste does have its own unique effect in relieving tooth sensitivity.

The method of using desensitizing toothpaste is also very simple. Replace your usual toothpaste with a desensitizing toothpaste, brush it once a day in the morning and once in the evening, and after a few weeks of continuous use, you will notice that your teeth are less sensitive.

If you don't feel the effect is noticeable, you can try applying desensitizing toothpaste directly to the surface of your sensitive teeth after brushing and leaving it on for a few minutes before rinsing your mouth.

Fluoride treatment

Fluoride is an important element in enhancing the acidity of teeth, which can help repair early tooth decay and reduce tooth sensitivity. Fluoride treatment is usually performed in a professional dental clinic, where the dentist will use a highly concentrated fluoride coating to coat the surface of the tooth to protect the tooth.

What should I do if my teeth are sensitive to cold and heat? These 3 tricks may be effective, don't wait for it to be serious

Prof. in Spain. Maria Gonzalez conducted a double-blind experiment to study the effects of fluoride coatings on tooth sensitivity. There were 50 people in each of the experimental and control groups, and the experimental group received a fluoride coating treatment every two weeks, while the control group received a placebo treatment.

After six months, there was a significant reduction in allergy in the experimental group, while there was little change in the control group. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of fluoride treatment in relieving tooth sensitivity.

The steps of fluoride treatment are also not complicated. Your dentist will clean your teeth and then apply a highly concentrated fluoride gel or foam to the surface of your teeth and hold it for a few minutes before rinsing your mouth. This treatment is usually done every six months and can be done more frequently for severe tooth sensitivity issues.

Resin repair

For patients with severe dentin exposure, resin restoration is an effective treatment. The resin material can fill the defects on the tooth surface and prevent hot and cold irritants from acting directly on the tooth nerve, thereby reducing the sensitivity symptoms.

Dr. In a clinical trial led by Li Wei, researchers treated 50 patients with sensitive teeth with resin restoration.

The results showed that 90% of patients experienced a significant improvement in tooth sensitivity within one year of treatment. This data shows that resin restorations can not only relieve tooth sensitivity immediately, but also maintain the results in the long term.

What should I do if my teeth are sensitive to cold and heat? These 3 tricks may be effective, don't wait for it to be serious

The process of resin restoration usually requires one or more dental visits. The dentist will first clean and prepare the tooth for restoration, then fill the defect on the tooth surface with a resin material and use a specific light source to cure the resin so that it fits tightly into the tooth. The restored teeth are not only effective in resisting hot and cold irritation, but also restore the aesthetics and function of the teeth.

Routine care and prevention

In addition to the above three methods, daily dental care is also very important. Practice good oral hygiene, brush your teeth every morning and evening, and floss between your teeth to avoid plaque and tartar buildup.

What should I do if my teeth are sensitive to cold and heat? These 3 tricks may be effective, don't wait for it to be serious

Eat a sensible diet and reduce the intake of acidic foods and beverages to avoid excessive acid erosion of your teeth. Also, avoid biting hard objects, such as nut shells and ice cubes, to prevent tooth damage.

What should I do if my teeth are sensitive to cold and heat? These 3 tricks may be effective, don't wait for it to be serious

Regular dental check-ups are also an important measure to prevent tooth sensitivity. Dentists can detect and treat early dental problems in time to prevent the condition from getting worse.

For patients with symptoms of tooth sensitivity, it is recommended to have an oral examination every six months and treat and care accordingly according to the dentist's recommendations.


By using desensitizing toothpaste, fluoride treatment, and resin restoration, the sensitivity of teeth to heat and cold can be effectively alleviated.

These methods are scientifically supported and experimental, and patients can choose the most suitable treatment plan for their situation. Regular dental check-ups and care are also important measures to prevent and reduce tooth sensitivity.

Don't wait until tooth sensitivity is serious to go for treatment, timely measures can effectively prevent and alleviate tooth sensitivity, maintain good oral health, and improve the quality of life.

It is hoped that the content of this article can provide scientific guidance and help for the majority of patients with sensitive teeth, so that everyone can enjoy healthy teeth and delicious food.

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