
The uncle is angry, forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions, and the police can't help but report you



The uncle was on fire, forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions, and the police reported: I'm not used to you

The uncle is angry, forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions, and the police can't help but report you

I. Introduction

In the fast-paced modern life, the issue of giving up seats on public transportation has always been a hot topic of social concern. Respecting the old and loving the young is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but in real life, some elderly people rely on the old and sell the old, and even regard themselves as old, abuse the age advantage, force others to give up their seats, and even make despicable behaviors. Recently, there was an incident on Beijing Metro Line 10 in which an uncle forced a girl to give up her seat and made disgusting and obscene actions, which aroused widespread concern and heated discussions in the society.

The uncle is angry, forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions, and the police can't help but report you

2. Event review

According to the video posted by netizens, on June 24, in the carriage of Beijing Metro Line 10, an uncle wearing an army-green peaked cap and holding a cane stood in front of a young girl and forcibly asked the girl to give up his seat. The girl politely refused the uncle's request on the grounds that she was unwell, but the uncle did not give up and began to insult the girl with words and actions, and even used a cane to move back and forth between the girl's legs in an attempt to intimidate the girl.

The uncle is angry, forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions, and the police can't help but report you

The surrounding passengers defended the girl, accusing the uncle of acting immorally and disrespectfully. But the uncle was unmoved and continued to provoke the girl, claiming that he was going to the police station to complain about her.

The uncle is angry, forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions, and the police can't help but report you

In the face of the uncle's vexatious troubles and insults, the girl bravely stood up to defend her rights and interests. She decisively issued a warning: "Don't do it! And firmly express his position: "I can give up my seat to others, but I won't give it to you!" "The girl's brave act was supported and praised by the passengers around her. Eventually, with the assistance of the passengers, the girl chose to call the police.

The uncle is angry, forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions, and the police can't help but report you

3. Police handling

After receiving the report, the Beijing police quickly arrived at the scene and took the uncle involved for investigation. After investigation and evidence collection, the police determined that the uncle's behavior had constituted an illegal act of disturbing public order and sexual harassment. According to the relevant provisions of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments", the police imposed the punishment of administrative detention on the uncle, and seriously criticized and educated him.

The uncle is angry, forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions, and the police can't help but report you

The results of the police handling have been widely recognized and supported by the society. Netizens have said that this incident is not only a personal punishment for the uncle, but also a maintenance of the bottom line of social morality. Everyone praised the girl's brave behavior, believing that her behavior not only protected her own rights and interests, but also made a positive contribution to the construction of social civilization.

The uncle is angry, forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions, and the police can't help but report you

Fourth, deep thinking

Although this incident seems to be a simple dispute over giving up seats, there are profound social problems behind it. First of all, it exposes the problem that some elderly people rely on the old and sell the old and abuse the advantage of age. In traditional cultures, respect for the elderly and love for the young is regarded as a noble virtue, but this respect should be based on mutual foundation. Older people should lead by example and be a role model to be respected, rather than abusing their age advantage and forcing others to give up their seats. Secondly, this incident also reflects the society's concern and thinking about the issue of giving up seats. Giving up your seat is a voluntary act of kindness, not a mandatory obligation. On the issue of giving up seats, we should respect everyone's choices and rights, rather than demanding others in the form of moral kidnapping.

The uncle is angry, forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions, and the police can't help but report you

5. Social repercussions

The incident sparked widespread discussion and attention on social media. Many netizens expressed their opinions and opinions, questioning and criticizing the uncle's behavior. They believe that the uncle's behavior is not only an insult and injury to the girl, but also a violation of the bottom line of social morality. At the same time, some netizens called on everyone to respect everyone's choices and rights, and not to use moral kidnapping to ask others to give up their seats.

Sixth, the end of the sublimation

Although this incident of the uncle forcing the girl to give up her seat and make disgusting and obscene actions has passed, it leaves us with thoughts that are far from over. In this era of challenges and opportunities, we need to be more respectful of everyone's choices and rights, and face different voices and perspectives with tolerance and understanding. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the education and management of the elderly, guide them to establish correct values and morals, and become role models worthy of respect and learning. Only in this way can we jointly create a harmonious, civilized and orderly social environment.