
The other side of Bismarck: why did he insist on not annexing Austria

author:Xiao Wang's interesting life

In the long river of history, there are always some people who can change the destiny of a nation with extraordinary wisdom and courage. Bismarck, Prussia's "iron-blooded prime minister", was such a legendary figure. His political skill and strategic vision not only made Prussia, a small country, a European power, a European power, but also successfully led the cause of German reunification. Today, let's unveil the mystery of this history and explore Bismarck's wisdom and courage.

The other side of Bismarck: why did he insist on not annexing Austria

In Europe in the mid-19th century, relations between countries were intricately intertwined, like a huge political spider web. Prussia, a country that was originally inconspicuous on the European political stage, gradually rose to prominence under Bismarck's skillful manipulation. Bismarck knew that in order for Prussia to gain a foothold on the land, there had to be a vigorous change. As a result, the "iron-blooded policy" came into being, which became the secret weapon of Prussia's rise.

The other side of Bismarck: why did he insist on not annexing Austria

The Austro-Prussian War was an important battle in Bismarck's political career. In this war, the Prussian army managed to defeat the more powerful Austrian army with amazing combat effectiveness. However, just as victory was imminent, Bismarck unexpectedly chose to withdraw his troops. Didn't he want to defeat Austria in one fell swoop? In fact, this is precisely where Bismarck excelled. He understood that weakening Austria too much would only provoke vigilance and interference from other European powers. Therefore, he chose to accept the good news and reach peace talks with Austria. This move not only preserved Prussia's strength, but also laid the groundwork for the future cause of reunification.

The other side of Bismarck: why did he insist on not annexing Austria

In the years that followed, Bismarck was a skilled magician, skilfully navigating between the European powers. He used his superb political skills to win one opportunity after another for Prussia. Finally, in the Franco-Prussian War, Prussia ushered in a brilliant victory. The war not only defeated France, the traditional power of continental Europe, but also crowned Wilhelm I at Versailles, and the German Empire was born.

The other side of Bismarck: why did he insist on not annexing Austria

The reunification of Germany was undoubtedly a major event in the political history of Europe. It not only changed the fate of Germany, but also had a profound impact on the political landscape of Europe and the world. And behind all this, Bismarck's outstanding contribution is inseparable. His "iron-blooded" policy, though controversial, was the impetus for the unification of Germany, which catapulted the small country of Prussia into the upstart of Europe.

The other side of Bismarck: why did he insist on not annexing Austria

Of course, the development of history is always full of uncertainties. The road to German reunification was not all smooth sailing, and the outbreak of the two world wars brought great disasters to mankind. However, this does not negate Bismarck's wisdom and contributions. Under the historical conditions at that time, his decision-making was undoubtedly far-sighted and courageous. It was thanks to his foundation that Germany was able to play an important role in the later stage of history.

The other side of Bismarck: why did he insist on not annexing Austria

When we look back at that magnificent period of history, we cannot but be impressed by Bismarck's political wisdom and strategic vision. He is like a masterful chess player, striking, and winning thousands of miles on the intricate chessboard of European politics. His story is not only a historical legend, but also a vivid lesson in political practice. He taught us how to seize opportunities and make informed decisions in complex situations.

The other side of Bismarck: why did he insist on not annexing Austria

Today, when we look back at the past from the other side of history, Bismarck's image is still tall and clear. He used his wisdom and courage to change the fate of Germany, and also left a valuable lesson for future generations.

The other side of Bismarck: why did he insist on not annexing Austria

In short, Bismarck, with his outstanding political wisdom and strategic vision, successfully led the great cause of German reunification. His story not only gives us a sense of the grandeur of history, but also gives us a deeper understanding of politics. In the long river of history, Bismarck's wisdom and courage will always shine brightly and become a model for future generations to learn.

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