
For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

author:Zihan Cottage

Li Mei is a warm and virtuous housewife in the city, and her name carries the warmth and kindness that her neighborhood recognizes. On a weekend afternoon, the sun shines brightly, and the light shines through the window lattices on the floor of the living room, making everything look lazy and leisurely. On this day, Li Mei was busy preparing for the upcoming afternoon tea while humming the familiar melody.

"Daughter-in-law, what are you busy with?" Mother-in-law Lin Yuhua has already brought out a series of small dishes with good color and fragrance from the kitchen, "Come over and see if this braised pork is just right." ”

Li Mei walked over with a smile: "Mother-in-law's craftsmanship is really unique in the world." The two looked at each other and smiled, enjoying a rare leisurely day in their busy days.

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

Not long after, several girlfriends arrived at Li Mei's house one after another. They sat in the cozy little garden and chatted about their daily routines, laughing and laughing with each other.

"Hey...... Look at how tasteful we are here in Ame! Xiaofen couldn't help but sigh, "You really combine cooking skills and virtues." ”

Another best friend, Huijuan, also chimed in: "That's it! Your attitude towards your family is truly enviable. ”

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

Lin Yuhua listened to the praise of his daughter-in-law and friends, and he was also happy: "The greatest pleasure in my life is to be able to cook good dishes and serve my family." ”

In a short time, the hall reverberated with the sounds of pleasant conversation and laughter like silver bells, and time seemed to freeze at this beautiful moment.

After lunch, there is another sumptuous feast: intoxicating steamed cinnamon fish, sweet and sour jellyfish shreds, fragrant pork ribs and potato soup...... Both young and old in the family relish the unique taste they taste. The dining table is filled with all kinds of delicate and tempting small plates and large bowls; What shines under the light is the warmth of family affection and the reassuring gaze.

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

There is a warm current between the tea cups - the elders comment on the taste of the dishes accompanied by sporadic teachings; The younger generation slowly grasps the weight of the family culture and gives it new meanings; Surrounded by elders, children happily share their anecdotes or dreams. The harmonious atmosphere is like a vivid picture carved into everyone's heart.

And the reason why this lunch is so impressive to everyone is inseparable from the story behind it: it is the result of Lin Yuhua's every care of the family - from selecting ingredients to controlling the heat to conditioning the taste, every step is mixed with her emotions and wisdom. These little things often seem insignificant, but they hide a deep love......

The laughter on the table is endless, and in addition to the simple greetings, there is actually the development of the times and the progress of society - although people's lives are becoming more and more modern, they always need this leisurely and ancient space in their hearts.

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

At this time, the voice of the courier came from outside the door, "Please sign for it", and the courier delivered a delicate package. The mother-in-law opened it with curiosity and saw that it was a pendant made by her son Zhang Qiang abroad, sent back to China as a gift, a small heart, entrusting his deep blessings and the emotional bond of his family, the role is very important, so that he will not feel lonely even if he is abroad...

The comfortable and relaxed environment and every warm moment paint a picture of life: The beautiful paintings on the wall are hung in the frame of the family sketch painting, which undoubtedly sets off the style of this cottage, fresh and natural, combined with the emotions of close embrace, which makes people reluctant to leave the sight, the white marbled table in the center of the round table, the table is full of fresh fruits, and the small corners of the home seem to tell the story of each family member, whenever night falls, this has long become their fixed way of gathering, the dining table is lightly lit candles, parents will always share their interesting anecdotes or optimistic attitude to life, so as to further draw each other's hearts, so that the afternoon tea time is no longer ordinary, but full of human temperature, another meaning of the product, which gradually becomes unique and valuable from strange, this way of life is also whenIt is a common phenomenon in Chinese families, to build families with different joys, sorrows, and sorrows, and to build together, to support and rely on living together, to give that warm harbor, and to make each other the best protagonists who are fully engaged in life...

After lunch, the time after tea and dinner is quiet and leisurely, but behind this tranquility, Li Mei feels a slight haze. The sound of the water in the kitchen as she washed the dishes, the rhythm of those gentle tapping on her heart echoed in her thoughts.

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

"Mom, if there is a ......" Li Mei suddenly opened her mouth to break the silence.

Mother-in-law Lin Yuhua stopped what she was doing and looked at her gently: "If there is any difficulty, just say it." ”

Li Mei hesitated for a moment and then said softly, "My original job may be a little variable...", she continued after the words of the stop at hand, "But I believe that Zhang Qiang and I have a way to solve it." ”

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

The concern between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law flows in this warm current, and they seem to be able to communicate with each other without words. This scene happened to be seen by Zhang Qiang, who returned home, and cherished it while lamenting that he had a warm family.

At the lunch table, some trivial matters and small family conflicts are occasionally brought up - such as who forgot to throw away the garbage bag or who accidentally broke things at home - but for these small things, the family is always tolerant and understanding, and quickly resolves the embarrassment, and takes the initiative to take the role of filling the role to solve the problem while enhancing the emotional consensus between family members.

The cleaning shift after each meal quietly marks the long-term love and sense of responsibility in life: when the elderly parents are no longer in charge of the family's major affairs, they still do their best to help their sons and daughters-in-law; Although the children are not yet familiar with washing dishes, pots and pans, they have begun to learn to take on the responsibility of taking care of their families, and gradually shoulder the responsibility of tomorrow's hope, and the dream cultivation of hope is now quietly blooming here.

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

One afternoon, Zhang Qiang suddenly received a call from the company: "Hey? Xiaoqiang, I may have to go abroad next week to deal with some urgent matters, I don't know if you are free..."

After hanging up the phone, he hurriedly found Li Mei to discuss countermeasures, his voice was low, and he said with a serious face: "I have to stay abroad for a period of time, and the financial pressure on our family... What to do? ”

The air in the room seemed to freeze at this moment, and it was so oppressive that it was a little breathless. The heavy responsibility made the eyes of both of them take on the color of anxiety, and after a long time, silence became the main way of dialogue, only occasionally heard one or two voices of soothing sighs, the care and support revealed by the voice of soothing sighs made people extremely heartbroken and powerless, the leisurely solo on the train, the sorrow and the ticking conveyed those real emotions of life and the heart that carried a glimmer of hope for the future...

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

As the date of Zhang Qiang's business trip got closer and closer, the originally happy family gradually wafted a little uneasy. When night falls, the atmosphere at the table becomes solemn. Lin Yuhua prepared a table of delicious dishes as always, but everyone's mood was very different.

"Mom, you've worked hard these days. If Dad is on a business trip for too long this time..."Li Mei's words were not finished, and her eyes were full of worry.

The mother-in-law sighed lightly: "Children... I see all the things that are in your hearts. ”

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

The atmosphere of the dinner revealed an indescribable melancholy, and then Zhang Qiang broke the silence: "Alas... The most important thing at the moment is to solve the problem of money ... It's always helpless to say. ”

There was silence at the dinner table. At this time, Wang Yulan's phone rang suddenly, and the sound of "tick bell" almost disturbed the entire room.

"Hello? Mother! Li Mei answered softly, "Huh? So what's so embarrassing...... This..."

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

Wang Yulan's thick and firm voice came from the other end of the phone: "Amei, I don't know when it's a head, things always have to be solved." What's so embarrassing about transferring money to your own people? ”

There is more understanding and concern in each other's tacit understanding. After hanging up the phone, Li Mei set her eyes on her mother-in-law: "Mom, my mother just said that she wanted to lend us a loan..."

Lin Yuhua's tears flashed in his eyes, "Hey! Mother-in-law... We're all for the kids. ”

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

That night, the atmosphere of the whole family changed subtly, and a certain balance was found between heaviness and warmth - on the one hand, the deep trust and support of the family; On one side is a silent prayer for an unknown future.

The phone rang again, interrupting the musings in the dimly lit living room—this time a message from the bank: 10,000 yuan had been transferred from Ms. Wang's account to their joint account.

In the face of sudden help, everyone has some complicated feelings intertwined, which is more right and wrong, with words can express emotional touch and thinking, while discussing how to accept and deal with this assistance, family members are grateful to each other, encourage each other, communicate their sincere feelings in the most sincere and simple language, and the silent support of the other party is far more worthy of cherishing than money.

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

Under the pressure of family expenses day after day, such news is undoubtedly a warm little padded jacket, so that the tension and anxiety in the heart are relieved, and at the same time, it is how the whole family continues to work together to deal with a series of problems in life, and the thoughts seem to have a clearer direction, hoping to ease the mood a little, calm down, and have a new motivation for the future, the whole night moonlight spilled into the window position, accompanied by the air conditioner gently attacked, the cold dispelled the warm current in the heart, after a short silence, a small celebration ceremony was held, although simple, but full of affection, this is also a kind of strength, morale, give spiritual comfort, need to invest in the courage, draw courage, courage, rely on each other, no matter how the future changesIt's someone who is with you to face...

After a series of tensions and difficulties in the family, the sun finally ushered in. Wang Yulan's support not only alleviated the temporary urgency, but also warmed everyone's hearts like a warm current. Lin Yuhua also conveyed her love and persistence to her family in a simple but affectionate home-cooked meal.

The warmth and peace of the home gradually returned. That evening, Li Mei cooked and prepared dinner by herself - she wanted to repay her mother-in-law for her hard work and love in her own way.

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

"Mother-in-law, do you think this is okay?" On the table, Li Mei's carefully prepared delicacies were placed, "Although I can't make your taste, I hope you can feel the same heart." ”

Lin Yuhua smiled and nodded: "My good daughter-in-law, your heart is more precious than any delicious food." ”

Zhang Qiang returned to his seat and sat down, held his wife's hand and looked at her affectionately, "It is my greatest happiness to have you by my side." ”

For the lunch made by my mother-in-law, I posted it on Moments for two days, and my mother transferred 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law after seeing it

After dinner, the family sat around and watched TV while chatting about the latest life and various plans and dreams for the future. At this time, their eyes on each other revealed confidence and optimism for the future.

The lights in the cottage are soft, and the walls are hung with photos of family photos and memories, witnessing the emotional journey of mutual support and mutual growth over the years; Time seems to have returned to the original starting point in this moment, the purest and most real touch, the whole family is immersed in this faint sense of happiness, guarding the hard-won time of family reunion, having love also has the most precious wealth in the heart, forgetting the troubles of the world, just hold on to the warmth within reach...

In the dead of night, the moonlight shines on the windowsill, as if it is a gentle blessing given to the family by heaven and earth, and I hope they can walk hand in hand, no matter how the future ups and downs, there will always be a safe haven of home, tolerate their hard work, shelter their joys, sorrows, and support their courage to persevere... All the experiences seem to remind people to cherish the happiness of the present, surrounded by the influence of emotional temperature, because home is a harbor, family is power, everything is to build that warm ocean together, and move forward bravely......