
The Helan Mountain coal seam has been burning for 300 years, with a net loss of 1 billion yuan per year, and 100 million tons of coal are burned in vain, why not extinguish?

author:Brother Deyiqiang

Brother Qiang said things: the mystery of spontaneous combustion of coal seams in Helan Mountain and the challenges of prevention and control

Hello everyone, I'm Brother Qiang, today let's talk about a seemingly ordinary but extremely complex geological phenomenon - the spontaneous combustion of the Helan Mountain coal seam. Coal, an indispensable resource in our daily lives, has a lot to do with its formation and characteristics.

The Helan Mountain coal seam has been burning for 300 years, with a net loss of 1 billion yuan per year, and 100 million tons of coal are burned in vain, why not extinguish?

Brother Qiang believes that the formation of coal is like a "slow cook" feast in nature. Imagine that hundreds of millions of years ago, the earth was a vibrant primeval forest, where countless plants thrived under the moisture of the sun and rain. However, as the earth's crust moved, these plants were buried deep underground, and over a long period of time, under high temperatures and pressures, these plant remains were gradually converted into coal. Time, pressure, and temperature all play a crucial role in this process.

Coal in the Helan Mountains area has unique physical and chemical properties due to its unique geological conditions. The coal here is of high quality, low sulphur content, and high combustion efficiency, which makes it highly prized. However, it is precisely these high-quality coals that also bring a thorny problem - spontaneous combustion.

The Helan Mountain coal seam has been burning for 300 years, with a net loss of 1 billion yuan per year, and 100 million tons of coal are burned in vain, why not extinguish?

When it comes to spontaneous combustion of coal seams, this is a headache. Brother Qiang learned that the spontaneous combustion of coal seams is due to the fact that the coal is subjected to geothermal action underground, and the temperature gradually increases, and when it reaches a certain temperature, the coal will spontaneously combust. In addition, in the oxygen-deficient underground environment, the gas produced by coal decomposition is difficult to dissipate, which will further exacerbate the increase in temperature, thus forming a vicious circle.

Spontaneous combustion of coal seams in Helan Mountain has lasted for more than 300 years, resulting in a loss of up to 1 billion tons of coal every year, which is not only a huge waste of resources, but also has a serious impact on the environment. Imagine that raging flame raging underground, producing a constant flood of waste residue and harmful gases into the atmosphere, wreaking havoc on air quality and ecosystems.

The Helan Mountain coal seam has been burning for 300 years, with a net loss of 1 billion yuan per year, and 100 million tons of coal are burned in vain, why not extinguish?

So, why do the coal seams in Helan Mountain spontaneously combust? Brother Qiang believes that this is closely related to the changes in the ecological environment. According to archaeologists, more than 2,000 years ago, the terrain of the Yellow River basin was relatively flat and the water flow was slow. However, as time passed, the Yellow River became more and more flooded, washing away the riverbed and forming many riverbed structures. After these riverbeds dry up, a riverbed-like structure is formed underground, providing conditions for spontaneous combustion of coal seams.

In addition, climate change and human activities may also have an impact on spontaneous combustion of coal seams. With global warming, the underground temperature is also gradually rising, which provides more possibilities for spontaneous combustion of coal seams. In the process of coal mining, humans may disrupt the stability of the formation, making the coal seam more exposed to the air, thus increasing the risk of spontaneous combustion.

The Helan Mountain coal seam has been burning for 300 years, with a net loss of 1 billion yuan per year, and 100 million tons of coal are burned in vain, why not extinguish?

Faced with the thorny problem of spontaneous combustion of coal seams, how should we prevent and control it? Brother Qiang believes that this requires us to take a variety of measures and implement comprehensive policies.

First, we need to strengthen monitoring and early warning. Through the installation of sensors and monitoring equipment, the temperature and gas concentration of the coal seam are monitored in real time, and the emergency plan is immediately activated once an abnormal situation is found. This allows for timely detection and action to reduce damage before the fire spreads.

Second, we need to take isolation measures to extinguish the fire. After the spontaneous combustion of the coal seam is discovered, measures should be taken quickly to isolate the fire source and prevent the fire from spreading. At the same time, the fire extinguishing agent is used to extinguish the fire to reduce the intensity and scope of the fire.

The Helan Mountain coal seam has been burning for 300 years, with a net loss of 1 billion yuan per year, and 100 million tons of coal are burned in vain, why not extinguish?

Finally, we need to carry out ecological restoration. After extinguishing the fire, the damaged environment should be repaired and treated to restore its ecological function. This includes measures such as revegetation and soil improvement to rejuvenate damaged environments.

Of course, in addition to these measures, we also need to strengthen scientific research and technological innovation. Through in-depth study of the mechanism and law of spontaneous combustion in coal seams, we can better predict and prevent spontaneous combustion in coal seams. At the same time, through technological innovation, we can develop more efficient and environmentally friendly coal mining and utilization technologies to reduce the waste of coal resources and environmental pollution.

In short, spontaneous combustion of coal seams is a complex and thorny problem, which requires us to take a variety of measures to prevent and control it. As an oral blogger, Brother Qiang calls on everyone to pay attention to this issue and jointly contribute to the protection of our environment and resources. At the same time, I also believe that with the power of science and technology, we will be able to find better solutions to better use and protect this precious resource.

The Helan Mountain coal seam has been burning for 300 years, with a net loss of 1 billion yuan per year, and 100 million tons of coal are burned in vain, why not extinguish?

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