
has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

author:Radish drifting in Solo Lane
has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!



has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Talented men and women fall in love at first sight

It's simply the most bloody script in the entertainment industry! Today, the editor wants to pick it up for you, but there is a legendary love-hate relationship in the Taiwanese entertainment industry. The protagonist is Hu Yinmeng, who is known as "Taiwan's No. 1 Beauty", and her ex-husband Li Ao, who made her miserable.

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Speaking of Hu Yinmeng, it is really a strange flower in the entertainment industry. She was born with a peerless face, which is called a shocking person! The boys at that time, which one didn't dream about her and think about her for a long time? Even the famous writer Li Ao was fascinated by her.

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

To say that this Li Ao is a man of the hour. is known as the "king of mouth cannons", and when he speaks, he is called a sky and a river. This genius fell in love with the beauty Hu Yinmeng, and that scene was like a prince meeting a princess in a fairy tale!

The two fall in love at first sight, sparks fly, and they fall in love like lightning. That scene, tsk, is even more bloody than idol dramas! Li Ao is obsessed with Hu Yinmeng, and it is said that he has a soft spot for her beautiful feet. That's right, you heard it right, it's a foot fetish! This talented man actually has this kind of little habit, which is really eye-opening!

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

When I got married, it was a lively scene. Li Ao bowed ninety degrees to Hu Yinmeng's jade feet, which is called an affectionate paragraph. Who would have thought that this seemingly sweet marriage would collapse after only lasting 115 days!

How did this marriage break up? That's interesting. Li Ao has a serious cleanliness habit and is a perfectionist. Hu Yinmeng, with a casual personality and informality. The two of them could be sweet and sweet at first, but after a long time, the problem came.

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Say scatter, scatter! The beginning of the nightmare

Once Hu Yinmeng walked around the house barefoot, which made Li Ao angry. He was furious and said that Hu Yinmeng did not pay attention to hygiene. Hu Yinmeng felt inexplicable, what was wrong with taking two steps in his own home? In this way, the two of them quarreled endlessly.

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

When the divorce came, Hu Yinmeng was heartbroken. Who would have thought that this was just the beginning of a nightmare! After the divorce, Li Ao is like a different person. He began to humiliate and slander Hu Yinmeng in various public places, and broke her private information, which is called a sparing effort!

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Li Ao wrote in the book: "Hu Yinmeng loves to snort, and there is a black spot on the inner thigh. "This kind of intimate thing can no longer be private, he actually wrote it like this! What's more, he said that Hu Yinmeng's "IQ is only 70", and he also said that she has "smelly feet". This is an ex-husband, he is simply an enemy!

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

What is even more jaw-dropping is that this attack has been going on for a full 30 years! Can you believe it? 30 years! If it were you, would you be able to bear it? But what about Hu Yinmeng, she chose to be silent. She didn't respond, didn't fight back, just suffered silently.

Some people say that Hu Yinmeng was hurt by Li Ao's words. But you know what? Not only was she not defeated, but she went higher and higher in her career. She focused on her acting career, and finally became a "Taiwanese actress"! This kind of psychological quality is really admirable!

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Li Ao is seriously ill and knows that his time is running out. You know what? He actually said that the person he wanted to see the most was Hu Yinmeng! He also opened a special show and wanted to say goodbye to Hu Yinmeng. However, Hu Yinmeng ignored him at all. The following year, Li Ao died. Hu Yinmeng still did not appear. The grievances and hatreds of this life came to an end.

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Let's talk about Hu Yinmeng's psychological trauma. Do you think, being so humiliated by the person you once loved deeply, who can stand it? It is said that Hu Yinmeng suffered from severe depression for a long time after the divorce. She washed her face with tears all day long, and even wanted to commit suicide at one point! Fortunately, relatives and friends around me found out in time, which prevented the tragedy from happening.

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Get out of the haze and devote yourself to public welfare

Hu Yinmeng is not an ordinary person! She relied on her own willpower to get out of the haze step by step. She began to put all her energy into her work. You may not know that Hu Yinmeng is actually a very talented actor. Her performance in "I Am a Cloud" is called a stunning four!

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Interestingly, Hu Yinmeng's achievements in his acting career made Li Ao even more jealous. This "genius" has intensified his attacks on Hu Yinmeng on various occasions! He even wrote a book called "Beijing Fayuan Temple", in which there is a character who alludes to Hu Yinmeng, saying that she is "as stupid as a pig". That's a terrible thing to say!

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

But what about Huinmeng? She chose to remain silent. A reporter asked her why she didn't fight back, and she said lightly: "I don't want to waste time on pointless quarrels." "This calmness is really admirable!

What's even more surprising is that Hu Yinmeng actually fell in love during this period! Her boyfriend is an ordinary person who takes good care of her. But because Li Ao's shadow was too heavy, Hu Yinmeng finally chose to break up. Alas, this Li Ao is really harmful!

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

You may ask, why did Li Ao do this to Hu Yinmeng? Some people say that it is because Li Ao's self-esteem is too strong to accept the fact that he was abandoned by Hu Yinmeng. Some people also say that Li Ao is actually using this way to hide his love for Hu Yinmeng. But in any case, such behavior is unforgivable!

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Looking back at this marriage, it's really embarrassing. was originally a fairy couple of talented and beautiful women, but it turned out to be a nightmare. Hu Yinmeng's beauty and Li Ao's talent have faded in the long river of years. All that was left behind were those indelible scars. In the past 30 years, Hu Yinmeng has not only achieved great success in his career, but also done a lot of charity.

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

She often visits children in orphanages and sponsors many poor students. Where is such a Hu Yin dream as Li Ao said, "stupid as a pig"? It's clearly a wise and foolish bodhisattva's heart! Hu Yinmeng chose to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry. She lives a quiet life and occasionally appears in the public eye, all for charity.

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Some people say that Hu Yinmeng is a poor person. But I think she's actually an amazing woman. In the face of her ex-husband's 30 years of entanglement and hurt, she chose to be silent and strong. Instead of being defeated, she achieved great success in her career. This kind of indifference and tenacity is the real strength!

has been entangled by her "foot fetish" ex-husband for 30 years, and she has exploded unspeakable private affairs, but she has been indifferent for a lifetime!

Looking back on Hu Yinmeng's life, it is really ups and downs! went from "Taiwan's No. 1 Beauty" to being humiliated by her ex-husband, to becoming a movie queen, and finally chose to fade out. Her life experience is simply a wonderful movie! After reading Hu Yinmeng's story, what do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area! If you find this article interesting, don't forget to like and share it! See you next time!