
He Zuoxiu responded to the question: Zhu Guangya and Deng Jiaxian were elected academicians, and they did not have any academic works!

author:Hongmei said the incident


Recently, there have been some very interesting news in the field of scientific research.

Academician He Zuoxiu, a scientist of the older generation, was questioned at the press conference as a "civilian" scientist.

This incident is not an isolated incident, but a microcosm of the crackdown on young people and new ideas by some older scientists.

As a scientist, Academician He Zuoxiu's achievements and contributions cannot be ignored.

He not only has profound attainments in various scientific fields, but also receives high praise among national leaders and other academicians.

His appearance not only represents the prosperity of the mainland's scientific and technological undertakings, but also helps to enhance our country's scientific research status in the international community.

But a so-called "slander storm" has also been amplified by people because of this controversy, and many people have begun to argue endlessly on this matter, whether it is the challenge of young people or the closure of the older generation?

Is He Zuoxiu a "super scientist" or a "rebellious" "civil science"?

Academician He Zuoxiu was belittled as a "civil science".

Coincidentally, a friend of mine participated in the "100 Most Interesting Scientists in Science and Technology" competition, which led to a so-called "denigration storm".

This friend has received a lot of attention and praise for some achievements in the field of scientific research, and has a lot of supporters.

In the end, he narrowly defeated his other competitors and was elected.

His award caused an uproar as soon as it came out, because his award result was actually a kind of "starting point for controversy".

Not long after this friend just announced his award, people from all over the world were talking about this topic, but they were not surprised by his award, but who was the so-called "party" that supported him in the first place?

In fact, the reason behind this is already obvious, because among the other laureates, there is also a scientist who is known as a "scientific genius once in 50 years" who was not selected.

He is Academician He Zuoxiu, whom we are all very familiar with.

That's right, it is precisely because Academician He Zuoxiu's unsuccessful election caused this uproar of controversy.

He Zuoxiu responded to the question: Zhu Guangya and Deng Jiaxian were elected academicians, and they did not have any academic works!

Many netizens commented on him under the award statement page of his friend, thinking that no matter how good a person like him is, he cannot be stronger than Academician He Zuoxiu.

And if he can be elected, it means that Academician He Zuoxiu may become a rebellious "civil science".

So the core point of the topic is the relationship between him and his friends, and who is "he"?

Who is He Zuoxiu?

This friend eventually became the fuse of a controversy, and he was Academician Xiang Ligang, the top expert in the field of graphene materials research in the mainland.

Not to mention everyone's evaluation of Academician Xiang Ligang, this slight advantage alone makes everyone confused about his relationship with Academician He Zuoxiu.

What melons are involved in this matter?

He Zuoxiu responded to the question: Zhu Guangya and Deng Jiaxian were elected academicians, and they did not have any academic works!

It turned out that on the friend's statement page, he once had a teacher-student relationship with Academician He Zuoxiu, and it was Academician Xiang Ligang's success that made this controversy even more complicated.

While everyone is speculating, the key point of the controversy is also in the teacher-student relationship, why?

Because in the field of scientific research, the relationship between "teacher and student" is itself a very sensitive point, but there is a very complex relationship between them.

The relationship between teachers and students seems to be just a relationship between two people, but in fact it involves a struggle for power in the field of scientific research.

If a teacher has a lot of very good students, then it also means that his academic influence is very high.

And the teacher happens to be an academician, and the teacher-student relationship is also very easy to be used by people to attack and abuse.

Especially in the case of such a large number of fierce debates, there is no doubt that Academician He Zuoxiu is wearing the hat of "civil science" by everyone.

From this incident, we can actually feel that some scientists of the older generation are very repulsive to some young people and some new trends of thought.

Although they are unfamiliar with and do not understand these young people and new technologies, they should not treat and treat them with wrong thinking.

In addition to this, there is another scientist who has always been voiced among the conservative older generation of scientists, that is, our famous academician Xiang Ligang.

He Zuoxiu responded to the question.

Originally, this matter has passed, but recently it has returned to people's attention, because a famous female writer whose full name is not explosive said something rebellious in an interview with the media.

She attacked and abused our academician He Zuoxiu without a bottom line, and directly slapped his academic and scientific achievements in the face.

Her point of view is simply that "a scientific and technological person without the support of scientific research papers is a migrant worker, and their appearance is like a disaster in the field of science and technology".

In her eyes, there is also a very clear point of view, that is, everything that scientific researchers do is inseparable from "papers".

Is this view right or wrong?

We still don't have an answer, but what is clear is that the implications of this view are enormous.

The development of the Internet era has liberated some people from the chain of thought brought to her, including the "patriotic V".

They launched a Weibo campaign on Weibo called "Let you be the second millennium first", although the volume of Weibo activity is dismal, but it is a counterattack to the remarks she posted.

They posted a lot of photos on Weibo, proving that some very famous scientists don't actually have so-called "papers".

Although the photo was made public, it did not succeed in changing people's perception of "academic works".

However, after the photo was made public, it still did not succeed in changing everyone's perception of "academic works".

The hype around scientists is being reheated at this time.

The controversy, which no one has brought up before, has now become a hot topic of discussion again.

And what kind of response did Academician He Zuoxiu have in the face of this situation?

When will he become a migrant worker in everyone's mouth?

Yes, just how amazing are his academic research?

Why is it questioned by everyone about becoming a migrant worker?

In fact, all kinds of controversies on him were explosions caused by a series of fuses, and these fuses were mainly his scientific research results and himself.

He was born into an obscure university and did not immediately become an academic researcher after graduating.

Instead, he went straight to work at a research institute after graduating with a Ph.D., and his original intention to eventually become a researcher is also very debatable.

Because he probably didn't have a strong interest in the industry, and he didn't really want to be famous.

He Zuoxiu responded to the question: Zhu Guangya and Deng Jiaxian were elected academicians, and they did not have any academic works!

In other words, the place where he was born made him realize to a great extent the complexity of human society, and he chose to grovel in the face of these vast networks of relationships.

It was precisely because of this situation that he entered the unit that he thought could help him the most.

Although he did not succeed in entering through multiple applications, this does not mean that he is a good scientific researcher.

He Zuoxiu responded to the question: Zhu Guangya and Deng Jiaxian were elected academicians, and they did not have any academic works!

A truly excellent scientific researcher should first have a firm and persistent heart, but there is no trace of firmness in him.

He chose to become a researcher when faced with the career he was pursuing, so why is that?

First of all, this means that a large part of his application is likely to be able to get a "research grant" more quickly.

So how did he pass these applications and successfully become a scientific researcher?

He Zuoxiu responded to the question: Zhu Guangya and Deng Jiaxian were elected academicians, and they did not have any academic works!

In fact, his journey on this road has not been smooth sailing, and he has failed many applications.

He did not give up because of this, but used his acquaintances to continue the application.

He gave his materials to the senior personnel in the unit and asked them to help him with the application.

In fact, everything he did did not violate the relevant regulations, but this largely exposed his unscrupulous nature and character problems for his own ends.

With his perseverance, he finally won the favor of the senior management of the unit, which not only means that his scientific research work can be carried out smoothly, but also that his research funds can be guaranteed.

Maybe it's because of his all-out efforts that he has achieved some results, but on the other hand, a bigger part of the reason he got these is because of "serendipity".

He suffered a serious illness during his graduate studies, which undoubtedly led to a long delay in his doctoral dissertation.

However, his supervisor was a "blessing in disguise", because his doctoral dissertation was completed by his supervisor, so it became the basis for him to establish himself in the academic world.

In addition, he also has a very strong relationship with Mr. Deng Jiaxian, and it is because of this association that he can dominate the field of scientific research.

When he began to participate in scientific research, these two important relationships provided him with a lot of scientific research funds, and they were quite large.

At that time, it was not a demeaning title for a scientific researcher to be called a "migrant worker", but a kind of honor.

His status will only be promoted if he receives a lot of funds from his subordinates within the unit.

He Zuoxiu responded to the question: Zhu Guangya and Deng Jiaxian were elected academicians, and they did not have any academic works!

How did he successfully grow from a high school teacher to an academician when he taught in many high schools in Hengyang for nearly three years as a "Xinhua Middle School", or when he was the principal, he was cronyistic and did not write any books?

But now this title represents the greatest insult and humiliation for a researcher who uses the research of others to produce his own research papers, and this is also the period when he publishes papers most frequently.

He is also one of the original authors of the mainland's first 1,000-magnetic flux qubit, and he has many such glorious career halos.

His achievements have also won him the admiration and support of many people, and some of his followers have even made promotional videos for him to promote his important achievements in the field of scientific research.

But he became a victim of this controversy, and the reason why he was attacked is actually another key point, which is the "research results" in the field of scientific research.

While his research is prolific, a large part of it is also based on the work of others.

So it's not wrong for him to be nicknamed "actor scientist" by netizens.

He Zuoxiu responded to the question: Zhu Guangya and Deng Jiaxian were elected academicians, and they did not have any academic works!

So what "shocking secrets" have been revealed in this round of public opinion storm?

Academician Xiang Ligang belittled He Zuoxiu?

After heated discussions about Academician He Zuoxiu from all walks of life, a certain big V named "Li" published a strong opinion on his Weibo to refute Academician He Zuoxiu.

It is gratifying to see that a sane person has finally emerged in this controversy.

This big V stands on the side of the country's righteousness, why did Academician Zuoxiu make a righteous declaration, but this also made him pointed out the shortcomings by many well-known scientific research scholars.

Others were also present in this controversy, and he constantly tried to put the controversy to an end in this matter.

And this is He Zuoxiu's so-called "junior brother", and it is also the owner of the "Li" Ren business card mentioned in He Zuoxiu's Weibo, which is Xiang Ligangyuan