
Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

author:The Eight Stars of Fire say something

Since its launch, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" has quickly aroused widespread discussion and enthusiastic pursuit among the audience with its unique charm and excellent production standards. As a costume drama adapted from the novel of the same name, it not only continues the high reputation of the first season, but also comprehensively upgrades the plot, character building, visual effects, etc., bringing the audience a more shocking viewing experience.

First of all, the second season has made bold innovations and expansions in the plot. On the basis of faithfulness to the original book, the screenwriting team skillfully integrated new plots and characters, making the story more fleshed out, and at the same time adding new highlights to the emotional entanglements and conflicts between the characters. In the process of chasing the drama, the audience can not only feel the charm of the original work, but also enjoy the new story line carefully woven by the screenwriters, this novel narrative technique undoubtedly brings a new one to the audience

In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", although the performance of the protagonists is undoubtedly the key to the success of the series, the excellent performances of the supporting characters are also indispensable. With their superb acting skills and deep understanding of the characters, they have added many highlights to the series, allowing the audience to feel the charm and story of the supporting characters while enjoying the story of the protagonist.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

Yuan Meng, played by Wang Xiaochen, is a complex and three-dimensional character. Although she is not the main character in the play, she makes a deep impression on the audience every time she appears. Yuan Meng seems to be weak on the surface, but in fact she is tough inside, and her wisdom and courage can always be shown at critical moments. Wang Xiaochen handled the balance between showing Yuan Meng's weakness and strength, which made the audience deeply sympathize and love this character. Several important scenes in the play, such as the dialogue with Fan Xian and the response in the court struggle, all show her profound acting skills and deep understanding of the role.

The princess of Northern Qi played by Mao Xiaotong is another unforgettable character. Although Princess Beiqi does not have many scenes, every time she appears, she can bring surprises to the audience. Mao Xiaotong vividly interpreted the nobility, pride and dedication to love of the princess of Northern Qi. Her performance has both the noble temperament of a princess and the innocence of a girl, and this contrast makes the character more three-dimensional and vivid. Especially in several encounters with Fan Xian, Mao Xiaotong showed the ingenuity and sincerity of the princess of Northern Qi, which made the audience have a strong resonance with her character.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

In addition to Wang Xiaochen and Mao Xiaotong, the performances of other supporting roles are also wonderful. Although their roles in the show are different, they all add to the series in their own way. For example, playing the old drama bone of Emperor Qing, he interpreted Emperor Qing's majesty, wisdom and complex emotions to the fullest, so that the audience has a deeper knowledge and understanding of this role. There is also the actor who plays Chen Pingping, who vividly shows Chen Pingping's wit, cunning and love for Fan Xian, which makes the audience have a deep love for this role.

The outstanding performance of these supporting roles not only enriches the character level of the series, but also brings more fun to the audience. Every time they appear, they can bring new surprises and touches to the audience. They used their acting skills and understanding of the characters to let the audience see the vivid characters and feel their emotional world and life experience.

In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", every actor interprets the role in their own way, whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, they all contribute to the success of the series with full enthusiasm and professionalism. Their performances not only let the audience see the vivid characters, but also made the audience feel their love and devotion to the characters. This deep understanding of the role and superb acting skills is one of the important factors for the success of "Celebrating More Than Years 2".

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

In general, the outstanding performance of the characters and actors is one of the keys to the success of "Celebrating More Than Years 2". They add sparkle to the series in their own way, allowing the audience to feel the charm and story of the supporting characters while enjoying the story of the main character. This deep understanding of the characters and superb acting skills not only made the audience have a deeper love for the series, but also laid a solid foundation for the success of the series.

In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the acting skills of the actors have become the focus of heated discussions among the audience and critics. Among them, Wang Xiaochen's performance is particularly eye-catching, and her acting skills have been further refined and improved in this drama. Yuan Meng, played by Wang Xiaochen in the play, is a character with complex hearts and rich emotions. With her delicate emotional processing and superb acting skills, she successfully created a female image that is both weak and strong. When expressing Yuan Meng's subtle emotional changes, Wang Xiaochen can always accurately capture the inner world of the character, so that the audience can empathize. Her performance has not only won praise from the audience, but also has been recognized by industry insiders.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

However, not all of the actors' performances were unanimously praised. For example, Jin Chen and Wu Xingjian's performances in the play have received some criticism. The role played by Jin Chen in the play originally had a lot of room for development, but due to some shortcomings in performance, the depth and three-dimensional sense of the role were not fully displayed. Audiences and critics believe that Jin Chen's portrayal of the character's emotional layers and inner struggles sometimes seems too bland and lacks enough appeal. This not only affects the shaping of the characters, but also weakens the tension of the plot to a certain extent.

Wu Xingjian's situation is similar. His role in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is a character full of wisdom and strategy, but Wu Xingjian's performance seems a little inadequate in some aspects. Especially when dealing with the complex emotions and psychological activities of the characters, his performances sometimes seem to be less delicate and lack a sense of layering. This results in certain key turning points of the character not being well represented, affecting the audience's understanding and feeling of the character.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

In addition to Jin Chen and Wu Xingjian, the performances of some other actors in the play have also caused discussion. Some actors rely too much on external expressions when creating characters, and ignore the excavation of the character's inner world; Some actors appear a little stiff in their performances and lack a sense of natural flow. These deficiencies affected the overall quality of the series to a certain extent, and also made the audience have a different opinion on the performance of the actors.

However, we should also see the efforts and dedication of the actors in "Celebrating More Than Years 2". The production of each series is a team collaboration, and the performance of the actors is also completed with the joint efforts of the director, screenwriter and other team members. When evaluating an actor's acting skills, we must not only see their strengths and highlights, but also understand the difficulties and challenges they may encounter during the performance. After all, the improvement of acting skills is a process of continuous learning and progress, which requires time and experience accumulation.

Overall, the performances of the actors in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" have been high and low, but they have all contributed to the success of the series. The outstanding performances of actors such as Wang Xiaochen have added a lot to the series; And the shortcomings of actors such as Jin Chen and Wu Xingjian also remind us to give more understanding and support to the actors while enjoying the series. Through continuous efforts and learning, I believe that they will bring us more surprises and touches in their future works.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the comparison between the characters and the actors' images has become one of the hot topics of discussion among the audience. By comparing the actors' portrayal in the play with their portrayal in previous works, we can find some interesting phenomena that not only reflect the changes in the actors' acting skills, but also show the audience's different reactions to the image and acting skills of the characters.

First of all, Wang Xiaochen's role as Yuan Meng in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is obviously different from her previous image in other works. In previous works, Wang Xiaochen mostly showed people with a sunny and lively image, but in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", she successfully created a character with complex hearts and rich emotions. This transformation of the role image not only tested Wang Xiaochen's acting skills, but also allowed the audience to see her versatility and plasticity as an actor. The audience spoke highly of Wang Xiaochen's performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", believing that her acting skills have been significantly improved, and her character image is more three-dimensional and profound.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

In stark contrast to Wang Xiaochen is Jin Chen. In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the role played by Jin Chen is quite different from her previous image in other works. In previous works, Jin Chen mostly appeared as a strong and independent image, but in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", her role seems a little weak and passive. Although this transformation of the character image provided Jin Chen with the opportunity to show different acting skills, it also aroused criticism from some audiences. Some viewers think that Jin Chen did not achieve the expected effect when expressing the emotional level and inner struggle of the character, and the character image also seemed a little thin.

Wu Xingjian's performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" also attracted the attention of the audience. Compared with his previous images in other works, Wu Xingjian's role in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is more complex and deep. However, some viewers believe that Wu Xingjian's expression of the complex emotions and psychological activities of the characters sometimes does not seem natural and fluid, and the character image also lacks a certain degree of convincingness. This contrast not only reflects Wu Xingjian's shortcomings in acting skills, but also makes the audience have a different opinion of his performance.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

In addition to Wang Xiaochen, Jin Chen and Wu Xingjian, the character images of other actors in the play also have a certain contrast with their previous works. Some actors have successfully created a completely different character image in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", which has won the recognition and love of the audience; Some actors are a little incapable of shaping the character image, which has caused some controversy and criticism.

This contrast between the characters and the actors' images not only shows the changes in the actors' acting skills in different works, but also reflects the audience's different expectations and reactions to the characters' images and acting skills. In the process of appreciating "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the audience not only pays attention to the performance of the actors in the play, but also thinks about the similarities and differences between them and the images in previous works, as well as the reasons and meanings behind these similarities and differences.

In general, the contrast between the character and the actor's image is a phenomenon worth paying attention to in "Celebrating More Than Years 2". It not only provides the audience with a perspective to appreciate and evaluate the acting skills of the actors, but also triggers in-depth thinking about the role building and image transformation of the actors. Through this comparison, we can better understand the performance of the actors in different works, and we can also evaluate their acting skills and character image more comprehensively.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the performance of the actors sparked a wide discussion among the audience, including expectations for the future development of some actors. In the entertainment industry, beauty can certainly attract the audience's attention, but acting skills are the key to the long-term development of actors. Therefore, the audience and industry insiders have high hopes for the actors in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", especially those who still need to improve their acting skills.

First of all, for those actors who performed well in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", such as Wang Xiaochen, the audience hopes that they can continue to maintain and further improve their acting skills. Wang Xiaochen's performance in the play has proven her acting strength, but the road of art is endless. The audience expects her to continue to challenge different types of roles, constantly broaden her performance field, and at the same time dig deeper into the inner world of the characters in details, in order to reach a higher artistic realm.

For those actors who still have room for improvement in their acting skills, such as Jin Chen and Wu Xingjian, the audience hopes that they can calm down, seriously reflect on their performance, and continue to hone and improve in practice. The improvement of acting skills requires the accumulation of time and the precipitation of experience, and it also requires the efforts and persistence of the actors themselves. The audience expects them to learn from each performance, keep learning, keep improving, and ultimately be able to present more mature and superb acting skills in future productions.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

In addition, for all the actors who participated in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", the audience hopes that they can realize that acting skills are the core competitiveness of actors. In today's highly competitive entertainment market, only actors with truly superb acting skills can stand out among many works and win the recognition and love of the audience. Therefore, whether it is a veteran actor or a new actor, you should make improving your acting skills a top priority in your career.

At the same time, the audience also hopes that the actors can maintain their awe of art and love for their performances. Art requires emotion and soul, and only actors who truly love and respect art can inject vitality into their performances and touch the hearts of the audience. Therefore, the audience expects the actors to always maintain their enthusiasm for performance and the pursuit of art, and continue to explore and innovate in order to go further on the road of acting.

Finally, the audience also hopes that the producer and director can give more support and guidance to the actors. In the process of the development of an actor, the guidance of the director and the help of the team are also crucial. By working with great directors, actors can improve their acting skills faster and can also get more inspiration and inspiration in their performances. Therefore, the audience expects the producers and directors to provide more opportunities for actors to learn and grow, and help them continue to improve on the road of acting.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly

In short, the audience has high hopes for the actors in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", hoping that they can realize the importance of acting skills and continue to hone and improve in practice. Whether you are a veteran actor or a new actor, you should make improving your acting skills your top priority, while also maintaining your awe and love for art. Through continuous efforts and learning, I believe that they will be able to achieve greater achievements on the road of performing arts in the future and bring more excellent works to the audience.

Acting "lagging"? After watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2", you can understand: these three actors were scolded unjustly