
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

author:Window of Shenzhen
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

On June 16, the 2024 More Than Climbing Everest Speech Event was successfully held in Dameisha Biosphere No. 3, Shenzhen, which was jointly sponsored by Shenzhen Mountaineering and Outdoor Sports Association and Deep Diving Sports and Health (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., and nearly 500 Everest climbers, entrepreneurs from various industries, and outdoor sports enthusiasts from all over the world gathered in Shenzhen through the wind and rain to participate in the annual event.

Ms. Zhang Hua, Vice Mayor of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, Mr. Li Zhong, Secretary of the Yantian District Committee of the Communist Party of China, Mr. He Jianhui, Deputy Director of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Tourism and Sports, Mr. Jian Zheng, Deputy Mayor of Yantian District People's Government, Mr. Wang Shi, Founding President of Shenzhen Dengxie, Founder of Vanke Group, Deepstone Group, Chairman of Vanke Public Welfare Foundation, Mr. Wang Jian, Chairman of Huada Group and Honorary President of Shenzhen Dengjiang Association, Mr. Li Wei, Founder of Songhe Capital and President of Shenzhen Denghui Association, and other leading guests attended the launching ceremony.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Since the end of the 2024 Everest mountaineering season, 15 climbers from Shenzhen have reached the summit of Mount Everest, reaching the largest number of Shenzhen climbs in history, among which 70-year-old Wang Jian, chairman of Huada Group, has set a new record for the oldest person to climb Mount Everest in China. Up to now, the number of people who have climbed Mount Everest in Shenzhen has reached 61, a total of 70 people.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Shenzhen's spiritual culture and mountaineering adventure are in the same line. Beginning with climbing, more than climbing is not only the theme of this event, but also has become the best footnote to Shenzhen, a city that dares to think and fight, and has the courage to take risks. Wang Shi said that the number of people who have climbed Mount Everest in Shenzhen ranks first among the world's largest cities with a population of 10 million. The city's climbing venture, like its economic development, is at the forefront of domestic cities.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

As long as you love climbing, it will always be the year to fight

The celebration also specially invited Wang Shi, founder of Vanke Group, Wang Jian, chairman of Huada Group, Yin Ye, CEO of Huada Group, and Li Wei, founding partner of Songhe Capital, and Li Wei, the current president of Shenzhen Dengxi, to have a summit conversation and talk about the indissoluble bond with Mount Everest, and encourage more people to bravely break the restrictions and ask about the "Mount Everest" that can be climbed in this era.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Xiong Tianbo, general manager of Equation Leopard Automobile, said that after learning more about the stories of climbers, she is more confident to lead Equation Leopard to explore and solve in unknown areas;

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Tenzin Wangmu, the first woman in China's Tibet Autonomous Region to successfully climb Mount Everest, learned from mountaineer Pan Duo and stayed at the summit for more than two hours with a BGI handheld ultrasound device. In order to obtain real data, I did an ultrasound test on myself for more than an hour in the anaerobic state.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Wang Jian, who led the BGI mountaineering team to the summit, said that he would move more scientific instruments to higher altitudes and make more challenges for human survival under extreme conditions, hoping to play a constructive role in the future scientific development of mankind, Martian migration, and extraterrestrial life.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Yin Ye, who did a 5-hour live broadcast of popular science at the highest altitude, said frankly that everyone has their own Mount Everest to climb, and the climbing of science and technology is conducive to the progress of the world, which is more meaningful. There is also a call for leaving more ecological niches for today's young people.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

The guests discussed the application of the climbing spirit in modern society, and these conversations were thought-provoking and provided forward-looking perspectives and reflections for the industry.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Listen to the story of Mount Everest and find the answer in your heart

Nearly 100 people came to the event, and 12 others shared their wonderful stories on stage.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Among them, Zhang Hong, the guest speaker of the first season, was invited to speak again, and he told that he and his son spent 8 months walking 318 whole journeys until the foot of Mount Everest, and in the hearts of their father and son, the mountain peak has never been a goal, but a road. At the same time, the real stories of Mount Everest of 12 mountain friends, including Sun Bin, Du Sikai, Xu Zhuoyuan, Liu Ping, Yang Xuesong, Na Mucuo, Li Weishe, He Changjuan, Hu Tao, Lu Mingyong, Chen Guoqing, etc., interpret that Mount Everest is never a "trip to go", but a "careful project" that does not allow mistakes.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

The audience said that after watching the speech, they realized that each of our lives is not a mountain. On this mountain, there are wind and snow, tiredness, and anxiety. Everyone standing on the top of the mountain, in the process of climbing all the way, let go of a lot, reconciled a lot, and gained a lot. They are strength, anticipation, born to the sun, and ready to go.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Heroic dreams about climbing never come to an end

As part of the event, the organizers also planned the Everest Art and Cultural Fair, which provided a platform for cultural exchange on Mount Everest and created a spiritual and cultural feast for the audience.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Among the two outdoor documentary short films, Muzi and Li Heng took the documentary team to climb Mount Everest in 2023 and Muzi paragliding from 8,000 meters The documentary "Everest Flight Guide" premiered nationwide; Wen Xu, a young explorer who has no help and no backup for the Antarctic scientific expedition, brings the advanced appreciation of "Light Whisperer: Walking Alone in Antarctica" and many behind-the-scenes stories.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

A number of mountaineers shared books related to high altitude on the spot, and two of China's most representative climbers, Xia Boyu, a legless mountaineer, and Liu Yongzhong, a 14-seater climber, communicated with the audience on the spot.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Several mountaineers who will summit Mount Everest in 2024 expressed their feelings about climbing the snow-capped mountain for the first time in the noon live broadcast room. It is worth mentioning that Maizi, a friend of Mount Everest from Xinjiang, brought specific folk mountaineering historical objects that have undergone the test of life and death above 8,000 meters for 20 years, which is the first of its kind in China to protect the history and culture related to mountaineering.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

With a brave heart of exploration, pay tribute to the climbers

The success of this celebration is inseparable from the strong support of the brand. With the heart of brave exploration, Formula Leopard pays tribute to the climbers, and becomes a strategic partner of more than climbing in 2024, providing multi-faceted support for this event.

Formula Leopard is a professional personalized brand launched by BYD Group, relying on the champion pedigree and leading technology of BYD, a new energy leader, to create DMO super hybrid off-road platform and other professional "leopard power" technology, and continue to launch various automotive products including hard-core SUVs and sports cars. At the scene, the Everest climbers also experienced and tasted the strong product strength of Leopard Automobile's "New Energy Off-road Pioneering Solution" Leopard 5.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng

Finally, I would like to thank the industry partners of this event, the world's leading brand of high-altitude mountaineering, Kaile Stone, and the designated repair equipment aesthetician of the Tibet Everest Mountaineering Team for their strong support.

At the same time, we would also like to thank the chief interview, Youshan Wine, Xinchao Wine Cabinet, BGI Nutrition, Kendall, Flexibility and Toughness Reading Club, Gaoguang Studio and other cooperative units and media for their strong support.

Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng
Mountain friends gathered to talk about climbing, and the spirit of Mount Everest spread to Pengcheng