
Official announcement! Zhu Ting joined the new club, wearing the No. 4 jersey, with the intention of helping the team win seven consecutive championships

Official announcement! Zhu Ting joined the new club, wearing the No. 4 jersey, with the intention of helping the team win seven consecutive championships

Sports philosopher

2024-06-27 20:44Creators in the field of sports

On June 27, according to the announcement of the Italian women's volleyball club Conegliano, Zhu Ting, the main attacker of the Chinese women's volleyball team, officially joined the team! In other words, Zhu Ting said goodbye to the Scandicci team, and next season, she will become a member of the Conegliano team and represent the new team in the new season of the Serie A Women's Volleyball League. Here, I also congratulate Zhu Ting for getting her new work contract. According to the understanding, Zhu Ting will wear the No. 4 jersey to participate in the new season.

Official announcement! Zhu Ting joined the new club, wearing the No. 4 jersey, with the intention of helping the team win seven consecutive championships

In the first two seasons, Zhu Ting played in the Italian Women's Volleyball League Scandicci, however, Zhu Ting's arrival did not bring the Scandic team the league championship, after the end of last season, the Scandicci team's contract with Zhu Ting expired, and then the two sides did not continue to sign and officially broke up. Interestingly, last season, the Scandicci team made it all the way to the finals, and in the final, it was the 1-3 aggregate defeat to the new club Conegliano that made the Conegliano team six consecutive titles.

Conegliano is a giant team in the Italian Women's Volleyball League, and their results in recent years have been very good, from 2018 to 2024, they have achieved the miracle of six consecutive Serie A women's volleyball league titles. This time, Zhu Ting joined the Conegliano team, so to speak, with a new goal, yes, that is, to help the Conegliano team achieve the goal of seven consecutive championships.

Official announcement! Zhu Ting joined the new club, wearing the No. 4 jersey, with the intention of helping the team win seven consecutive championships

Judging from Zhu Ting's overseas team, the first team she played for was the Turkish Vakifer Bank team of the Turkish Women's Volleyball League, and later because of the preparation for the 2020 Olympic Games, at the request of Lang Ping, Zhu Ting did not renew her contract with the Turkish Vakifer Bank team, but chose to return to China and joined the Tianjin women's volleyball team, however, Zhu Ting's huge contribution did not help the team win the championship in the 2020 Olympic Games, on the contrary, the team did not qualify for the Olympic group stage because of Zhu Ting's wrist injury, creating the worst results of the Chinese women's volleyball team since participating in the Olympic Games, which is very embarrassing.

Official announcement! Zhu Ting joined the new club, wearing the No. 4 jersey, with the intention of helping the team win seven consecutive championships

After the 2020 Olympic Games, Zhu Ting chose to continue playing overseas, she joined the Italian Women's Volleyball League Scandicci team, and after two years of cooperation, the two sides did not choose to continue to cooperate. This time she joined the Conegliano team, and it is also Zhu Ting's third team in Europe. Here, I also look forward to Zhu Ting being able to perform well in the Conegliano team and play her own style.

Of course, before going to play in the Conegliano team, Zhu Ting also had to represent the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Paris Olympics. One of the most important reasons for Zhu Ting's return to the Chinese women's volleyball team this time is to help the team achieve good results in the Paris Olympics, and even help the Chinese women's volleyball team to impact the Olympic championship.

Official announcement! Zhu Ting joined the new club, wearing the No. 4 jersey, with the intention of helping the team win seven consecutive championships

In fact, the Paris Olympics can also be said to be Zhu Ting's chance to prove herself again, after all, in the last Olympic Games, the Chinese women's volleyball team created the worst result in team history, and did not qualify for the group stage. At the same time, Zhu Ting's own performance in the game was also very bad. I believe that Zhu Ting will use her best efforts to complete her third Olympic journey in this Olympic Games.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, the main attack of the Chinese women's volleyball team, also returned to the Chinese women's volleyball team again after three years. So, can the Chinese women's volleyball team win the Paris Olympics? Let's wait and see!

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  • Official announcement! Zhu Ting joined the new club, wearing the No. 4 jersey, with the intention of helping the team win seven consecutive championships
  • Official announcement! Zhu Ting joined the new club, wearing the No. 4 jersey, with the intention of helping the team win seven consecutive championships
  • Official announcement! Zhu Ting joined the new club, wearing the No. 4 jersey, with the intention of helping the team win seven consecutive championships
  • Official announcement! Zhu Ting joined the new club, wearing the No. 4 jersey, with the intention of helping the team win seven consecutive championships

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