
A new round of fiscal and tax reform is coming! How could tax IT benefit?

author:School of Finance

Recently, the mainland has put forward an important strategy for deepening reforms in key areas, with special emphasis on planning a new round of fiscal and taxation system reform, and is committed to improving the refinement of the division of fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities between the central and local governments.

This series of reform measures will undoubtedly have a far-reaching impact on the mainland's fiscal and taxation system.

Since the reform and opening up, the mainland's fiscal and taxation system has undergone four rounds of major reforms:

1980-1993: Fiscal and taxation reform was carried out around the two main lines of "profit tax reform" and "lump sum system".

1994-2004: The "tax-sharing system" appeared on the stage of history.

2004-2014: Continued to improve the fiscal and taxation system.

2014-present: Deepening the reform of the fiscal and taxation system.

A new round of fiscal and tax reform is coming! How could tax IT benefit?

At the same time, the construction of the tax information system has also experienced the transformation from the electronic realization of single-point functions to the regulation and control of the circulation role of "a game of chess in the whole country".

In this process, the tax information system not only provides strong decision-making support for tax collection and management, but is also expected to empower the intelligence and precision of social governance.

Therefore, a brokerage believes that the market prospects of financial and tax IT suppliers are broad and will continue to benefit from this process.

Business opportunities on the IT side of finance: The core is to carry out more refined management and monitoring of financial expenditures, mainly including three aspects.

For transfer payment: In order to improve the review and performance appraisal of the financial budget, the provincial finance department has increased the demand for the smart financial audit system and the demand for the transfer payment module for budget integration.

Financial supervision system requirements: The financial supervision system can inspect and supervise the process of budget preparation and budget implementation, and it is also an important work of the financial department around a new round of fiscal and taxation reform, which is also a large market size;

The demand for the digital financial system: One of the most important things that the Ministry of Finance is promoting, the purpose is to find out the financial background, strengthen the standardization of the field and direction of fiscal expenditure, evaluate fiscal expenditure, and improve the ability of fiscal macro-control.

A new round of fiscal and tax reform is coming! How could tax IT benefit?

Looking back on the development process of the Golden Tax Project, from the first phase of the Golden Tax to the fourth phase of the Golden Tax, every step has witnessed the continuous progress of the mainland's tax informatization construction.

Driven by the new round of fiscal and tax reform, full data will play a key supporting role and provide more accurate and efficient data support for tax management and social governance.

To sum up, the new round of fiscal and taxation system reform will have a far-reaching impact on the mainland's fiscal and taxation system, and also provide a broad market space for the development of financial and taxation IT suppliers, smart financial audit systems, financial and accounting supervision systems and digital financial systems.

(Summarize related companies, not recommended)

Tax-friendly shares: It is a leading comprehensive service provider of financial and tax informatization in China.

Zhongke Jiangnan: The company is a leading manufacturer of China's financial informatization and digital government.

Booz Software: The company is one of the top 100 software enterprises in China. The company's main business is the development, sales and service of software products, focusing on the fields of digital ticketing, smart finance, digital procurement, and smart city + digital village.

Aerospace information: As a leading enterprise in the field of information technology of Aerospace Science and Industry Group, the company has been playing a key role in the "Golden Tax Phase I" to "Golden Tax Phase III" project.

Yonyou Network: As a world-renowned cloud service and software provider for enterprise and public organizations.

A new round of fiscal and tax reform is coming! How could tax IT benefit?