
What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up

What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up

Cuckoo Mom

2024-06-27 21:13Creator in the field of parenting

Hello everyone, I'm Cuckoo~

While playing in the park with a boogon girl, she chatted with a mother. The mother told me that her son was "lazy" and that he would only sit and not move at a time when everyone else was climbing.

Mom took his toys a little farther away, and he would rather not play with them than crawl over to get them back.

However, it seems that not climbing has no effect on my son, and when he was more than a year old, he directly skipped crawling, stood on his own and learned to walk.

Mom is still a little puzzled, doesn't the child generally have to go through the stages of sitting, climbing, standing, and walking? Skipping the "climbing" stage will have any developmental impact?

Most children will go through the developmental stage of crawling, but some children will skip some of these steps and go straight to the next step.

What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"?

What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up

One: There are 3 obvious gaps in growing up

The child crawls or not. Where is the gap?

(1) Crawling children are not prone to motion sickness

We sat in a parked car and didn't feel it. And as soon as the car moved around, it didn't work, and it began to get dizzy and uncomfortable.

This is because our perception of "space" is not very strong. When the vehicle is moving quickly, we can't better adapt to the change in space, so we get motion sickness.

And in our ears, there is a system called the vestibule, which is responsible for the sense of balance and space.

What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up

When the child is crawling, he needs to constantly adjust his head and body position, a little to the left, a little off, a little more to the right, yes, that's it, go forward, not backward.

He was clumsy at first, but the more he climbed, the faster he climbed, the more skilled he became.

During the crawling process, his vestibular system can be well stimulated and exercised, thereby enhancing the sense of balance and space.

Moreover, the child goes from being able to sit in one place to crawling to another, which is the first time that he experiences the process of spatial movement.

With such a process, he will be able to better adapt to the rapid changes in space, so that he will not be prone to motion sickness.

Of course, there are other factors that contribute to motion sickness, such as fatigue, hunger, nervousness, etc., and it is not only affected by crawling.

It's just that a child whose vestibule is exercised is more adaptable to space.

What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up

(2) Crawling promotes brain development

When your child crawls, he will first extend his right hand and lift his left leg, or he will first reach out his left hand and lift his right leg. In this way, one left and one right alternately, and they crawled into the distance.

In our brain, the left hemisphere is in charge of the actions of the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere is in charge of the actions of the left side of the body.

The child's crawling in front of the other, one after the other, left and right, is actually the coordination between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and the cross-development of the nervous system.

This kind of cross movement requires the participation of the left and right hemispheres at the same time. In this way, the two hemispheres will not be able to achieve friendly cooperation and happy cooperation.

As long as the left and right brains are constantly talking and communicating efficiently, the child's comprehensive ability can be greatly developed. Such as language, mathematics, logic, etc.

Not only that, but crawling also allows the child's senses to integrate.

What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up

When he climbs, he doesn't crawl forward recklessly.

He needs to look, to see if there are any obstacles in front of and behind, and whether they will bump into them? Develop vision.

He needs to concentrate and not climb too far and climb out the door. Develop concentration.

He needs to feel, is his hand crawling on the ground icy or is the temperature just right? Are you comfortable? Develop a sense of touch.

He also needs to determine where the target is and how far away. Develop depth perception.

Don't underestimate every step of the child's development, in fact, he is developing wholeheartedly, laying a solid foundation for future growth.

What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up

(3) Coordination ability

The best thing for children to crawl is their coordination.

When crawling, the child's hands, legs, back, neck and other major joints and muscles are fully exercised, which can lay a good foundation for standing and walking steadily in the future.

Children move forward in harmony with their limbs and constantly adjust their body center of gravity, which can enhance their sense of balance and stability, and can also coordinate the movements of different parts to prepare for various major sports in the future.

In this way, the gap between children crawling and not climbing is really quite large.

What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up

2: How to exercise children to climb?

Of course, if the child has not experienced climbing, the mother does not need to panic, worrying that the child will fall behind in the future.

Even if the child does not experience climbing, as long as he exercises more and develops his limbs more in the later stage, there is no problem with physical development.

For example, we can take our children to swim, jump gymnastics, walk on the balance beam, etc., which can build muscles and coordination.

And if the child is going through the "climbing" stage, we can provide some help to let him climb more.

● An open environment

In the past, when the cloth girl crawled, I cleaned up the whole bedroom and living room for her to crawl.

It was cold and the ground was icy. I just lay a floor mat, and the floor mat is not enough to add sheets, duvet covers, and blankets. In short, as long as she wants to climb, let her climb enough.

● Toy suction

We can put our child's favorite toys not far away and entice him to crawl over and get them.

Or the mother stands not far away, stretching out her hands to attract the baby to come and hug her.

What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up

● "Tools" for adults

In addition to the fact that the child likes to crawl on the ground, he also likes to crawl around on adults.

As long as you bend down to make the bed, the child will climb on your back, fall down and come up again, and never get tired of it.

We can be our own "mountain", so that our children can "climb over the mountains and mountains" and experience the fun of crawling.

As the saying goes, "seven sits and eight climbs", when the child reaches the age of being able to climb, we can guide him to climb up more. When the child is well developed and the body is strong, we as parents are more at ease.

When did your child start climbing?

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

About the author:Cuckoo mother, psychological counselor, family education instructor, marriage emotional counselor, focusing on children's psychology, understanding children's easy parenting, if you like it, pay attention to it~

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  • What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up
  • What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up
  • What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up
  • What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up
  • What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up
  • What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up
  • What is the difference between a child who "walks without climbing" and a child who "crawls first and then walks"? There is a clear gap between the three growing up

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