
Youth (53) – a family responsibility of course


At the beginning of the work, due to the shortage of housing, the three new teachers lived in a house, and the cramped space made me dream about wandering there for many years, and my room seemed to have not been lived in for a long time. In my dreams, there are often fluorescent lights that can't be turned on, flashing and flickering, lingering.

In the second semester, after the Spring Festival, I was not the only one who went back to school, and I took the fourth sister who was in the second year of junior high school, and the courage at that time was really too big, the housing of three big men, and a younger sister, I really brought, my parents were also assured, and my sister dared to come, at that time I really felt that I was the pillar of the family! When my colleague Mr. Guo saw that it was not easy for me, he said: Let your sister come to live in my house, there are three girls in my family, and there is not much more. It's really an unforgettable kindness, who will care about your idle business now!

Youth (53) – a family responsibility of course

The fourth sister can't catch up with her studies, especially English, and the rural schools basically don't open English, and after the mid-term exam, we decided to let her repeat the grade, and it will be possible to turn the situation around from the beginning of the junior year. At this time, the school decided to move to a new location, and the office conditions improved. Teachers have a dormitory for two, and the teaching and research department is centralized, and the young people who have just arrived, which one does not want a single dormitory of their own, so they jointly request: one room for each person, and the office and residence are one. So I had a room of my own, and my sister was able to move back from her colleague's house.

In the summer of 83, the second sister caused a neck tumor due to a fever that did not subside in time, the early stage was small, and then it grew bigger and bigger, so I led her to Lanzhou for surgery, and after several twists and turns, her common carotid artery fibroswannoma was finally removed, thanks to the full help of the fourth uncle, sister-in-law and brother-in-law. When the second sister was discharged from the hospital, it was already the day of school, so I went back to work directly. When I went back to school, the fourth sister and the younger sister had already returned to school, and I forgot who sent them to school, it should be the second brother.

Youth (53) – a family responsibility of course

My little sister is because the fourth sister followed me to school, and I was jealous, so I wanted to come, but when I went to school, I saw a different scene than I imagined, and it was the first time I left home, and I felt sad, so I felt that my stomach hurt, and I didn't come back that day, and my colleague Mr. Wu ran to the school hospital on her back, and I didn't find any problems. At that time, food, housing, and office were in the same house.

At first, the two younger sisters lived in one bed, and I lived in one, but then they were too crowded, so they had to let each of them sleep in a bed, and I borrowed an iron sheet bed (the middle was woven with an iron sheet more than a centimeter wide, with irregular gaps, and placed in another space, because there was no extra mattress, I slept on the iron sheet with my clothes, and then I somehow solved it, and now I don't remember very clearly).

Youth (53) – a family responsibility of course

At that time, it was still a supply system, but it was also slightly liberalized. I have 28 pounds of grain a month, 58 yuan in the first year, and 63 yuan after turning positive in the fourteenth month, to feed the three of us, the three of us eat the same amount of food at every meal, I am one meter seven three high, I have maintained a weight of 60 kilograms in those years, and I have to give money to my parents every time I go home every holiday, so I have formed a stubborn image in the minds of my parents and younger siblings - that is, I am very rich.

Going to school is relatively simple, the tuition and book fees are not too high, but it is more troublesome to eat, I have to go to work, and I have to buy vegetables and cook, there is no stove, I can only use a kerosene stove to cook meals for three people. Then there is illness, once the little sister was sick, I took her and the fourth sister to the city hospital for treatment, just after the injection came out, standing at the door of the hospital thinking about the way back to school, but the little sister said that she was dizzy, saying that she was going to fall. I was so scared that I picked her up and ran to the injection room, and the fourth sister followed behind, calling the doctor while running, but it was nothing, and I came back after resting for a while.

Youth (53) – a family responsibility of course

In '86, I finally found someone who didn't dislike my poor family and didn't dislike my heavy burden and was willing to live with me. I wanted to get married, I was twenty-eight years old, but my two younger sisters, sixteen and fourteen, had no place to live because I had to set up a new house in that office--dorm house.

So I wanted my two younger sisters to go back to school in the county seat, and when my father learned about the situation, he was very angry, because my father still had to talk to his uncles and aunts, because they were all in school, and he also wanted to find his second brother and let the two younger sisters live with him. During that time, I was the sinner in the family, the standard unmarried daughter-in-law had forgotten her mother, and even the driver of the fourth uncle who came to help me get things was mocking me, so ashamed that I couldn't raise my head.

Youth (53) – a family responsibility of course

Three years after we got married, the two of us suffered a catastrophe, the first child was not born, and the second child was born at the end of 88. Half a year later, in 1989, the fourth sister graduated from high school, but was not admitted to university. During the summer vacation, I went home alone to help my parents harvest wheat, so I didn't discuss it with my lover and brought my two younger sisters back to my home. At that time, my child was less than a year old, my fourth sister was 19 years old, and my fifth sister was 17 years old. Due to the small size of the children and the fact that my lover often lives in her mother's house, I come to work during the day, tutor my fourth sister in the college entrance examination, and cook for my two younger sisters, and then go back after dinner. After a year of hard work, the fourth sister was admitted to university in 1990, the fourth sister was 20 years old, and the fifth sister was 18 years old.

After the fourth sister left, the little sister was left. In '88, before I gave birth to a child, after many efforts, the school gave me a house and a half. The two younger sisters lived here after they came back again in '89. When the child was two years old, in 1991, because my wife and brother had graduated for two years and had to go back to the city from the countryside, I had to go home to live, so my lover moved back from my mother's house, and I borrowed a single dormitory from the school, which is where I lived before and after I got married, and where I worked, and where unmarried young people lived. In order not to make my little sister feel lonely, I also invited a female classmate in my class to live with her.

Youth (53) – a family responsibility of course

The following summer, in the summer of 1992, when my little sister was 20 years old, there was a flood, and the single dormitory was low-lying, and all the rooms were flooded, including where my little sister lived, and I cleaned her residence. It seems that there were rumors of an earthquake for a while. I can't remember if it was that year or the next year, my little sister didn't want to study with me, so my father said: The teaching quality of your school is poor, so let your little sister go back to the county to go to school. In the planning of my father and younger sister, I ended my career of taking my sister to school.

Colleagues who know the roots often tell me: You can be regarded as a hero of your family. I always smile when I hear it. In my heart, I am always grateful to them for their recognition and help to me!

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