
1 convertible bond was declared to be redeemed

author:Invest in convertible bonds
1 convertible bond was declared to be redeemed

This article was originally sent yesterday evening.

Sunong's convertible bonds are about to mature, and the company announced that they will be redeemed at maturity. The last trading day is July 29, the last transfer date is August 1, and the redemption price is 110 yuan.

There is still one trading day left to meet the redemption conditions, and we should be wary of the risk of after-hours forced redemption on the 26th.

1 convertible bond was declared to be redeemed

Note: For the redemption impact, please refer to the column "What is the biggest risk of convertible bonds?" 》。

For the views and principles of this article, please refer to "Value Convertible Bond Investment Strategy" (authors: Ning Yuanjun, Tang Bin).

1 convertible bond was declared to be redeemed

Soaring! Skyrocket! "The downward revision does not stop", "A batch of convertible bonds are downgraded", "2 convertible bonds are proposed to be revised downward, and 3 convertible bonds are about to be satisfied" have been posted simultaneously on the WeChat public account, welcome to pay attention!

The relevant securities mentioned in this article do not constitute any investment advice, only for personal investment records and to share investment ideas, if netizens buy and sell according to the securities mentioned in the article, please bear your own risk!

