
The DPP's hype of "mainland intervention" can there be something new? Bay Area looks out of the Strait

author:Straight news

The reform of Taiwan's legislature continues to stir up public opinion in Taiwan, and the DPP authorities have concocted fake news for their own political interests in an attempt to dump the mainland and divert the focus of social attention. Taiwan's "China Times" recently published an editorial entitled "Playing Ghosts and Shouting Ghosts, Green Political Media is a Show," exposing the DPP authorities' usual methods of manipulating public opinion and the calculations behind them.

The DPP is anxious to escort "its own people" through the customs and resorts to its usual means of "smearing red."

The editorial said that after the completion of the third reading of the legislation and the failure of the administrative reconsideration of the legislative body, the war for the reform of Taiwan's legislature has now entered the stage of judicial interpretation, and all parties have resorted to social mobilization at the same time to try to initiate a recall showdown. At this time, the green media "Liberty Times" suddenly claimed that the mainland interfered in the political program of a certain Taiwan TV station, from the production and broadcast of the program to the on-site monitoring, "all mainland media reporters in Taiwan were present to control it to confirm that the program met the requirements." As soon as the news was broadcast, it caused an uproar in the society, but the green camp's smearing trick was quickly seen through after being used again and again.

The editorial pointed out that on the surface, the green media said that it was very pretentious, but in fact it could not stand up to scrutiny. There are two reasons for this: First, the DPP cannot resist the pressure of public opinion on the new legislature to "crack down on corruption, investigate malpractices, and declassify," so it can only continue to smear the opposition parties for being so-called "instructed by the mainland." In an attempt to brainwash the Taiwan people with such false and absurd arguments, the lie that "the mainland controls Taiwan's political discussion programs" came into being; Second, the "Organic Law of the Taiwan Communications Commission," which was jointly proposed by blue and white, is about to enter the negotiation stage, and the DPP is eager to escort the four newly nominated members through the pass.

The DPP's hype of "mainland intervention" can there be something new? Bay Area looks out of the Strait

Taiwan Communications Commission Office Building Source: Internet

The editorial said that the biggest blind spot in the fake news concocted by the "Liberty Times" is that it fundamentally treats Taiwanese people as mentally retarded. "Why don't you dare to specify which TV station or which political program? It is clear that it is deliberately creating a smokescreen, so that all non-green media and non-green camp celebrities will form a situation of civil strife in which everyone is in danger and suspicious of each other. Immediately afterwards, the "Liberty Times" stepped up to expose the so-called "five major patterns of the mainland's involvement in the Taiwan media", and then used anonymous methods to stigmatize cross-strait media exchanges.

In the face of external skepticism, the "Liberty Times" said that the source needs to be kept secret, and "if the media are curious, they should verify it on their own." This argument is as absurd as accusing others of committing a crime without producing evidence, but instead asking the accused to acquit himself. "Anonymous insinuation can be irresponsible to this point, which is completely contrary to the professionalism and conscience of journalism."

The editorial further pointed out that the DPP has no shortage of records in creating and manipulating fake news, and its usual method is to first "smear the red" with insinuations, and then fabricate "trumped-up" charges with false accusations, and even impose punishments in violation of procedural justice, so as to create social misunderstanding and disgust, and achieve the goal of stifling press freedom. We must continue to pay close attention to whether the green media is operating behind the scenes, trying to cover up the personnel case of Taiwan's Communications and Communications Commission, or putting pressure on specific TV stations, "not allowing the boat to cross the water without a trace".

For example, Xiang Xin, chairman of China Innovation Investment Corporation, and Gong Qing and his wife were detained in Taiwan for 1,363 days, and finally they were determined not to be prosecuted. Has the DPP party media ever apologized for this oolong case? Now that the DPP authorities have lost a lot of money on the reform of the legislature, the legislature is "unwarranted" and the legislature is "playing chess on the mainland" and is not named to deduct the "red hat."

The DPP's hype of "mainland intervention" can there be something new? Bay Area looks out of the Strait

Xiang Xin, Gong Qing and his wife (data map) Source: Internet

The editorial believes that once upon a time, the entire green battalion, from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to the flanking Internet army, almost always used the "conspiracy of the mainland" to cover up its wrongdoings whenever it encountered a crisis or predicament, and even when there was a scandal involving fraud by its own people. At the beginning, this kind of trick attached to the so-called "anti-China protection Taiwan" umbrella was "still useful", but after repeatedly tasting the sweetness, the internal injury brought by it was that I didn't want to actively reflect on and correct my mistakes, and I only knew how to deal with it lazily, "'The wolf is coming' shouted too much, and in the end, no one believed it, and it would be devoured by the wolf."

Taiwan's veteran media person Wang Shangzhi posted on social media today (27th) that the two sides of the strait have further accelerated in the direction of a "historic endgame", and this is the fast button personally pressed by Lai Qingde on the day of "5.20". Lai Ching-te is still operating "trying to turn the confrontation between the government and the opposition in Taiwan into a cross-strait confrontation (leading to a confrontation between the two sides of the strait)," which is completely a kind of complete ignorance and all-out "leading the war."

In addition, with regard to Liang Wenjie, spokesman for Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, saying that "not only Mazu, but also Emperor Baosheng, Emperor Guan, and Emperor Shennong are all tools of the mainland's united front against Taiwan," Wang Shangzhi bitterly criticized Liang Wenjie for making irresponsible remarks because the gods would not reply, which is "simply slander."

The DPP's hype of "mainland intervention" can there be something new? Bay Area looks out of the Strait

Wang Shangzhi posted on social platforms praising mainland TV programs. Source: Taiwan's "China Times News Network"

Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, pointed out to the media at the "Anti-Corruption and Fraud Investigation -- Briefing on the Reform of the National Assembly" held in Miaoli this morning that 60 percent of the people in Taiwan support the determination of the legislature to reform, and according to the law, the only way for the Taiwan authorities is to accept it. "If the legislature fails, the opposition parties will be fighting, and if the fight continues, Taiwan will certainly be restless."

The case of importing eggs is full of suspicions, and the Taiwan authorities are afraid of being held accountable

In September last year, a dispute broke out in Taiwan over the import of Brazilian eggs by Chaosi Company, and some representatives of the People's Republic of China reported relevant officials to the Taiwan procuratorate, but it has been more than nine months since the incident, and the Taiwan procuratorate has not yet interviewed the relevant people to explain the case. The Taipei District Prosecutor's Office said today (27th) that the prosecutor will "take appropriate investigative actions in a timely manner according to the situation".

The DPP's hype of "mainland intervention" can there be something new? Bay Area looks out of the Strait

Source: Taiwan's "United News Network"

Huang Guochang, a representative of the People's Party, recently revealed that the relevant administrative investigation report handed over by Taiwan's agricultural department this month was incomplete, and the number of eggs purchased was underreported by 6 million. He mentioned that in the past, he asked Taiwan's agricultural department to hand over the contract for the purchase of eggs by Chaosi, but Taiwan's agricultural department initially refused to provide it on the grounds that "the contract has a confidentiality clause"; later, after he found out the contract, he found that only the manufacturer had a confidentiality obligation, so Taiwan's agricultural department changed its story and said that "it does not provide a contract based on the open government law." After being slapped in the face again, Taiwan's agricultural department actually resorted to a big trick saying that "there is no contract at all."

Huang Guochang pointed out that the DPP authorities have pursued the spirit of "procrastinating if they can, and mixing up if they can," and it is very difficult to deal with such acts of the DPP under the current Taiwan legislature system. Netizens on the island left comments saying that "the investigation is not open to the public, and the time is abused as a collusion of confessions", "no wonder the DPP wants to use rumors to block the reform of Taiwan's legislature."

According to previous reports, a serious egg shortage will break out in Taiwan in 2023, and in order to solve the egg shortage problem, the agricultural affairs department of the Taiwan authorities will implement a special import. According to public information, from March to July 2023, Taiwan imported about 140 million eggs, and the government subsidized the price difference of about NT$570 million, of which Chaosi Company, which has a registered capital of only NT$500,000, received a subsidy of 175 million yuan and imported 88.14 million eggs, accounting for more than 6% of the total imports. The relevant news aroused the attention of the island, and then related to the price, process, purchase amount and profit of the imported eggs of the company, which continued to cause social controversy on the island.

The DPP's hype of "mainland intervention" can there be something new? Bay Area looks out of the Strait

Author: Duan Xiaoqing, senior chief writer of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

Editor: Lai Chenlu, editor-in-chief of Shenzhen Satellite TV Direct News

Typesetting: Cheng Lingyu, trainee editor of Shenzhen Satellite TV